What's their best/worst album?

What's their best/worst album?

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they're all awful dude gnarly bro see you at the half pipe

shut your faggot mouth

Enema of the State is a top tier pop rock album
didn't bother or plan on listening to anything else

your loss. enema is just their commercial breakout album, not their skate punk essence


Take Off Your Pants and Jacket is just as good

Self-Titled is their best though.

Dude Ranch > Cheshire Cat > Buddha


Neighborhoods aka The AVA Cutout Bin


Pile of Dog shit > toddler puke > Bloody tampon

>I only listen to REAL music like Death Grips, Kendrick, Swans, the list LITERALLY goes on

Only Love Is Dangerous is a AvA song, the rest of Neighborhoods is actually pretty good.

It has to grow on you but when it does it's a fantastic alternative rock record.

Snake Charmer has an awesome riff


Keep jacking off to your ex girlfriend's nudes from 2010 you fucking manchild

why are (You) in this thread?

>70903922 (You)

I thought so too when it first came out. But now for some reason Mark caught the serious bug and Tom is self releasing songs like Golden Showers In The Golden State that would've fit California perfectly.


Lol oops I made the faggot maaaad :)

I can literally picture you writing this. You wear beanies, skate-brand jeans, and vans/converse. You have a completely shit job, or none at all. And all of your relationships fail miserably. Am I wrong?

Tom is just a bad person to work with these days, but let's not forget that Mark didn't kick him out, Tom left all on his own.

And that solo album is pretty good stuff.

You got my choice of attire completely wrong, only one of my jobs is slightly boring, and I wouldn't say miserably. Lick my taint :)

You seem like you're projecting.

You were bullied by skater kids when you were young, didn't you?

>implying he isn't young and being bullied by them right now
He sounds like a teenager who's "mature for his age"


Cheshire Cat (still has a bunch of gems on it)


>most fun
Enema of the State

The Mark, Tom, & Travis Show

that being said, California was a fun little throwback after a decade of doing something completely different. Very refreshing, but if Skiba wants to stay for another album they will have to evolve a bit. 1 throwback album is enough.

Who are these guys? I can't imagine what it must be like to be as good looking as the guy on the right.

Dude Ranch is the best by quite a bit

They're the british blink, Busted

Busted are better than blink desu

contrarianism = shit taste

>caring about taste/contrarianism concerning pop punk
lol you take it too seriously

blink is godfather of the genre, nobody ever came close to them.

>dude turn your brain off lmao

As if you're really that intelligent in the first place