I listen to Loveless religiously

I listen to Loveless religiously


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whats your 3 favorite non-MBV/Slowdive/Ride shoegaze albums

Why do you listen to Loveless religiously

How clean is your house?

do u have a gf

Ain't gonna ask shit, listen to this album:


Why haven't you moved on to more interesting shoegaze yet?

Do you know all of the words that he mumbles in Sometimes?

1) Candy Claws - Ceres and Calypso
2) Catherine Wheel - Ferment
3) Deerhunter - Cryptograms
Because it reveals new textures everytime
7.5/10 for cleanliness I'd say
Not at the moment but some 10/10 girl called me beautiful the other day
Heard it pal

oh great it's the "I'M THE MORE TRUE SHOEGAZE FAN" user

chillax yo i just asked to get more recs lol

Because Loveless is that much better in terms of production and delivery

What's your relationship with your father like?

Irish filth

It really isn't though. It's a great album but you need to get out more, stop living a life of memes.

Prove to me there's a shoegaze album that has more varied sound and ideas and I'll agree
See him most weekends, he's a good dad

not him but listen to Rollerskate Skinny - Horsedrawn Wishes

I've heard it, whilst it certainly is varied, it doesn't hold a creative candle next to Loveless

what about loveless makes it creatively better than horsedrawn wishes?

your religiosity is like a baby's
until you institute cum rituals


That's enough Sup Forums for today



I called the head of payless


What about All Natural Lemon and Lime Flavors?

Me too, OP. It's so fucking amazing. Especially high too btw love zoning out to it, so good

>top 3

opinion discarded

Loveless is my fave for sure.

The other best shoegaze is: Microcastle Souvlaki, mbv, You Will Never Know Why, This Astro EP, LSD & The Search For God and Turning Into Small.


How do you take your coffee?


strong with half a teaspoon of sugar

Lush - Gala
CT - Heaven or Las Vegas (yes, it counts goy)
Seefeel - Quique (yes, GOY, it counts)

I bet i've listened to it more times than you have and I don't even do it religiously, just because it's the greatest rock album ever made


bullshit, I've literally listened to it at over 2000 times

ok yeah i am humbled then great prolotherapic noise yogi; may one day i reach your great heights of variegated music listening, amenbv.
what are your song choice picks? (all mbv if you want)

Have you listened to you made me realise EP?
If so, what is your favorite song from it?
It is the greatest EP of all time

not OP but can I answer? Can I?

you piece of shit. Now some reddit faggot is gonna post this on r/Sup Forums. Also shame on you for cumming on that masterpiece you sack of shit

my nigga
thorn is the greatest song of all time.

it's my fav noise pop song
well either that or mercury rev's something for joey

if u cud cummy on a masterpiece
u wud cummy too

What is your favorite color?

help me, i can't stand loveless. what is there to like?

blue or pink

black and green is cool too

>Pretending so hard that you dont go on reddit


>tfw everything you like that comes out of /shugazi/ eventually becomes a meme that fake shill spread because they think it's funny

>tfw you can't tell the difference between sincerity and fake shill cause its the internet