So my dear grandfather had a minor heart attack, and they immediately decided to put some stents in...

So my dear grandfather had a minor heart attack, and they immediately decided to put some stents in. He then had a massive heart attack in the middle of surgery and is on a ventilator. They're just waiting for family to arrive and say goodbye before pulling the plug.

This is going to be really tough on me, senpai. I want a soundtrack for this. Both something comforting and something sober and grim. I'm not a very emotional person, but the death of a loved one is still a death.

What are your recommendations? This is going to be a long week.

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sorry dude. a similar thing happened with my uncle. hope things end up the best they can.

I hope everything goes "fine" , user

This is really good stuff man. And thank you. Means a lot. Is the rest of the album as good as the first song I just listned to? Worth downloading for the trip?

Thank you user. I'm not even sure what fine looks like right now, but it will all work out.


Can't believe this slipped my mind.

>Is the rest of the album as good as the first song I just listned to?
oh nigga you are in for a treat. do you listen to slowcore much?

Not really. I was only introduced to it a few weeks ago. Slow (ironic name yeah) by Starflyer 59 was my first taste.

If you like it, this chart's pretty good to get your feet wet.

Any particular suggestions for this occasion?

My grandad also died, and I was jacking off to hentai

fuck you japan

Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
It's a classic.

Sorry to hear that user, hope you and your family are alright

Maybe some Brian Eno

panda bear wrote young prayer for his father who was dying of brain cancer.

really sorry, OP. my grandpa died last november, i know how you feel. hang in there and take care of yourself.

this is Sup Forums and I'm trying so hard not to troll and post Sound of Silence or Smashmouth or something

my grandfather died 3 years ago and I don't think I've processed it yet.

but anyways when you've moved past the grief stage you should listen to this, I was immediately reminded of the first lyric of this song when I read your post.

lcd soundsystem someone great

I think that was especially written for moments like this.

Cristo Redentor by Donald Byrd

sad, yet beautiful and majestic.

Soothsayer and Sail on Soothsayer by Buckethead. Both are elegies for his aunt.

Probably should've included links.

OP, my grandfather died about a month ago and I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

>only one duster album

let the guitar cry and wail for you