"math" rock

>"math" rock
>nobody in the band is a mathematician
>they can't even solve a system of ordinary differential equations

Other urls found in this thread:


higher education isn't an integral part of becoming a musician

>"trap" music
>nobody in the band is trained in the art of capture or is a female with male genitalia
>they can't even prop a cage up with a stick for someone to crawl into and be captured



>everybody's awake

>band members are mainstream neoliberals and not true counter-cultural conservatives

>math degree
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>currently taking ODEs
>in a math rock band

check out my bandcamp my dude

>Sup Forums
>"redpilled" on politics
>not even old enough to vote

what world do you live in


>tfw enjoy doing math when i can do it
> cant focus for more than 5 minutes

>doesn't make grime

>has never delivered the post once in their fucking lives

rad, post your bandcamp

>not rainforest ambience recordings

Math rock is a crappy style. True math rock is when a math teacher decides to be in some kind of rock band. Charles Albright is a math rocker who thinks he's a punk rocker. Math rockers don't even like math rock. youtu.be/Ud8iTvTu848

she's basically lathered in it

Not the audience m8

>not a part of the so-called alt-right

God you must think you're special for being a freshman in college.

You mean male who dresses up like a woman.

>musicians who dont even know what a fourier transform is
like you can be a musician and not know any math but if you dont know any, you dont really know what youre doing.

>"industrial" music
>artists have not spent decades toiling away in rural Pennsylvanian factories or Chinese sweatshops, inhaling dust, grime and carcinogenic materials, dying penniless and alone

>progressive rock
>band has conservative views

>elevator music
>no elevators to be heard nor was it recorded in one

>drum and bass
>contains other instruments and sounds

>"latin" music
>lyrics not in latin


>no geologists

You don't get to be counterculture when you have the house, the senate and the presidency

>Experimental music
>None of the members are scientists

>Classical "music"
>created before 1910

>all metal
>pretty much universally doesn't include the metals they claim to be about

classical doesn't mean old