Reddit: the band

Reddit: the band

>not queen

Reddit sounds better and better. At least it's not Meme Grips or Grimes

That would be 9gag: the band

So essentially what you're saying is that Reddit is fucking amazing?

Reddit must be amazing then

Yea, go back to there faggot

back to plebbit with you

>go back to there
Why don't you go back to school faggot.


midlife crisis or triumphant rebound?

Implying Radiohmemead is better than Meme Grips or Grimemes

>not Mumford And Sons
yeah, right

>not Run The Jewels, Gorrilaz and Foo Fighters

Shit: the post

>not Queens of the Stone Age

le hella fuckin epic XD

Radiohead is every alt-teen's first "artsy" band that they can latch onto and pretend they've got music figured out when in reality they're nothing more than a bland radio rock band

Perfect for reddit

>bland radio rock band
Theyre not aa experimental as some people make them out to be but theyre not a "bland radio rock band". That would be like nickelback or breaking benjamin

what happened to the REM guy, why is he santa?
i-is thom an elf?

Let's not kid ourselves, it's definitely The Beatles with Gorillaz and RHCP following shortly behind.

That is essentially what they are saying on an unconscious level, their egos have yet to admit to any of it

bitch has a mole the size of my dick

The amount of people who actually browse reddit and Sup Forums might surprise you.

Go to Reddit, leave a comment about Sup Forums and they'll tell you how the browsed Sup Forums for years and still do. Go to Sup Forums, you get GO BACK TO PLEBBIT but all the redditors don't give a shit because they're immune to it

That being said... radiohead are gods