This is literally a masterpiece. I'm not even memeing

this is literally a masterpiece. I'm not even memeing.

also general /viper/ thread

Other urls found in this thread:

One eye on you and one eye on the game

entry level shit

get viperized faggots

literally a fucking masterpiece too,

everything from piece of mind, I'm a snake and I no bout it are just insanely good.

the fucking thot he got for this video is insane. I'm literally begging Richard D. James to contact him and do something with him. not even kidding.

Is there even a bad album? Has anyone even listened to them all?

last year he put out like 333 or some crazy number

almost one every day

Is he like dead or something? He hasn't tweeted for over a month

>none of these cowards got no heart

it's a shame about the pedo shit cuz i really like his tunes.

viper has his hand at memphis ancap horrorcore

Go to the shoutbox for "Viper" on It's incredible. Seriously, read the whole damn thing. You won't regret it.

pedo shit?

hitting on underaged girls, saying really creepy shit to them

lol ya it owns

>Is there even a bad album? Has anyone even listened to them all?

We need a Viper album chart. Someone must have listened to them all.

that's fucked up. when did this happen? proof?

from a quick google search

i remember there being wayyyy more though

that's all the info there is though, can't believe it entirely.

maybe he even made it up for fun

I had this one saved

this is helpful, thanks

everyone who thinks Viper is a pedophile, youre literally fucking retarded. dont believe everything that you breathe

"ironic bad music"

Lil B


Dean Blunt

I think he has a few like, actually distinct albums. And the others are just various remixes and shit like that, slight tweaks to already released songs.

But then I think they also mess with song order or change out which songs they are. So that really blurs the lines between albums.

i'm listening to this while drinking, so good

this sounds like fucking runescape