So Sup Forums, 12 years later

So Sup Forums, 12 years later.

Is there an album that has aged worse?


Hasn't aged in my mind.

HYC is still good, it's the other two albums that have aged terribly

I don't understand how one can be able to listen to DnB all the time, or any electronical genre with more or less fixed BPM. Doesn't the Amen Break get boring after hearing it for the millionth time at the same speed?

>Doesn't the Amen Break get boring after hearing it for the millionth time at the same speed?


the break isn't what makes the music, it's like the skeleton

Pendulum has used the amen in like 3 tracks tops

While In Silico was the better album, I still love Hold Your Colour. It's definitely a product of the era, but goddammit it was a good era, at least in the world of electronica.


Alright, looks like I have no idea.
Yea you're probably right.

explain this to all my friends please

12 years later and still one of the best elctronic albums of all time

Sounds Of Life is alright.

What's the best version of this album? I hear the 2007 one has something weird about it but Blood Sugar is a good song.

I'm a redneck european nobody taught me English please understand

I like the original a lot more.
The reissue replaced some nice, calmer tracks with more stuff like Slam, which I don't really like.




It has a weird 2 second or so gap between each song that really messes up the flow of the record.

The fuck, why?

Should I just download the original and add the bonus tracks from the 2007 release with different track number tags?

May as well do, that's the only real difference I can remember between the two, iirc they made a mistake while making the 2007 version and never bothered to fix it. I used to listen to that album obsessively when I was younger.

Shame, I really liked hearing those bonus tracks as a kid in some AMV on YouTube. Why they'd remove other tracks is beyond me.

Is there a more handsome person on the autistic spectrum that exists?

Hint: the answer is NO