Who is the female Morrissey?

Who is the female Morrissey?

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No female could even come close to replicating the genius that is Morrissey.

If we're only talking musically: Katie Sketch

this. she's gay too

kek. thanks for the chuckle, user.

It's Patti Smith.

At least Morrissey can write some decent lyrics.

he's a fucking dunce

except is literally the opposite. you're the dunce, you faggot. keep projecting.

Patti Smith has more balls than Morrissey does.

Impossible. Morrissey is already a singularity of egotism.

Doesn't meant I don't fucking love his work though.

sinnead o connor


but shes an worst lyricist

Squirtl--I mean, Sinead O'Conner

Oh, that's a cool shot of Ariel Pink



Joni Mitchell

the male morrissey is already bad enough, who would ever want a female version?


no question about it at all. The band even sounds similar to The Smiths.

Damn that's pretty good quality seaweed

I am and the son and the heir
of doubles that are criminally vulgar

>desperate for attention

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