I love people who treat RYM like rare pokemon cards


Other urls found in this thread:



+TPTB, Kid A, Deceit, FLCL OST

>posts on Sup Forums once




I enjoy stuff

>he listens to music he likes



You like a lot of music!!! That is bad!!! Give the music that you like lower rating!!! Because giving his much music, that you like, high ratings is bad!!!




Too Sup Forums core for me (and I have a fucking Death Grips album), but good, cLOUDDEAD is awesome.
Way too many stuff for my taste, but ok.
Very nice.


do you like LUM
how does that Abe compare to Winter 1972
damn I don't know how but I've forgotten all about Different Class

that album's ace tho

I've gotta relisten to it sometime soon

Really good taste user. But how could you have forgotten Different Class?

stop caring about your ratings and just care about the music

stop going to rym threads to make fun of people and just enjoy the music

stop being lame


I've probably not thought about/listened to a lot of my older favorites in a while desu. I should do a thing where I just revisit a buncha them.
Jeromes Dream always struck me as an unusual name. I dunno if it's just me or there really is something off about it. Then again I have a funny inside joke kinda relationship with the name Jerome so hmm. Ok I've overthought.

Hmm no

say bad things about my taste in music Sup Forums

Oh yeah btw, what's your profile?

nah it never stuck me as unusual. however, the lyrics in jeromes dream are super unusual to me. theyre more like haikus - but theyre actually REALLY fucking intense and well written for a screamo record.

the name however isnt too weird, i like it a lot though. fits the style. theyre such an interesting band to me, and the fact that they had to quit literally because jeff fucked his vocal chords to the point where he had to start using a vocoder is insane to me.

the cropping is fucked but whatever

its ~zazier

whats yours?

>world's end girlfriend

+ the velvet underground

dont worry about liking "mucore" if someone mocks you. if you like it, fuck them

(kanye sucks though)

>Clara Crocodilo
instant 10/10 taste

ur taste is 4 losers br0die

for real tho, Acabou chorare is sicc
ignore the lame name, it was a joke
I've never actually listened to them desu (though I believe I've been recced em before) but you're grabbing my interest quite a bit. Will have to check em out.
Damn I need to find some time to finally give Dataplex a listen and just space out to those bloops.

On mobile, cannot upload pics.

My 5 stars:
Bob Dylan: Blonde on Blonde
The Mothers: Absolutely Free
The Mothers: Uncle Meat
Soft Machine: Third
Robert Wyatt: Rock Bottom

It's ok user, it's ok.

Is rateyourmusic worth getting?

I thought about getting one but I feel like I'd give too many high ratings.

> ignore the lame name, it was a joke
I thought that but I didn't care about it, already posted mine anyway.

A lot of people do that, and your opinion will change with time, so don't worry about it. It works well to catalog music, but that's it.

give them a try man, for sure. intense shit


this guy


[spoiler] I haven't listened to a full Dylan album yet [/spoiler]

should probably do that sometime
It's worth getting yeah. Nothing wrong with high ratings btw. Curve bullying is just an absolute meme.
added ya

added you btw
I feel like bringing Coin Coin up to a 5 desu

don't think I've listened to it enough though

maybe with a few more listens

how about you drop your gimmick first
try listen to jazz artists that are not pop jazz, just so then you maybe have the right to have an opinion instead of being a clown

you guys like shit music don't you
let me tell you my taste is better



>getting this worked up over it
I take you about as seriously as you take me.
Meaning not at all.
Lets just agree to disagree already.

Thanks for the advice.


where is it?
behind the circlejerked releases from token "patrician" genres? where's you taste, user?

I'm not autistic enough to use rym but I would probably only give perfect scores to Revolver and Station To Station if I was

>Boards of Canada

Holy fuck I wasn't expecting that swing

Bizarre Love Triangle is such a tune desu
add us when you get one boi
Revolver is my favorite Beatles album desu


Mhm. Sure you are.

I am

>beethoven, ayler, bach, vu, slint, xenakis, mingus and powell
>whatever the fuck denpa is

Denpa is perfected pop music.

Merzbow, Stars of the Lid, Stockhausen and TVU are all overrated

if i love all of the above artists does that mean i need to listen to this weeb shit

Not really, it isn't for everyone. You could try though


What's up with that file name?

ok cheers my friend. keep loving what you love. props

If you quit the shit talking I'll believe it.

I bet you're underage

I remember seeing a bad review from you on a good album, checking your top 5s and laughing at most of your choices

What makes you think that?

Underrated pram album there

Nice thread, got some albums to listen to

melee is cool
do you play competitively
>not schnabel
hi acre
denpa more like dumpa
nice taste
half shit, half gr8
how's that yoko ono album
saw you talkin mad shit about me in the neorym discord so get bent
clear poseur

haha this guy likes music
what a fucking faggot

acre who is acre my name is guy incognito



the titans. forward-thinking experts of music and masters of literature, music, film, philosophy, video games, painting and haute couture

all of them are sexually accomplished and extremely handsome not to mention

I'm not in that Discord tho
2 0 0 0
wew Clannad

idk if I should watch or not

o musta been a different Mark then


I don't listen to a lot of music that doesn't interest me

So I end up listening to a lot of the same things that I enjoy over again

If two songs and or albums share a rating, it's because I like them both an equal measure.

Possibly for different reasons

But yes my scale is actually scaled and rated properly according to my taste

those are just diletantes. heavycoffee - twerk - supersweep is the trifecta of Titans.


also, question: is this Xus or have I forgotten his/your taste

>is this Xus

>wew Clannad
the soundtrack is....... jesus

the show as well. watch it for sure, i have to resist being put into an emotional trance whenever I think about it

Poser desu

Legitimately good taste

Not bad at all

Post ya 5 stars boy

Only now did I realize nearly half my favourites are prog. Not sure how to feel about that

o damn hello
I'll have to watch it sometime

that is, if I get back into anime properly instead of putting shows on hold constantly

I'm this man In a similar situation to you. I kind of find an artist or genre I like and just stick with it. I recently bought a lot of cassette tapes from a local dude and have been powering through those to try and expand my taste which has lead to a lot more 3 star ratings.

The 0.5 is buyers market


because I can't put a picture of all of this shit
yall need to listen to more music
>morals and dogma
>SAW 2
>my taste is so much better than yours
>desertshore in 5s
without fail

Couldn't post it all in one image because there's too many.

So here's the first page of them + link


Some songs/albums are in here primarily for how purely danceable they are (and relatively flawless to my ears in that respect like Lone Digger).

Others are in here primarily how they make me feel and the emotions tied to them (Like RAM).

Others for their pure craftsmanship musically being exsquisite (Like Kishi Bashi's Albums).

However they are not solely one or the other.
They are a mixture of all these things just in different ratios.

So when I rate some of these songs both 5.
I'm not saying they're both as important musically as one another or groundbreaking or whatever.

They are simply equal in my enjoyment of them

This is what I want to become.

Fuck yeah I really appreciate albums with a lot of danceable tracks. Kind of weird to see on mu since so many of the autists here have probably never been to the club / danced in their life

>fleet foxes

Assuming you meant to respond to me

Tbh if I had to pick an album of the decade it would be a toss up between Lighght and Helplessness Blues

I am understand FF not exactly being in everyone's musical taste.
But I don't quite understand the hate they sometimes get either aside from being a general backlash to their image and/or (vocal) fans.

Friended cause good taste and 0.5'd radioactive

I like both of those albums a lot, but I feel that this one is Abe's best and most emotional. It helps to have watched the documentary on his life to see what was happening at the time he was performing.

Thanks, user! I'm glad you find Barnabé and TNB to be as great as I do.

Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band is fantastic. The jams are crazy and psychedelic (and catchy) and Yoko's vocals are great, as well. It has Ornette Coleman there, which is a bonus.

Still can't believe it only has 5 rereleases while the pansy John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band has over 100. Urrrgh

Added you back m8

Glad you think so

Like your taste as well.

Might listen to some of the stuff you have rated highly that I have yet to hear honestly


Honestly, you just have to learn to give albums a chance. Even some of the shittiest covers in weird genres end up being albums I love. Yeah, you'll end up with a lot of 2-3 star ratings, maybe some worse, but you'll also have some higher ratings that you would've never gotten otherwise. Plus learning what you don't like is just as important as learning what you like. You become a lot better at describing and understanding music when you experience more than just what you're comfortable with. Listening to albums that end up being average also helps you appreciate the great albums even more. Albums you might've thought were mediocre before sound a lot better in context of what an actual bad or mediocre album of that genre sounds like (at least in genres you're initially unfamiliar with).

Man, just listened to this Deathprod album, it's really good ...