Best rock guitarists

1. Jimi Hendrix
2. Jeff Beck
3. Eddie Van Halen
4. Eric Clapton
5. Jimmy Page
6. Ritchie Blackmore
7. Tony Iommi
8. Chuck Berry
9. Scotty Moore
10. Duane Allman

Other urls found in this thread:


>Allman below iommi


>no David Gilmour or Mark Knopfler




Every live recording of Page I've listened to he sounds sloppy as fk.

At least Hendrix made his mistakes sound good.

11. Robert Fripp
12. Steve Howe
13. Brian May
14. David Gilmour
15. Carlos Santana
16. Pete Townshend
17. Steve Cropper
18. Steve Vai
19. Yngwie Malmsteen
20. Steve Morse

wh-where's pic related

Coming through bitches!

i for one can't believe stevie ray vaughan isn't in there

like isaac brock

great unique players but neither have mastered technique like others

>no Les Claypool


>eric clapton making the list at all
I'm not sperging out because I'm assuming that this is a dadrock guitarist thread, not general rock guitarist thread

>tfw Terry Kath is always left out of these rankings despite being one of the most talented players ever

where is Paul??????

he deserves a spot on the list with 1 freaking album

clapton? no

ah yes the clapton is overrated meme despite 5 decades of flawless playing

he's a bassist u jackass

flawlessly boring maybe

he should be 2

just because he now plays acoustic ballads doesn't mean he can't tear shit up. literally a founding father of rock guitar

he's arguing that clapton's whole style is boring. it's a debatable issue, but not without including hendrix, page, beck, and van halen as 'boring'

but at least they didn't put jimmy cocksucker page ahead of him

No townshend, gilmore or garcia?

Couple of incendiary years in the buesbreakers and cream, followed by scroteless rock and pallid whites man's blues

pedo pete isn't really top tier tbf

energetic style but never really proved to be technically special

Clapton can play...see here:

2.Van Halen
3.Brian May
4.Jimmy Page
5.Tony Iommi
6.Chuck Berry
7-100. Everyone else


no rory gallagher and no SRV

fuck off

Only on Sup Forums would you see this debate. Of course Clapton is one of the all time greats, everybody in the world knows this.


What exactly is "best" - just your personal favorite? or is there some universal objective criteria we can measure against?

I dont know if they are the "best" but Hendrix and EVH certainly had more impact as players than just about everyone else.


Criteria in order of importance:

Technical proficiency

>no mention of keef anywhere in this thread

you are all plebs

Oh yes Gallagher. That interview where jimis asked what it's like to be the world's best guitarist, and he says 'I don't know ask rory'

If it's impact, then it has to be Clapton. The rediscovery of the les Paul, the start of using heavy overdrive and distortion, use of effects the recognition of rock guitarist as virtuoso etc. Clapton influenced Jimi, and one of the things that helped him to decide to come to London was the promised he'd meet him