Tfw gay and desperately in love with straight friend

>tfw gay and desperately in love with straight friend
>I will never have him no matter what I do

music for this feel

Other urls found in this thread:

Xiu Xiu

The Smiths

gay dumb frogposter faggot

Joy Division

If he's pretty open minded maybe he'll let you suck his dick if you get him drunk enough

bss is goat

What? I don't want that. It's not just a sexual thing. It wouldn't make me feel better

dw op i think a lot of us are like that

is this a thing that happens? fuck my dick is so hard thinking about that situation

hed probably be repulsed and tell you to fuck off and stop being his friend if you told him you wanted his dick inside you (or the other way around)

is he cute op?

Hehehehe....this...sounds a lot like shit I'm going through.
Only he's the gay friend, I thought I was straight at the time, when I found out I was bi it was too late.....

...So anyway, listen to this on repeat and cry like I did.

He would never do that. He's the most loving guy in the world.
I know for a fact that he would be completely understanding.
But I don't want to tell him because I would feel awkward and I know he is genuinely straight and nothing would ever happen.

He's the cutest guy in the world imo.



Also, stop being a fucking degenerate

not really Twin Fantasy is more about missing someone

does he have a big dick

fuck off degenerate

>feeling love

nah you just want to inject your poz load in his asshole

Spread your cheeks pretty boy. This will only hurt a lot.

>not just a sexual thing
yes it is

Ignore sodomite orders.

Holy shit. I haven't heard these guys in forever, I also just found out they're making a new album today. Spooky.

Get over it you faggot

All of us gays have to deal with this eventually in our lives

it hurts op