Easily Em's best record

It's so nice. You can throw it on at anytime around buddies and it sounds pretty great. Probably aged the best too along with Relapse. Hailie's Song >>

>Probably aged the best too along with Relapse
Relapse aged like milk

SSLP > MMLP > TES > Recovery > Infinite > Encore > Relapse > MMLP 2

SSLP aged like old cheese. MMLP aged pretty bad too. TES is cool here and there, some of the beats suck though. Recovery aged like 30 year old milk. Infinite is chill as fuck. Encore has its moments but is only good if you're high. Relapse is awesome unless you are scared of a little edge. MMLP2 mostly sucks. Bad Guy is incredible though.

How does music even age?

Shit opinions all the way around.

By being so musically niche for a time and place that it becomes irrelevant and unenjoyable several years down the road.

>By being so musically niche for a time and place that it becomes irrelevant and unenjoyable several years down the road
That's SSLP in a nutshell though, it makes me cringe listening to it now

I didn't listen to that album before just 4 years ago and it's my favorite one he's made so that nonsense about it being unenjoyable is horseshit. What makes it irrelevent? It's not like the album is unintelligible or has words that are too old to understand.

Eminem is fucking garbage.
I shudder when I think back to my 13 year old self actually listening to this shit and tolerating it.

Rap music is a fucking embarrassment to humanity. It's literally just some fucking guy using a basic rhyme scheme to say a bunch of gibberish really quickly over some shitty beat thrown together in fl studio.

Name one truly great hip-hop masterpiece? And I mean one where the lyrics are great, the melody, all of it is great...
You fucking can't, because it doesn't exist.

I wish this wasn't the case, I really do, but as it stands, it's simply fucking shit.

search in youtube " tupac interview " and click whichever you want
then listen to one of his songs and come back

Lmao, you think I haven't listened to his entire discography for the purpose of research? I wouldn't just blindly claim an entire genre is shit if I wasn't at least somewhat sure.

Tupac is fucking garbage. What even was your fucking point by saying watch his interviews anyway? He's beyond retarded in them, and his music the same.

There have been no greats of hip-hop yet. All of those rappers from the 90's who are held up as "legends" were fucking terrible musicians in the grand scheme of things. They're only seen as good by people who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
It's like when people claim Harry potter is masterful literature despite them only having ever read harry fucking potter.
Just fucking nonsense.

I would say Lupe's album Tetsuo and youth was the closest thing I can think of.

you got me interested, why is tupac retarded? to me his words are more wise than 90% of the peoples nowadays.. some of his instrumentals i even consider very beautiful work and i like the overal goal he had with it.. so tell me..

I seriously hope this is a bait post. If it isn't, then you need to fuck off away from Sup Forums and go read something.
If you consider this cunt's rants about fuck all to be "wise", then you are a fucking retard. No question. What did he ever say that was genius or wise? The same old done to death bullshit about inequality and poverty that he heard someone else say and regurgitated to his even dumber audience?

People talk about him as if he's some saint who was just trying to help people... so why the fuck is he glorifying a plethora of crimes in his music then?

Black people idolise this fucker, as they do with many rappers, despite them being part of the reason they see so many of their brothers and sisters killed. They idolise thugs who glamorise violent crime.

>"More wise than 90% of peoples nowadays"
Name one fucking thing specifically

Jesus Christ, I hate stupid cunts

Stop fucking trolling, you retarded insecure cunt. You gotta look at reality. Eminem's work is fantastic lyrically, and clearly has a deep meaning and substance if you look deeper into his lyrics and storylines. He talks about his depression, suicidal tendancies, anxities, bad relationship and family homelife, bullying and many other subjects. Yes, he goofs around on some songs but name a rapper with a better fucking song than Hailie's Song. It is utterly nothing short of a masterpiece. It made me cry when I first listened to it in the shower. Fuck off, cunt.

>Look at reality
A white man rapping about nothing to white middle class men and boys who think it's cool? I don't know, how close am I?
It's fucking embarrassing is what it is.
>Fantastic lyrically
Hahaaha, now I know you're a troll.
>Clearly has a deep meaning and substance
>Deeper into his lyrics and storylines
Fucking hell people like you make me wish I was never born. I hope this is a bait post, honestly.
>Utterly nothing short of a masterpiece

If you were serious about your post though, and not actually a troll, then you might be the most stupid cunt to ever post on here.
I sincerely hope you die slowly, and in a painful manner. I'm not just saying that either.

Well, you dumb fucking imbecilic moron, did you read post? It's true. If you don't get that you're a retard, Em's known as a legend for a reason. You need to grow up and look at the music for what it truly is, not your false ideas of his music from stereotypes. He's rapping about his life and his issues. That is something. His emotions. There's a reason millions of people literally all relate to him. He does it well in his raps, his flows are bar none some of the best ever. Come on. Listen to Relapse and tell me who can make a song like Stay Wide Awake. It's fucking genius, fuck off autist.

HAhahahahhahahahhaaa I hope you die slowly mate

Wishing death on someone? Wow. what an edgy faggot. Fuck off.

Well what can I say? Stupid people need to extinct themselves.

If you seriously believe what you posted, then you are undoubtedly one of the most moronic posters I've ever seen on here. Read a fucking book, you illiterate moron.

If Eminem's output is masterful to you, then you must have listened to about 6 albums in your life. There is literally no way any one could think this otherwise. So enjoy being a moron, is all I'm saying... but die slow because people like you deserve slow and painful deaths. Alright?

It's obvious you're a troll, just give up buddy. I'm not saying he's the best artist I'm saying in the genre of rap he's easily up there in the top 10 because he's made some amazing work. It's not all great but if you deny at least MMLP and TES as being good you're just a moron.

Listen to Stimulate, 8 Mile, Deja Vu, Renegade and No Apologies and tell me he sucks.

>basic rhyme scheme

That's where you fucked up

weak b8

Eminem was never really all that great to begin with.

Wrong. I mean he's overrated in general by White boys but he's still a great rapper

You're fucking retarded mate.
I hope you and your entire family die in a house fire.
I'm not even trolling, believe it or not, I just dislike dumb cunts that much.
>There is a reason millions of people relate to him
Yes, because he's an amalgamation of shit designed specifically to be marketable to millions of below average intelligence people. I could probably prove that to you with statistics if I really wanted to, you fucking moron.

How so? Prove me wrong.
Hip hop is fucking embarrassing to anyone who isn't a near dribbling retard.
It's rhyming for the sake of rhyming. Half of it doesn't even make sense.


try harder next time and you'll get more (Yous)

I'm not trolling, you fucking moron.
Read a book, and listen to more music before opening your fucking mouth.

Eminem great? Perhaps if you're IQ is below 90



You guys are really dedicated to this hating rap trolling