Are musicians guilty of corrupting the young?

Are musicians guilty of corrupting the young?


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their bosses are

no because if they did. all the musicians and celebs gunning for Hillary would have gave her the win

fuck off Sup Forums

Tumblr and Facebook are


Cyrus was simply the first victim.

This is how the Jew operates. He grooms children, he rapes them, then he breaks them and uses them as goyim cattle to pull in more victims/weaken society. When the White values that built your society degenerate, only the Jew stands to gain.

don't see how this era is any different to artists singing about scoring smack on the street to our previous generation.

i voted for Hillary dumbass

Marilyn Manson was actually a parody of the Jewish elite, he's a self hating Jew who eventually became geniune

me too

it was actually the first time I'd ever voted


Musicians have no duty to the public to be good role models. If you don't want your kids influenced by them don't let them listen to them. Simple as that.

Cher, Madonna, Gaga, there were plenty of stage whores before her.

Did the names of the music industry not read like a Tel Aviv phonebook back then or something?

I don't see what kind of point you're trying to make. Jews have always corrupted vulnerable young people and turned them into propaganda outlets.


>When the White values that built your society degenerate

irony being black musicians and singers always presented smartly

we get them worse

Why are you so convinced that DA JEWS are behind it all? Is it really a big shock to you that women like to show off their ass and tits for attention? They've been doing it for centuries because women have always been valued for their looks.

>unchecked quads
Sup Forums is dead

women have been chaste housewives up until recently. they only showed off their ass and tits for their husband

>They've been doing it for centuries because women have always been valued for their looks.
but only thru the consent they give to their spouses
not too strangers

women don't run around stage with strap-ons attached to them unless some dirty filthy kike tells them it's completely normal first

honestly hymies are just the most repulsive people on the planet. There is a reason they've been kicked out of every country they've infested. They look at success and stability and see it as a threat to their own tribe, so they maliciously and deliberately fuck everything up. All the time. Forever.

But they realize they're living on borrowed time. There's only so much that White men can take.

Recently being the 60s and flower power, free love and hippy chicks, so almost 60 years ago

Probably, they definitely trivialize sex and drugs. But idk if that has as big of an influence on kids as people may think.

and how old is humanity?

87 and 3/4

precisely when the 99% Jewish Frankfurt School was at the height of its influence

my guess is either that you are a kike or you're some idiot bullpilled kid who thinks defending these digusting human rats is going to win you brownie points. Hint: it's not. They want your sister guzzling black cocks and you with a heroin needle in your arm and VR porn on your headset

>They want your sister guzzling black cocks
not true. im black and unless im rich i can't get a hot white gf that isn't a drug addict
leave your house for once

Do you find it really spooky to go to the shops or whatever, with this knowledge that someone is trying to get your sis cock gobbling and you on heroin? Seems like it would make your life super stressful

nobody said the sister would be hot

my point is that kikes want all of us to be desperate, porn/drug-addled losers, and that includes negroes too

like almost all of your problems with being black have nothing to do with white people, but (((they))) keep telling you to blame us

yeah true. the jews are evil people. too bad my black brothers don't see it

Is this just you on Sup Forums or do you spend all waking hours like this?

your mind is more warped than SJW's who pin every problem in the world to patriarchy
If your default reaction to everything you see is "how are the jews behind this one?" do you not think there might be something wrong?

aren't most black people really prejudiced against jews?

they should be anyway. whites and blacks should stop fighting each other and unite against a common enemy

Is this just you on Sup Forums or do you spend all waking hours like this?

the rich ones because jewish lawyers kept stealing money

>really want to corrupt a young musician
wat do?
song for this feel?

Is people randomly namedropping the Frankfurt School as a cause for degeneracy a new meme? Adorno was against the culture industry and hated popular music and jazz

Do people who group Manson in with these kikes ever actually listen to his lyrics? How can this be taken any way but positively?

>hated jazz
>most based form of black musical expression

wtf, what happened to this guy?
crazy how fame changes people......

In some ways, absolutely. I would say that it "corrupts" the young, so to speak, but it definitely has an impact on them. To deny that would be to deny some of the most self-evident truths going.

Whether or not this is a good or bad thing is down for you to decide. I would personally argue that it's a bad thing, because the context of a lot of music production today is horrific too.

Who let the neo-nazi in here?


To be fair he only hated jazz that was basically pop music - big band for example
He wasn't alive when avant-jazz became a thing


You did.
Nobody grows up thinking "I want to be a fucking Nazi"
But people like you effectively gave White people no choice.
Now there's Nazis everywhere, and you just have to deal with it.

Also required watching:

No, but (((Disney))) certainly is.


why do you think nudity and sexuality is "corrupting"

how is sexualizing pre-teens not morally and dangerously corrupting?

Nigga plz. (((Disney))) creates these inocent icon kid stars, markets them especially to little girls, and then turns them into trainwreck whores.

It's done on purpose, and it's obvious.

I shudder to think what they do to the (((stars))) themselves.

Holywood is a CULT.


That's because of established cultural and societal norms. Women in Africa still walk around with they ass and titties exposed. Also, prostitutes always existed.

>being this much of a cuck
this board makes me sick sometimes

No, parents do a fine job on their own.


This pretty much nails it.

absolutely this, it should be the responsibility of a parent to raise a child that isn't a total degenerate but parents have slacked in the past 20-30 years and have allowed their children to be the way they are
>inb4 some retard claims people were acting degenerate before milenials
of course they were but they were actually rebelling and people thought it was bad. nowadays """"rebelling""""" is seen as totally cool and you should fuck black guys and smoke weed ;)

That and religious corruption.

Puhleeze. You fool no one shills.

(((Holywood))) propaganda and culture is corrupting garbage.

It will be beautiful when the city is burned to the ground.

That's because it takes 3 fucking incomes to run a household.

The jews have a lot to answer for.


go back you must.

Truth hurts

>b-but muh pol boogeyman

Women in Africa walk around with their tits showing because men in Africa don't rape
Likewise in the Muslim culture women cover up completely because the men in those countries don't know rape is bad

>men in Africa don't rape
don't they now? fascinating

indians rape
theirs a higher chance of a foreigner raping an African women. then paying the police off to escape jail time

t. west african

>men in Africa don't rape

t. Levi Goldberg

>t-the left made me a Nazi

Have a backbone

>t. delusional

Yes. Pretty much.

Every generation since time immemorial has claimed that the younger generations are more corrupt and lacking in morals than they are.

Nigga please. Jews keep cranking up the degeneracy.

>muh gender fluidity


>this thread



Because Jews don't run the media that promotes that filth?

>generic conservative

Monster Magnet was based.


>promotes that filth
>more in here than holywood could ever produce