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sounds like an intro

stop using pictures that have nothing to do with /prod/

>tfw you find out you can re-use tracks from your others Ableton projects when you add your project folder to the browser

I'm so sorry /prod/. This feature changes everything. I was the one who promoted the use of the word "unableton" but now I finally realize how good this program is. Please forgive me for everything I've done in these threads.

youtu.be/47QwKId3AVU?t=40 is there a name for the synth(?) that's played at 0:40. I'm very new to this stuff and have no idea.

it is an intro

I suspected as much of all you anti-ableton kids


i cant find/make any drum loops to match up with this piano sample i have and its frustrating! the problem is the piano sample loop goes for like 3 and 2/3 measures and nothing syncs up to it because its either in 2, 4, or 8 measure loops

i feel like the only reason i have 50 sc followers is out of irony

>tfw you sell all your equipment and throw your laptop in the trash and give up on music production

feels damn good

why? is it triggering your autism?

The piano sample is in 3/4 then, right? You'd need to extend the piano loop by repeating a section of it at the end of the measure - copy a single 1-beat section and tack it on at the end to complete the final measure.

It's your only option unless you shorten the loop to only use two measures

You have really caused me to possess newly formed thoughts

So you have to make a drum loop that fits the piano sample with single drum samples, google it

Autism diagnoses usually do that. You may want to take a seat. It may be overwhelmingly to swallow the immensity of your condition.

I bet you know all about swallowing immensity

holy fucking shit dude. homosexuality? lmao. see pic related? that's you, you edgy motherfucker,

How do I make good acid techno?

thanks for the advice :)

are you forgetting that you also made this post or are you just intentionally calling the kettle black? lol

>he doesn't get the Sup Forums autism meme
>makes homophobic remark
>called out
>"you're just calling the kettle black"

underage, please leave

Thoughts on the APC Mini? Gonna use it for Ableton and I want to spend less time using the mouse.

is there any way to make pitch bend automation/recording in Live /not/ be retarded?
>inb4 don't use live

I think I understand what you're getting at - your recorded parts aren't initializing the pitch bend (setting to centre position) at the start of the part, and instead they use the very first pitch bend message they receive as the starting point? Pain in the arse when that happens but all I do with them is create a break point at the very start of the part set to zero pitch bend.

I honestly have no fucking clue what's going on.

I'm using the "pitch" midi effect to pitch down my piano VST by say 3 semitones

then I'll use my midi controller's pitch bend wheel to bend my notes, and it'll sound great.

Then I'll try and record it, and suddenly the pitch midi effect gets fucked up and plays ____ semitones too high and then I need to do a full gambit of fucking around with the pitch bend envelope, the pitch plugin, and my keyboard to get it back to playing correctly

I'll try what you suggested.

Yeah that's what is happening with you - Ableton doesn't set a zero automation break point at the start of parts because that's not always what is wanted (it would set filter and EQ automation to zero on each parameter at the start of parts too if it did that by default) but it definitely is what you need with pitch bend - gotta manually add them.

>going full sjw because someone didnt like your rainymoodcomfythred op picture

is there not a way to go down by 3 semitones in the vst you're using? doing that instead of using the midi effect could make it less of a hassle

unfortunately the vst only goes by octaves, and the sample/sound quality of the VST is thus far unparalleled

Bounce it to audio and then warp it 3 semitones down.

Why would I ever need that feature?

But why.

Check this out:



Life is not fair. Btw, this first girl has been began /prod/ing later than me and I still have to finish my first track lmao. (Those 2 or 3 that were almost finished are trash and I will not mention them)

has begun proding*

It's useful if you're creating a live set from a collection of tracks - drag-and drop is well handy for bringing individual elements of the tracks into a set. Remember that this (live performance) is what Ableton was designed for.

>tfw bitwig masterrace

why? were you not just doing it because you enjoyed it? were you just trying to "make it"?

Can I get a rate for this?

looks like a pretty decent controller for the price

how do you guys stay motivated to make music? i just try to work on music when I can because i figure the more i try, the better i will get. i have posted my music in here a couple of times it usually doesn't get any comments (which is fine!!) or i'll get some snide unconstructive comment. i guess sometimes i will be working on something and a lot of the time i will just feel like 'what is the point, it's not like i can make anything good' and i will suddenly feel really silly and dumb for trying at all

>how do you guys stay motivated to make music?
enjoy the process. be happy with progress not perfection.

>laptop broke
>now only have shitty chromebook for music production
>so nothing
Is there anything even slightly decent for online production? I've tried using some, and I can get results, but it feels like wrestling a cat.

if that's the game changer for you, you really have some shit to learn about macros and everything else

turn that kick way down wtf

this song has potential- needs a lot of stacked synths, better use of pads, delay and reverb and space overall. work on your arrangement and programming skills man

too much reverb.

bus to different verbs/ not at all / delays instead
separating each element doesn't work if you shove everything through one verb man

>stay motivated
because it's fun???

sorry, I run through bigger threads and leave advice on every clyp I see without a reply. Drop something and i'll come back to it dude.

Is it kontakt? becuase you can go under the hood to change pitch bend google it

Also you are using the envelope panel in the clip?

if any senpaitachi have any ideas how to finish this track let me know in chat. something's missing

twitch tv airbornmartin

No, it's Addictive Keys.

Also yeah, I am.
I managed to fix the problem by adding a breakpoint to the beginning like the other guy said.

Can someone help me figure out what kind of processing was done to the singer's voice in this song?


It sounds to me like they gutted the low end and put a notched filter on it, but if that were the case my vocals would sound like his.

where can i get a sylenth for free? pirate bay is shit


this pop shit sucks why do you do this

I can kinda get a similar effect by vocoding the voice sample and having itself as the carrier, and then tweaking the settings a bit

still sounds nowhere near as good as the real thing

lmao, that sounds like something most DAWs would have.

lol damn

Not that guy, but the kick on this clyp

sounds completely fine to me? isn't that the genre that has drums as the loudest instrument in the mix?

They've gutted the low end because it sounds like they're using an octaver effect, so there's a one-octave pitched down version of the vocal mixed with the original at quite a low level.

Cutting out the low end masks the effect to a degree and does indeed make it sound slightly vocoded as points out - come to think of it the easiest way to get this effect would be to use a surgical pitch shifting program like Melodyne so there could in fact be subtle auto-tuning going on too.

There's a section where the music drops out leaving only the vocal and if you listen at that point you'll notice that the qualities of the vocal change and don't resemble the effect you're looking for - again this is to mask the processing that (in the opinion of the producer) may not have the same impact when heard out of context with the rest of the mix.

So.. mono compatibility, do you care? I do not, at least as not as much as when I heard heaps of songs I knew in mono and they sounded like sawdust.

This Punk Rock/Cody cover is going to kill me
So far, got Punk Rock done



newest thing I've been working on, what do you guys think

Checked the pastebin and didn't see anything related to hardware for capturing analog sources. Where do I start? An external soundcard/DAC? As long as it can record hi res with minimal noise I'll be okay. Also, would I need a preamp, or can the card handle it?

There are two things you need to think of, one of which is pretty much dealt with in most devices anyway but still it doesn't hurt to know what you need.

Every device will have line level inputs so most of your synths will be happy going straight in, but the two you have to think of are:

1. Mic inputs - if you use a condenser mic you'll need a device that can supply phantom power (this is the one that most devices will have) and:

2. Guitar (high impedance or Hi-Z) inputs - if you plug a guitar straight into your interface with no pedals in between that buffer or convert to a low-impedance signal you'll need either an interface with a Hi-Z input or you'll need a DI box to place between the guitar's output and the device's input - some older synths are happier with a DI box too but guitars especially need them.

ok legit, say your product is where you want it to be...

... how the fuck do you build a real following and start getting "where" you want to be... so to speak? I literally have like zero friends and am clueless

but my tracks are REAL close to being ace, like after years of practice I'm actually getting there

>really want to produce an album/music of some sort
>can't sing
>can't play any instrument other than the drums (very poorly)
>can hardly read music, i struggled to even back during band in middle school
What do I do, /prod/? I've fucked around in audio programs before but it seems impossible to me.


Anyone have thoughts on Abelton Push?

it looks good but its too expensive imo and they will probably come out with push 3 one day

prod thread is basically a gear thread right?
Should I buy a nice piano with no midi/usb or just wait for a used nord electro or a prophet to come up for sale

Yeah it is pricey, but it comes bundled with Live Suite at ridiculous mark down. Suite has a ton of good software

these are 3 things that couldn't be more different

join a bunch of online communities, but make friends first, don't make an account on gearslutz or reddit and start spamming groups with ur music and shit, be active and helpful and contribute and little by little you'll start to make friends and become noticed as a knowledgeable helpful guy who also makes good music, that will net you about 40 fans After all that work, then go all out with the social media, pandering to those 40 fans with cool personal instagram pics and interact with them and be active, and idk, i'm drunk

tfw got suite for $400 as an upgrade from intro like a year before push 1 released

i think if you dont have the suite and plan on using live as your main daw it is worth the price

heh, that sounds kind of horrible. but that's cool. i'm in this to hear other people's stuff too. I want to make a new movement, and not just another jerk off "genre" - I want to fuck shit up. like Acid House level tier of revolutionary music

>>can hardly read music, i struggled to even back during band in middle school
learn basic music theory (imo the idiots guide to music composition/music theory are both real good) first. then just start writing synth lines and see where it goes from there. if you get stuck apply what composition techniques you have learned
and anyone can sing!!

>and anyone can sing!!
anyone can try.. whether or not you'll ever have nice enjoyable tones and timbres coming out of your pipes is probably something that's out of ur control

what I'm looking at is a rhodes mk1
nord electro seems about the same price and has a rhodes patch and has more outputs
prophet is like double the price but nice enough to justify
picture is sort of unrelated mk7 is impossible to find

I'm new as fuck to this, but here's an idea I thought up of today.

if your tracks are truly amazing then hit up a ton of labels/promo channels and start from there

start off slow, get a MIDI keyboard, learn some basic music theory, learn how to use DAWS/synths/plugins and don't worry, every musician can sing up to a level, the rest is up to voice correction software, it's possible and completely up to you to succeed, believe in it, put hard work and you will make it

pretty nice loop you got there

pretty cute arrangement, sounds good for being new, still sounding stock but well, the more you work on it the more professional sounding your stuff will get

Very chill, would dance to, but the synth that comes in at 16 seconds sounds really cheesy and the sidechained delay ruins it for me.

let us hear first


I want to hear it.

check this boiz

>that moment when you realize music is just a bunch of frequencies that sounds good together

>that moment when you realize music is just math

shitty drum loop i made in 5 minutes

Dope af deal regardless desu.
Yeah I think I'll just get the push suite bundle

I don't really know how to play with the sounds. I can play some guitar and percussion, but I don't really know how to do anything but play with effects..
Where can I learn?


trying to make a trap beat in the new style of being rough around the edges, need some feedback


the 808s aren't present or strong enough , and the top melody layer is kinda thin overall it's about a 4/10 beat, but with some nice production work it could be a strong 7/10

Me too, I'm just starting out and this is my first trap beat. Using really shitty speakers so it probably sounds like shit.




more electronic than trap m8

>he doesn't realize you can make music by simply pressing a few buttons

serious lads i have ableton for like a week now and im already writing music. I dont even feel special. All i'm doing is arranging midi. I wanna go back to playing guitar

that's because you've never played a piano

Just play guitar then. Are you being forced to use ableton or something? Did you get kidnapped by Robert Henke?

liquid dnb, untitled, work in progress
I think I have a winner here

>arranging premade loops

i can make a full 3 minute song in like 10 clicks of the mouse

im not using pre made loops