Hidden gem of the 90s. Absolute fucking masterpiece. What does Sup Forums think of Polvo?

Hidden gem of the 90s. Absolute fucking masterpiece. What does Sup Forums think of Polvo?

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they're ok. above average.

not great
worse version of don cabeorrlao


today's active lifestyles is goat, but i was never to hot on them exploded drawing and onwards really

>a math rock classic
>hidden gem

I don't understand, exploded drawing and today's active lifestyles are so similar musically though... in many ways today's active lifestyles is like a prelude to exploded drawing

if you like one surely you like the other

Idk, I like the vocals a lot more on Exploded Drawing and I feel like the melodies and riffs are catchier and click

yeah i mean i still like it, but just not as much. i would definitely disagree that lifestyles is like a prelude to exploded drawing; i feel like lifestyles is much more focused on the guitar interplay and while the stop-start rhythms and dynamics are carried through to exploded drawing, they're definitely done in a different way. exploded drawing is also a lot softer sounding imo.

also, despite loving their music, i always felt that bowie was at best an average vocalist and lyricist, and it's more forgivable on lifestyles because the vocals are lower down most of the time and the lyrics are more cryptic.

also fellers influence is huge on exploded drawing, which isn't a bad thing but it's not there on lifestyles for sure.

weird, i always preferred the vocals on lifestyles. agree to disagree?

exploded drawing definitely is a lot catchier, which is kinda a turn off for me in some ways because i'm just so edgy like that

Yeah definitely, both albums are fantastic in their own way

Pleb opinion

said the pleb

Great band, shame they don't get mentioned much here. What do you guys think of their two new(er) albums, In Prism and Siberia?

If you think Polvo is a "worse version" of Don Caballero is wrong you're the pleb here. Not for thinking Don Caballero is better, but for thinking they're comparable enough that you could call either of them a "[comparitive] version" of the other.

personally, really hit and miss. in prism has some absolutely fantastic tracks (in fact, right the relation might be one of my favourites from them), but also has a lot of annoying moments, and falls prey to being a bit too noodly and vacuous at times too.

siberia is a lot of fun too, but again i don't really dig the more poppy sound i think they were going for, and overall i think packs a lot less punch then their previous works.

basically, just about good albums by a great band

but yeah polvo are alright

I really dig the noodling on In Prism, it might be even be my favorite of theirs but that's probably because I listened to it first and listened to it A LOT. I agree with you on Siberia though, the poppy sound doesn't really work that much even if it has some good moments.

Favorite songs? Really hard to pick but Lucia is surely up there.


>not Blues Is Loss

I meant favorites of theirs in general, not just from those two albums. Blues is Loss is okay but there are way better songs on Siberia.

In that case my favourite is probably Light of the Moon

meh they're ok.

stinger (five wigs) forever and always