What music do thicc chix listen to?

What music do thicc chix listen to?

Swans, Merzbow, The Residents, Boris, Hijokaidan, The Gerogerigegege, other patrician bands

twerking music like trap or some shit

I wish.

god theres a girl at work with the fattest roundest ass ever. We pretty much just make eye contact if we ever walk past each other. Deep down inside i want absolutely destroy that booty. I'm sure she knows

their own loud, sloppy farts amplified by their abundant and sweaty cheeks

this is the most patrician thing to listen to btw

go for it nigger


Unfortunately I have never met an attractive woman who has been interested in music. Not saying that mainstream pop is garbage, they just aren't "into" music.

show her your swans records senpai

nah its a pretty small company and i dont wanna be the guy thats known for hitting on girls at work. I've already been "caught" checking out another chick

Be an alpha and slap that mufuckin butt : ^ )

let her take you home and show you her swans records that are hidden inside mainstream pop so she doesn't embarrass herself

send pics

im just gonna get her a simple gift for v-day then go back to my ways of acting like i dont want her

we get off at different times.

Ask her out for coffee.

Pretty good move actually


lo-fi pop, midwest emo, dark ambient and noise

obviously i dont snap pics of her at work like an autist, but here's the closest ass i could find that matches hers

no thats awkward as hell, we see each other every day

hopefully the gift is swans related, for your sake

Well, most of them go through life passionless and without cultivation of hobbies, knowledge, and tastes.

So, they listen to whatever they understand to be fashionable. They don't deviate. Even the "different" and "quirky" ones. They've no taste. They've no convictions.

Women are a tragedy. My God.

My fucking God.

It's like they're content to scarcely tough the bar, even when it's already set so low for them.

My God.

What music do fat* chix listen to?

By whom?

the average male is pretty similar, even people on this board tend to gravitate towards familiar sounds whether they notice it or not.


is that way you autistic fuck


lmao, /r9k/ isn't even about robots anymore its /lgbt2.0/ remember
>tfw no gf?
Now its
>tfw no gf(male)


>the average male is pretty similar
I agree with that, but it's still much more difficult to find an exceptional/odd female than it is to find an exceptional/odd male.

I'm not autistic.

Also don't link me to /r9k/. That board is horrible. Nothing but sissy-posting and race-bait.

r9k doesn't care about "tfw no gf" anymore, now it's all about female cocks

>That greasy fucking face

Then date one and instill your "superior taste" on them you stupid beta.

You could be getting off at the same time.

You don't understand a single thing I said in that post, yet you call me stupid.

Getting a girl and brainwashing her so we're of a like-mind doesn't accomplish what I want. That doesn't solve what I perceive to be one of their problems.

Put your trip back on unty, I miss you.

the key to finding a patrician gf is finding a girl who went through a period of extended loneliness, just like all of you.

You'll have to go on missing me then. I don't post often anymore.

That is easier said than done. It's difficult to find girls who've gone through extend periods of loneliness.

girls can't be lonely

That's what I was getting at.

People see a girl by themselves looking lonely -- or in any sort of distress, really -- and their instinct is to comfort her.

It's completely different if you're a man, though. Men are supposed to suffer and suffer quietly.

roastie getting toasty?

>Men are supposed to suffer and suffer quietly.
I've had girls, and sometimes guys, try to cheer me up if I looked sad in a place I shouldn't be looking sad in. Maybe you just look angry.


That only means you're attractive.


Why are ugly women the hottest

triggered bitch

why's my dick the biggest


you're one to talk

Thanks but no

I knew that girl at my last job. Take it from me: literally every man at your workplace is eyeing her. You probably don't stand a chance.

she makes a great friend though just sayin

Well that's my experience.

I'm sad all the time and no one offers me comfort or company, not that it matters, or that I care.

I agree w/ this user
My best friend has an insanely nice ass and she knows how I feel about it and that I look at it all the time
She doesn't mind and we even make jokes about it

Go friend her OP

have you considered a noose

they listen to PARTYNEXTDOOR

What was the motivation behind this post? Seriously.

You think I'm on this website and I haven't considered suicide? Surely this question is rhetorical, and you're not sincerely making that inquiry?

So again, what was the purpose of that post?

Answer me.

haha grow up kid no one cares

What are you talking about? No one cares about what?

her name is Andrea, right?

your inch long dick broski

yeah. nice dubs btw.

Why did you reply to me?

this, same here
she even sends me pics to tease me

Why'd you give up little league and break your poor dad's heart big boy?

It really angers me to know that most people on this board have an extremely easy time making friends.

the only people who say this are high schoolers who have to actually see the people they talk to again the next day and autists who never go anywhere to meet strangers

literally just say a thing to a person

The only people who say this are retards with very slim imaginations.

I'm not in high school, and I go out every day. I routinely volunteer and go to shows. I know it's convenient for you to neatly categorize matters like this but it's fucking dull and a lie.

Far more goes into making a friend than just "saying thing to person."

holy fucking shit dude

Shut the fuck up.

lmao make more excuses autist.

the music you like

same exact shit here

I didn't make excuses. What I did was illustrate your simple, intellectual dishonesty with the fact that I routinely involve myself in social activities and still have no friends.

And if you reply to this post with anything but a coherent rebuttal or resignation I will not respond and it will be as though your post never existed, so for all intents and purposes it'd be more efficient to just not post anything at all if that's you're next move.

*your next move

>And if you reply to this post with anything but a coherent rebuttal or resignation I will not respond and it will be as though your post never existed, so for all intents and purposes it'd be more efficient to just not post anything at all if that's you're next move.

not him, but have you considered that you come off like a pretentious autist and people don't want to be around that


Do you act the same IRL as you do online?

Do you spout memes and call people autists IRL?

Have you considered that my online behavior isn't a refection of my IRL behavior?

Yeah, of course you don't, because that's fucking autistic, but you're going to ignore that fact and pretend otherwise because, like I said earlier, that's way it's easier and more convenient for you to just categorize me as some daft fucking autist that has no clue as to his surroundings and you can go on feeling my circumstance to be justified when the reality is you're just an intellectually dishonest sack of shit looking for the quickest excuse to justify my suffering.

never mind please do not try to get close to people i see why they don't like you now lmao.

>i see why they don't like you now lmao
Can you tell me why that is?

Can you share why they don't like me?

no but i also don't sperg the fuck out when people call me an autist on the Sup Forums. you do hahahahahahaha

because of your small penis lol

I don't see why that's relevant, so I can assume you've simply run out of relevant things to say.

people don't like you

Yes. What's your point?

i thought it was cause you were stupid and tried to give you advice but it turns out it's actually cause you're a huge asshole which makes it funny

these are facts lmao

i have to go to the store can someone continue baiting this retard for me while i'm gone you just have to say literally anything and he'll respond

>it turns out it's actually cause you're a huge asshole
According to what?

>can someone continue baiting this retard for me while i'm gone you just have to say literally anything and he'll respond
And are you not an asshole?

Well this thread went to shit quick.

literally anything

The thread about women's opinions ended badly because women don't have opinions.

And asking the opinions of people who probably have little to no contact with women how they feel about them probably didn't help much either

I just wanted to talk about thick girls and music dude d>:^(

Everyone get in here, unty is back. This is not a drill

Women aren't people and neither are blacks.

Music sucks and so do you.

"Thicc" is a retard fetish the jews invented to reduce birth rates cause fatties suffocate their offspring in utero with the astounding amounts of pure lard they carry in their very coil.

I'm black by the way.