Does anyone else listen to crust or do i just have horrible taste


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fugg didnt realized i had typed in the wrong section

I like powerviolence which is kinda the same judging from that pic. Better taste than most of Sup Forums!

what bands you into?

i really like crust, but then again i used to be really into punk when i was a teen.

i think most people who care about punk listen to crust punk at some point, either because they're bored with how tame a lot of it sounds now or because one of their really punk friends likes crust punk.

the internet has changed that dynamic a bit, but i honestly think it still holds true. like, sure there are people now who will listen to make fun of it or to go "oh god, it's awful", but those people can't be more than 20% of the people who get into crust.

What are some crust bands with the least metal influence? There seems to be a lot of crossover but I just want the most extreme punk without shit like metal riffs.

good point honestly, i used to be big into shit like black flag and Dead Kennedys and stuff like that (which i still am to some degree) but once i got a taste of anarcho punk and crust it gave me an "its old and generic"-ish feel

In my honest opinion, amebix really strays from metal, as does bands like The Mob (which is more anarcho punk but people call it crust) and Flux of pink indians

iron lung
weekend nachos
I like trap them if they count as crust.

ive never actually taken the time to sit down and listen to weekend nachos, are they worth checking out? id assume so

i would say so. i like everything starting from worthless. not a fan of pv vocals where the vocalist sounds like theyre straining themselves from taking a shit lmao.

Check out Deep Shit too

I mean crust and metal grew up together so you're going to be hard pressed to find any that didn't take from that symbiotic relationship. It's just part of the genre.

i don't really listen to a lot of hardcore/metal right now but i was big into Black Breath and the various Southern Lord crust metal bands a while ago.

honestly don't even really know what real crust is. i think it's supposed to be hardcore + motorhead riffs + ripping out your vocal chords?

You're basically describing inepsy

All jokes aside i love inepsy

jock powerviolence, take it with a grain of salt

doesn't everyone like crust now since nails got memed last year

(OP) just listened to weekend nachos for the first time and i cant say im a huge fan of it

depending who you ask crust and esp. neocrust has been trendy forever

Pushing the definition of powerviolence here but I love Orchid

>listening to the song with the nigga from fall out boy
listen to this and report back

They're alright




This EP is 7 minutes crusty goodness.