What is the appeal behind her? Her music doesn't seem that amazing. Is it just waifufagging?

What is the appeal behind her? Her music doesn't seem that amazing. Is it just waifufagging?

Other urls found in this thread:

rbt.asia/mu/?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=skinny aphex bjork choir

thought that was ariel pink for a second lmao

That and the uncontrollable autism behind her fanbase.

>Her music doesn't seem that amazing.
Her music is a grower. How many times did you listen to her music?

It's just pop dude

I liked her before I even knew what she looked like.

Her music is nice.

>accussing millions of people to be autists
Maybe, just maybe, you're the actual autist...

That's the biggest mistake about her. It's not just pop. Does this youtube.com/watch?v=L_hFrJ-FM2o (just a short song) sound like pop to you?

It doesn't sound like pop it sounds like shit

'I'm going to reverse the insult because it makes me sound mildly intelligent': the post.

Sounds pretentious and not even good

her fans are very autistic. Like this guy @70928809
i can unironically recognize him by the way he posts. The music is just fine. Visions is a pretty good album all and all, even though i don't like her singing voice too much

uh yes?


So, you just refuted your own argument. So, it's not JUST pop.

"Pretentious", "not even good", "shit" are subjective descriptors, not facts. And "pretentious" is not even an argument, but a buzzword that disqualifies your opinion.

Speaking of Omega, this track is one of her most weirdest compositions. She has more normal tracks such as Be a Body: youtube.com/watch?v=Fb_0LzBv894

And that's a stunning track, friendos.

So i was right about it being waifufagging. Thanks again Sup Forums.

>calling Grimes poppy shite compositions

We Share Our Mother's Health is much more pop than Omega, you fool no one. WSOMH even charted in the UK (#85).

Not an argument. Dear trolls, at least try to be convincing.



>Were trolls because we don't like pop music

yes it's just obsessive waifufagging. her music is mediocre at best.

>actual music discussion with solid arguments

>the dumbass believes it's all waifufagging because we're talking about a female artist

grimes is the ultimate waifufags wet dreams
she twist her music just a little bit different than her "mainstream" counterparts so she can appeal to kids who hate pop music.
she can't make a legit pop song so she hides behind her shitty version of it

>Asks if its waifufagging or not


Literally a worse Purity Ring

She is small and slighly attractive, beta males love that shit regardless of actuall decent music



What a shitty opinion. If I can call that crap opinion. What are her "mainstream" counterparts?

The poorman's FKA Twigs


Wait a minute: didn't idiots like you say that she's ugly, goblin, etc? Now you're spinning the "arguments" to fit into your narrative?

any female synth-driven pop singer

Only horny faggot weeaboos like Grimes i've seen it in a study

FKA Twigs is the dull version of Grimes. Anyone knows that. FKA Twigs = all style and no substance. Take away her aesthetic and you're left with... nothing.


Grimes = all style and no substance. Take away her mustache and you're left with... nothing.

>Take away her aesthetic and you're left with...
arca who shits all over grimes and her """""""""""""""""""self-produced music"""""""""""""""""""


Just because it has a female voice + synths it doesn't mean that any synthpop artist is similar to Grimes. To prove how wrong you are, explain the similarities between that song Bulletproof (great song btw) and Dream Fortress.


Grimes was just a yet another entry in the experimental synth-pop fad from 2007-2012.

The only reason you could call her "fresh" and "innovative" is because she's the only one still doing this kind of music in 2017, when everyone else has moved on, and since new listeners are ignorant of the other artists from that fad they will call her "unique" also.

Hi I'm grimeth

im not denying grimes is unique but thats of limits of music knowledge she had to make up her own sound combing all the artists she likes into one. she can't make pop music like bulletproof
theirs a reason why rihannas team denied her song and ended up covering kevin parkers.
its cool she found a fanbase with her amateur production. but I like pop music and grimes music doesn't cut it for me.

Arca is an overrated hack. He can't make 1 (one) decent song, just wallpaper music. All style (flashy production) and no substance.

That's ridiculously stupid. Even assuming your post isn't a shitty bait, she has no mustache in all her photos except that meme photo. You have no arguments and rely on personal attacks like a scumbag.

>"she" produces her own albums
>they sound like shit
>"b-but she does all the work, look at how talented she is"
Go back to 2010, grimesfaggot.

She was unique right from the start. Don't you see that people are struggling here to find similar artists to her?

You're just making assumptions out of your ass. By the way, she changed her style since Visions if you didn't notice that: Art Angels has a lot of guitars, violins and stuff and it's different than her older work. Less synthpop, more alternative dance.

Listen to it more closely. Eventually you WILL get it, regardless of whether or not you end up liking it all that much.

>they sound like shit
THAT's the point of failure of this stupid argument of yours. The weakest link. That's just your opinion, not the objective fact. Don't be stupid, dipshit.

>Oversimplifying music to the order of single-syllable genre terms


>Using @ signs in Sup Forums posts

>Grimes is a unique and original arti-


Grimesfags taking posts like these to the serious autistic extreme is why no one likes Grimesfags on this website, it's like a fucking mental virus

Look dude, I know Danielle Dax's music. Let's not pretend it's similar to Grimes, ffs. If you're that tough, why don't you post similar Grimes songs next to Dax's songs, to judge their similarity side by side?

>Grimes is a unique and original arti-
Who said she's the only one unique and original? Hint: no one.


>expecting to be taken seriously

hey look everyone! he posted it again! lmao

t. Person who disparages "pop" music despite clearly not knowing what it actually sounds like

>unironically recognize

Not trying to be homophobic to Grimesfags but it is safe to assume they're homosexuals

>no one likes Grimesfags on this website
>even wanting to be liked by this shithole
Grimes fans are doing God's will. What a better punishment for this vile board than to be outtrolled by metatrolls?

The differences are that one is a product of the 80's while the other is a product of the 10's, but influence-wise, aesthetics-wise, style-wise and sound-wise the two are kinfolk.

>Who said she's the only one unique and original? Hint: no one.
rbt.asia/mu/?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=skinny aphex bjork choir


That link doesn't prove anything.

>Imagine a collaboration between Kraftwerk, Cocteau Twins, Bjork, Mariah Carey, a Gregorian choir, Mozart, Aphex Twin, Underworld, Depeche Mode, Skinny Puppy and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. That's Grimes.
What is wrong with this quote and how it's that related to
>Who said she's the only one unique and original?

Grimes fans are so autistic I'll start to miss them once they grow-up and eventually decide to leave.


>So i was right about it being waifufagging.
If taking about an artist's music rather than them as a person counts as "waifufagging" in your mind, then I guess so. In which case you must think places like /prod/ or /classical/ must be some of the biggest waifufagging hubs ever.

Hi Sadposter. Why so sad?

>implying you will not leave at the same time

He's sad because he hates Grimz, but the patricians love her music. Understandable.

>yes it's just obsessive waifufagging
Because talking about music is waifufaggery...

Apparently that idiot believes that.......

You are a troll because you are unwilling/unable to communicate with others in a constructive fashion.

Not because you don't like pop music, but because you're contributing with shitposting and zero music discussion. Fix this issue and maybe I'll take you seriously.

still don't know understand mu's obsession with this chick

>her "mainstream" counterparts
>Implying Grimes has "mainstream" counterparts
Who, dear user? Who are these non-existent mainstream artists who sound like Grimes about which you speak?

Don't expect this thread to last for too long, mods are pro-Grimes/waifufagging and they'll consider this offensive sooner or later

>b-but we actually talk about her music you guys!
the ratio of posts discussing music to shitposts in any given grimes thread is 50/50 AT BEST, and that's being optimistic

>thinking ariel pink is a female

2012 called its meme back

>Thinking Ariel Pink is "stupid and retarded."

>he believes that
It's not the fans, it's you. Your contributions are crap, that's the issue.

Assuming that you ARE the actual OP (and not just faking it as trolls often do),
>Pretending to ask a question when you've already decided what the answer is going to be
Either way, lol hi troll. Better luck next time.

>Using the word 'literally' when you mean 'figuratively'


And that's a huge ratio considering we're talking about
1. user posters
2. Sup Forums
3. a female artist

From that 50% of shitposting, over 40% = trolls and haters' work that should be deleted immediately and with a temporary ban on top of that.

Have you listened to any of her music?

No one would go out of their way to hate her if her fans weren't shitting up Sup Forums by overrating her and being waifufags.

Sick burn. How he could recover from that?

Poor b8 m8.


>her fans weren't shitting up Sup Forums by overrating her
Praising one of your favorite artists = shitting up Sup Forums? Dude, you need a realiti (sic) check.

>and being waifufags.
Good joke. Let's take the current general thread: There are just 28 pictures - including the OP - related to Grimes in a 140 posts thread. That means 1 picture every 5 posts. Waifufagging? In your mind, honey.

What is remotely similar between Grimes' and FKA Twigs/Arca's music?

tip: change your posting style and ip so no one knows you're samefagging

And by the way
>No one would go out of their way to hate her
Hate her because of her fans? user, this board is not for underage users.

i never understood the whole stereotype of autistic people browsing Sup Forums until i came to this board and discovered grimesfags.

This shit is textbook

Singers aren't "driven" by synths - unless they are actually just synthetic voices.

That was a reply to a post that it's not mine. WTF is wrong with you?
