Autechre records are purchased solely by bald men in expensive anoraks who would masturbate to a car alarm if it was...

>Autechre records are purchased solely by bald men in expensive anoraks who would masturbate to a car alarm if it was re-mixed by a German. This impenetrable curtain of misanthropic noise - released with an accompanying three-track DVD that features a squabble of hopelessly pretentious video "interpretations" - is typical of the menopausal electro-manglers' dogged refusal to bow to convention and produce anything of interest to anyone not either a) bald or b) German. It bleeps. It skronks. It krrraaaanks. But mainly, it blows like a ruddy awful hurricane. Remember, kids; if it sounds like a festering hillock of tune-shy bum-wank, it's because it IS a festering hillock of tune-shy bum-wank. Avoid as you would a bald German.
Do you agree with this?

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No. Move along.

what am i reading


NME hasn't been relevant for around a decade and a half, and that bald German the reviewer is describing closer depicts one of the magazine's editors these days

also Sarah listens to dadrock- takes one to know one etc.

Sean + Rob Defence Force signing off.

tune-shy bum-wank

>impenetrable curtain of misanthropic noise

confirmed never listened to an actual curtain of impenetrable misanthropic noise

this autechre album is just an airy yawner

oh wow, saying that a techno outfit appeals to germans who historically have a propensity for techno. what a burn.

nme has the weakest banter t bh

Not really. I don't hate autechre but their music is more technically interesting than it is musically interesting

their music really isn't all that technical, i dunno where this general perception came from.

>their music really isn't all that technical
not true btw example

RIP autechre-autists.

this track (and elseq in general) really proves my point, actually. once you figure it out and have experience with it, max/msp is not all that that technically complex or difficult to use. this track probably was not "complicated" to make for them as there isn't a lot of technique - at least in the traditional sense - here. what makes it interesting was how in the hell they narrowed down parameters and came up with those timbres. more creative than technical.

>make fun of a stereotype of people who listen to a certain artist
>call it a review

What is technical about it?

c16 deep tread tho

I have no idea why but that track makes me think of the USSR

Autechre went to shit after Untilted

Exaipt they made their best album after Untitled.

I mean I have a head full of hair so it's wrong from the beginning

>tfw straight guy in love with sean booth
how to deal w/ this feel?

Listen to Arca

No, their quality became so-so after Confield (Draft 7.30 is good yet a bit too much of a Confield redux) but they've been on a winning streak since Oversteps. Ae_live is their magnum opus imo.

sean qt

Stopped reading at
Instant "review" killer, along other buzzwords/projections.

rob >>>

why didn't fantano review elseq?

>2000 + 17
>still listening to autechre
Get with the times gramps.


That evolution culminated with Black Metal (Rough Trade, 2014) and its varied multi-chromatic spectrum, from the orchestral ballad Lush to the dejected slocore a` la Mazzy Star of Molly & Aquafina and to the brief wall of noise Country. The calm laconic baritone of Leonard Cohen is clearly an influence in 50 Cent, drenched in reverb, backed by angelic female voice, and in Punk, which sounds like Cohen gone dub and humming a nursery rhyme. 100 opens with a desert-rock guitar solo and continues as a redolent country-rock yarn. If the nine-minute X turns tedious after the initial floating electronic nebula, the 13-minute Forever achieves the kind of magic that Hype Williams strove for: a sensual interplay between piano and wordless vocals, and then electronic noise that rhymes with a repeated meow and with a soulful sax melody.
The shorter songs of Oneohtrix Point Never's Replica (Mexican Summer, 2011), that sample old television commercials, felt warmer and more elegiac, particularly Remember and Sleep Dealer. Several pieces such as Andro border on bland collage of sonic tricks, but the melodramatic Child Soldier shows how humane they can sound. Lopatin's craft here is more sophisticated than on the previous albums but it is employed for less ambitious compositions. If nothing else, he got rid of the Brian Eno reference: his music is too glitchy and neurotic to be compared with the inventor of static, soothing ambience.

well, when elseq was better than entraƱas, hs3, and bbf then...

Am I a bald german wanker if I think this sounds nice and accessible?

As long as they putting out quality stuff I will keep listening to them, yeh. It's not like they're just resting on their laurels at this point.

>thinking these hipsterish hacks are more worth listening than autechre

Go to bed babby.

lmao this
nice dubs btw

>hipsterish hacks
nice buzzword ol chap got any more

Japan-only bonus track from Exai.

ferraro and blunt are hacks
opn was good before he switched to post-ironic midi autism
arca is the only one that's on par with ae so far and has a chance at besting them (assuming he doesn't go to shit like opn)

ferraro sucks pennis and also dicke and balls (but far side virtual was pretty interesting)