Who else misses 2000s rock?

Who else misses 2000s rock?

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i miss meg white's tits


The 2000's was a crushingly mediocre time for rock

Me so fucking much

Although I do kind of miss having emo and pop punk as the default MTV/radio rock genres, as awful as it was at the time. These days I'm more likely to put on pic related than I am to put on any White Stripes album.

2000's rock can suck my dick

I miss this type of music and the overall style of music videos

2000's sucked but i like the white stripes and i don't give a fuck about neo/mu/ s opinion
jack white is an asshole th
he's honest about his music but he deserves a big kick in the face

early 2000s was the worst time for movies and music


Kid A literally killed "rock" music

you take that back

mid 2000s were much worse

uh yeah no

What about Indie rock

Give me Funeral and LYSF, but take everything else away. Holy shit that was an insufferable time for rock music, whether in more mainstream forms as White Stripes' "lets regurgitate blues for the 100000th time" or some weak ass indie band like Wilco's "lets take sophisticated ideas, and water them down into an aesthetic that self-centered indeh kids will like"

Nothing good came out of the early 2000s retro wave.

Maximo Park, Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, Kaiser Chiefs, The Libertines, all of it is vapid, unlistenable trash.

Movies are getting worse and worse though.

I miss the fact that indie and rockhad some more pull then. There's tons of good music nowadays, but it just seems that more than ever before, all those acts never reach any type of popularity. In the 2000's.

not really. not to say i didn't like some of it - Is This It, TOBTL - but it wasn't particularly inventive music to begin with it, so all the bangwagon acts that subsequently appeared were basically copies of a copy & the quality was fucking terrible 95% of the time. so it wasn't music's greatest moment.

I actually like those Libertines albums. They're so ramshackle that they actually manage to form their own identity, unlike those other bands. (Franz Ferdinand has an identity, it's just not a very good one.)

The Strokes were probably the only good part of 2000s rock and they kinda fizzled out after 2003. All together it was a shitty decade for music but I'll always have a soft spot for pop and southern hip hop from 2000-2007.

your a dorable

A lil' bit.

I have zero interest in any rock bands around today, but the White Stripes, together with the Hold Steady, felt like the last gasp of rock as a culturally relevant thing, and even then only then as feeble impressions of impressions of what came before; any number of Blooz rockers from Ac/Dc to Zeppelin for the White Stripes (his love of the blues may be sincere but it certainly gets overpowered by 70s cliches), and Bruce Springsteen for the Hold Steady.

I point to this song:


Stay Positive by the Hold Steady was as far as I'm concerned the last good, relevant, album to have any truk with Classic Rawk cliches, and, true to its title, is the album where Finn and Co accept the aging of their music and the people who listen to it.

That song, up there, like the rest of the album, is about rock music and what it means to the people who listen to it. The desperate kid and his white-knuckled fuck everything except me and my friends nihilism: "Me and my friends are like the drums on lust for life." That line is a perfect picture of rock AS IT WAS FOR BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN'S TIME. Perhaps still a fantasy then, but one that the kid needs to live.

Contrast this with the title track later on the album:


Here, Finn accepts that the idealized vision on Constructive Summer is dead. The new kids don't care about rock. Your fans are bald and wear tennis shoes.

Contrast this with Jack White (remember him?) and his escape into the past. His entire music career is an attempt to recuscitate the corpse of his first love, rock music. He so nearly succeeds, and I and my friends, when I was the kid in Constructive Summer, really thought he had.



It is telling however, that whereas Led Zeppelin begat the Jack White, Jack White begat only the Black Keys.

I've made my point. Rock is dead. The end.


reminder arctic monkeys have released 5 consecutive #1 selling albums. who knew vapid, unlistenable trash was so popular eh?

>who knew vapid, unlistenable trash was so popular eh?

This is a perfectly true statement, no need to be sarcastic about it. Since the 90s or so, the charts are dominated by some of the technically worst music to ever come out.

first arctic monkeys and bloc party albums were so good and then they fell off into garbage SAD

libertines wasn't too bad, carl barat was a decent song writer. Early arctic monkeys and kings of leon were good too

up the bracket is a fucking great debut album.


My own personal Elvis.

Why are you so mediocre now, Jack?

Elvis was a lot of things...

My idol, a has been.

Now that's punk.

Nigger, may you die on your rose bed of presumptuousness.

The difference being?

The difference being I get to hear how Jack riped off Brad paisley with black chorus.

Jack White is the last real rock star IMO.

The Raconteurs were much better than The White Stripes though. Great fucking drummer too.


IMHO Foxy Shazam interceded & then...

That band could have been anything you wanted & then Eric became a weird creep.

That shit was so uninspired and boring. It's like bands purposely took away any form of experimentation from previous decades and made the most standard, straight forward rock music they could. Indie rock is cancer

fuck me are some people in this thread actually defending post-britpop garbage landfill indie rock

fuck off and listen to razorlight or something then

Oh, so I suppose you think Death Grips and Vaporwave is better because its "experimental". Indie rock will always be better than todays music, it represented a time when people still knew how to have FUN

>Jack White is the last real rockstar

think again