He listens exclusively to Sup Forumscore

>he listens exclusively to Sup Forumscore

From the chart threads it looks like 99.99% of Sup Forumsdoes that

Literally nobody does this

what exactly is Sup Forumscore? seems like some imaginary genre

>personal 10/10 thread
>literally every album is from the Sup Forumscore chart

I was looking through Death Grip's related artists on spotify and Swans and The Microphones were there


>what is socialization

Literally nobody does this

What I don't understand is how rarely anybody seems to move past it. Are they mostly kids that come here for a few months then never bother to find new music? Are people seriously just listening to the same music over and over and not branching out? At first I definitely listened to a lot of Sup Forumscore. I still do, a lot of it is good music. But I also have learned about and listened to a bunch of other music that seemingly doesn't get discussed as much. I just don't get why people don't want to explore.

what the fuck is Sup Forumscore??? is just music on the charts

>wanting to socialize
>in a latvian origami usenet group
You have to go back to r*ddit.


I moved on fairly quickly. Sup Forumscore is like the Teepee Hotel on Route 66, sure it's a must see, but again there's not much to it.

>he posts on Sup Forums
>he doesn't know there's an essentials chart that was created five years ago by people who were forcing ahitty memes
>he's been memed into listening to entry level hipster music and he doesn't even know it


Look up the definition of that word, kids.

since when was 'Spirt They've Gone' considered Sup Forumscore and not MPP? Am I out of the loop?

Sup Forums core can be straight up wrong sometimes.

GYBE's album with moya is objectively better than LYSF

What are we defining as Sup Forumscore? The top 7 or so albums? Or the extended cannon which is that big chart of 100 or so?

If the probably latter, then it's because the vast majority of Sup Forumscore albums are there because they are among the best albums ever.
Naturally an incredible album is more likely to be someone's favorite. Now it also happens that the best albums tend to be entry-level, which is why they're entry-level in the first place.

I don't know where I'm going with this I'm kinda high

The music I listen to you is much more obscure than anything you listen to friend

moya is an EP, not an album