Which one is the pinnacle of jazz music?

which one is the pinnacle of jazz music?

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This one.

this one

please go and fucking die

>inb4 herbiefag gets here and shits up the thread

Trips of truth.


Kind of Blue was the pinnacle of cool jazz, but doesn't represent all of what makes jazz great, and was just one of many peaks in Miles's career.

A Love Supreme was not even the pinnacle of that particular period, that was just when he went full throttle with the spirituality. The peak is somewhere in his free jazz period.

So yeah, I guess Black Saint. One hell of an achievement for sure. The only reason I'm hesitant to call it the pinnacle is, jazz is usually not nearly as symphonic and through-composed as Black Saint, so in that sense it's not a very representative candidate. It's almost more of a pinnacle of all 20th century music, than it is a pinnacle of jazz in particular.

That's such a fucked up thing to say

I think Davis contributed more to jazz in general, but Coltrane's musicianship was unmatched.

Fucking love this guy too.

The only one of these that might qualify is Kind of Blue because of the unmatchable soloing.

Also Black Saint is pretentious prog jazz

The actual pinnacle of jazz is Art Tatum playing all by himself

Oh we're talking records, I'm retarded.

My vote goes for A Love Supreme.

I feel that not enough people realise that blues & Roots is the superior charles mingus album.


>which one is the pinnacle of jazz music?
Music is not a race. There is no #1.

Spiritual Coltrane >>>> Free Coltrane
Free jazz was done better by most artists that embarked in it.

Meant for OP.

>The RYM guide to jazz chart

Why would this be the pinnacle? Granted, it does what it does perfectly (and Ayler's playing is always great), but to choose an inaccessible album that most people listen to only as a curiosity is ridiculous.

>The actual pinnacle of jazz is Art Tatum playing all by himself

This is the correct answer.

>A Love Supreme was not even the pinnacle of that particular period

What do you think is?

>the pinnacle of a genre that is great for its interplay is a solo

>the pinnacle of a genre that is great for the voice of its players is a solo

He plays with 2 hands :^)

and the list goes on and on...

Nice baby's first free jazz album shitty tripfag

This is the best jazz ever recorded folks.

You mean this?

Oh, that's right. Forgive me. I forgot that popular = bad. Please proceed with telling everyone how Archie Shepp is the greatest saxophone player of all time.

>Grimes Cuck
Sounds about right.

>not knowing who GrimesCuck is
Sounds about right.

>needing to know who some new tripfag is

Kind of Blue was more like the opening statement for modal jazz to come instead of a pinnacle of anything

A Love Supreme is the strongest candidate of these three - it really feels like a definitive statement in that style of jazz that Coltrane had been building up to.

TBSATSL is a bit removed from any tradition or style of jazz so to me it feels like a unique work instead of a pinnacle.

I claim the top contenders for pinnacle of jazz music are Miles Davis' Nefertiti, Wayne Shorter's Speak No Evil and Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage - yes, they are all pretty similar but I think that mid 60's post-bop period was the pinnacle of jazz tradition in general.

Yes, Nefertiti and Maiden Voyage are great albums. And A Love Supreme is pinnacle Coltrane.

But there's an universality and repeatability to Kind of Blue that is unmatched, imo. The modal solos and harmonies are simple but too perfectly executed (especially Miles' solos). It's hard not to think about it as pinnacle of popular jazz at least.

In my opinion Out to Lunch is better than all of those three, taking those traditions and moving them to heights that modal itself could never reach. I think it's the absolute best statement in jazz.


Only correct answer. Jazz, as with any genre, is ever changing and is always trying to out-do itself, theoretically topping itself with each new movement. You can have favorites, or hold objective preferences of one performance to another, but even saying that a recorded album is the pinnacle of Jazz just defeats the best qualities of it. It's a live, interactive art form, and these recordings only give you half of the true magic that is live Jazz.

might wanna listen to more than some jazz essentials before you start implying this hard

>100 years of music
>one album

>when the choir kicks in
this has been my fave music discovery of 2017 so far

I like free jazz with some swing to it
Recommend me albums
Hopefully with two or more bronzes playing at the same time

>Kind of Blue was the pinnacle of cool jazz, but doesn't represent all of what makes jazz great, and was just one of many peaks in Miles's career.

Transcending thought, paradigm shift shit like this is fucking great user

Somethin' Else is better than all 3 of those



marion brown - three for shepp
matana roberts - coin coin chapter one
charles mingus sextet - cornell 1964 (obviously not free, but quite avant-garde)

Thanks, I'll check them out

gonna say this one just for the sale of the argument. God the line-up is fucking godly
my favorite jazz album of all time, good choice

my favourite Coltrane is Ascension and my favouirite Miles is In a Silent Way.

y'all fuckers need some brazilian jazz


>odd tracks are avant-garde hard bop
>even tracks are just straight hard bop
I prefer other Blakey albums with the same (or nearly same) lineup for the sake of consistency (namely Mosaic, Indestructible, and Caravan), but goddamn Free For All and The Core are insane

I'd never claim it's the pinnacle of jazz (mostly because trying to pick one album as the pinnacle of all jazz is asinine) but this album is fucking fire.

>It's not Drums around the Corner
Why even bother with Blakey when it's not an all out drumfest?

the thing about Free For All is, well, Free for All. Goddamn that song gives me the creeps man

groove-oriented bop like adam's apple? the sidewinder kinda fits the bill. what else is there?