*deletes Yellow Submarine*

*deletes Yellow Submarine*

Meh. Half that album is filler anyway.

That's a bold statement, nigga. Which songs do you think are filler specifically

Keep Yellow Submarine.
Actually the album is perfect as it is but if you feel the need to delete anything delete For No One

You're a fucking idiot.

Wow, this is much better

babbys first contrarion opinion?

offensively bad taste
i feel sorry for you

I don't care if you did get dubs!
If you don't think Revolver or The Beatles in general are GOAT then I feel sorry for YOU!

>Deletes entire discography except Rev. 9

Wow how can you be so pleb you don't understand a beatles album?

*deletes The Beatles*

Scaruffi pls go

*deletes I'm Only Sleeping*


What a tasteless cunt.

yellow submarine and doctor robert can go. would be a perfect album.

woah hey guys i'm not actually deleting it, haha

>deleting For No One
>The best fucking Paul McCartney track in the Beatles discography

*deletes OP's inability to enjoy a song that's just a bit of fun.*

That's not Helter Skelter or Get Back

Yeah, wtf bro?

Kill yourself my man