Sup Forums in 1966

I can't wait to be born in 20 years


boy i sure do love the beach bandits and their new album pet towns

Are you guys doing interesting? I'm the back-up guitarist of my friend's band, I really hope my friend stays fine and doesn't fry his brain with drugs but I'm glad to see he is keeping his mind healthy by working on his new album


man Acid is fucking great

What did he mean by this?

Underage get out

i can feel something broiling

is hippie movement over?


My dad is 6 and has yet to help conceive me in 31 years

>Help! comes out
>GOAT album
>Revolver comes out
what the fuck happened?

they peaked with Hard Days Night
fucking bob dylan, I hate that faggot and his shitty weed music

Rubber Soul was better tbqhfamily

>John le madman wants to burn a house down
>Edgy Paul attempts to sing in french
>George "I can write serious music guyz XD"

Nice meme tbqhmyfamila

>it's coming home it's coming football coming home
zero years of hurt lads.

peaked with please please me

ugh, I hate this generation.
Can't we get some good 50's style music.

Who cares, The Beatles are just a shitty Beach Boys rip-off anyway.

why did this need to be a gif

>tfw singing Kill for Peace around Dad

It's funny watching him get all pissed at how opposed I am to this bullshit war. "Be a man and support your country!"

Blow it out your ass.




These threads are sad. So sad.


Hello I'm a man from the year 2017
ask me anything

How are the Beatles reunion tours?

You guys heard of this group? They're so weird :/

they are great, have just played in front of 90000 people at Wembley, George was on fire with his ripping solos.

I was the harmonica in this album and the finished product is great can't wait to release my own debut album though

dude psychedelic doo wop lmao

blonde on blonde AOTY

I'm convinced that a lot of these rock groups are taking LSD and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I think The Beatles have taken it. I mean have you heard Rubber Soul? Plus their's this guy from Scotland who calls himself Donavan and I think he's taken it too. I mean what's he talking about when singing Sunshine Superman? I wouldn't be surprised if Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones tried it at least once.

Plus there's this wild rock music scene happening in San Francisco with bands like The Warlocks and The Jefferson Airplane. Lots of great music and I think LSD is playing a positive part in the creative process.

I hope the government doesn't do anything stupid and make it illegal.

Hey guys, there's a rumor that the Beatles are going to stop touring. Is this true?

why would they stop? they're bigger than ever

Anyone else here miss the 1920's? :(
those were the good old days.