Women And Their Shite Musical Taste

>be me at work
>start small talk about music with new female coworker
>Me: "What kind of music do you like?"
>Her: "The Beatles and the Eagles are my favorite bands!"
>Me: "Oh really? Who is your favorite Beatle?"
>Her: "Oh idk, it's hard to chose"
>Me: "I like Paul McCartney"
>Her: "Oh i dont know him"
>Me: " He's one of the Beatles..."
>Her: "Oh rly???"

Why do women have to have such shit musical taste. Have any of you ever met one with good taste? Just look on Tinder; every girl that links their Spotify always has absolute crap on it

What kind of socially retarded teenager asks people about their music taste without even really knowing them as friends?

I assume you're a teen, because adults are too socially intelligent to do this shit.

This is obviously fake
I'm sorry women don't like you OP


Music is a male dominated interest. The sooner you accept that, the better.
Its asking a girl who her favorite basketball player is and why. She'll say kobe "cuz her dad likes the lakers" or some shit, but wont be able to engage any further than that. Its outta her element.

At least women don't whine about other people's taste in music on a Sudanese image board

>Talking to qt3.14 girl during a speed dating meetup
>Ask her what her favorite Swans album is
>She says filth
>I scream NEXT, the implication being that I'm asking for a different girl with potentially better taste

You're a stupid street shitting baboon if you think any swans album outside of Filth is even relevant

Most of art is a male dominated interest, sadly.

Cop is literally a better version of Filth, and Public Castration is literally a better version of early swans you filthy pleb

Young God is better than both of those though

Swans is shit, anyway.


>boring proto-sludge is better than Public Castration

>a live album is better than innovative no-wave noise rock

>still have my last two exs added on spotify
>the top artist for both of them is Bastille

>innovative = good

I'm an adult and it's 100% real and happened last night.

She also said she likes 70s folk music "like the Eagles" but didnt know who Bob Dylan was

My gf has better taste than any of you could imagine

wow your life must be really sad

people like you are usually really boring to talk to about anything so i just avoid them they usually are very surface level and overly concerned with what others think of them

>he fell for the womeme

next you're going to tell me you associate with shitskins

You're retarded, sorry for your loss

>in the car with sister
>"Ok, bro, you can pick the music"
>Not wanting to weird her out, I pick a band she's said she likes, Lynyrd Skynyrd
>"Bro wtf that's not music"
>I tell her it's Lynyrd Skynyrd
>"Oh. I only like their Chevy to the Levee song"
>I inform her that was Don McLean
>"Oh. Well just load up something good then. Do you like Pitbull?"

>later on, she gives me a flash drive
>"Here, bro, have some good music"
>It's all single tracks
>It's all top 40 billboard shit
>It's all sappy TayTay-core, dubstep or tween metalcore

Thankfully, my mother is different. She likes Jazz, Funk, Classic Rock and Classical.

Wow cool social skills OP


>She also said she likes 70s folk music "like the Eagles" but didnt know who Bob Dylan was

It's almost as if normal people's lives don't revolve entirely around their taste in music.

>the only females he knows are his mom and sister

I was talking to a qt on tinder and she said her favorite bands were bastille and 21 pilots. I immediately stopped messaging her


>girl comes down to the dorm's kitchen every night
>feels the need to play her music through iPhone speaker instead of headphones like everyone else
>the same 4 travis scott and chance songs on repeat

They're the only ones I talk to about music. The girls at work are more into comic books and manga, and I'm too gay to socialize with women any further.

>talking to a guy about music
>he likes animal collective
>immediately make up an excuse for why i have to go

Why though they're good

way to put people down and sound like a complete asshole.

eat shit and get aids, fag

Not that user but what am I supposed to talk about?
How is it not ok to talk about music but talking about sport/netflix is? Or do normal well adjusted adults just talk about their dreams, aspirations and personal history?

Leave this board

Prove it faggot

Lol you've never even been kissed


>autists think its weird to talk to a coworker instead of working in silence for hours

Is that you? Your teeth are terrible

>talking to a guy about music
>he asks me what I listen to
>too attracted to him to think clearly, rattle off the first artist that pops into my head
>he starts raving about norwegian goat sacrifices and japanese bulldozers
>I back away slowly
>He continues advancing towards me, frothing at the mouth about why Radiohead and Muse are nothing alike and how Thom Yorke is secretly Kurt Cobain
>As I run for my life, I can still hear him shrieking about how underage korean girls are better than Katy Perry, and anyone who disagrees with him will have record player needles jammed in their eyesockets

I'm locked in my house, but he's at the door. He won't stop screaming about how Kanye West ruined King Crimson. I hope the cops don't arrive too late.

do you know which website you're on, son?

>match with "alt" girl on tinder
>she tells me she's really into emo
>cool what's your favorite emo band
>"21 pilots"
Are all women this stupid? Do they really not take two seconds to try to understand what a genre is?

I'll take things that didn't happen for 500.

What's it like making up a story to just start a thread about how you hate women?

great read

Why do you guys take an interaction with one women and generalize it to be true about fully 50% of the population, just wondering

She tasted pretty average to me

You like sucking dick too?

*woman sorry

women are a meme


>on a date with some """indie girl""" from tinder
>topic of music comes up while we wait for our food
>tells me she's a huge smiths/morrissey fan
>ask whats her fav record
>tells me she's only listen to Queen is dead
>ask her if she what about his solo stuff
>acts puzzled and says she didn't know he had a solo career
>go on a rant saying telling her why does she have an iphone 7 if you can't even bother to read a wikipedia page
>literally "heaven knows i'm miserable now"
>go home and cry myself to sleep

jesus Sup Forums I didn't even know plebs could be smith's fans.

>do you know which website you're on, son?
the 170th most popular website in the United States?

>tfw girl you like is a fan of vaporwave and grimes

>tfw lesbo

Sup QT?

Women can have execllent music taste if you are capable of making a woman want to impress you so of course YOU'VE never known a woman with good music taste.

>be top-tier patrician
>listening to charles mingus because of course
>put on Mingus Ah Um to give Black Saint and the Sinner Lady a rest
>not complex enough for me really but it's Mingus so w/e
>gf comes into room
>is this "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat"?
>no it is Charles Mingus you fucking pleb
>"okay well I'm not a big fan of this song; everyone has a version of it, and I'm sick of it"
>sick of Mingus
>laugh in her face and break up with her

why are girls such fucking morons

This makes 0 sense you mong

Only plebs are Smiths fans


Music hipster cringe thread?


>go in a date with a member of the female sex of the Homo sapiens sapiens
>I ask her what kind of music she listens to
>she says "oh I listen to all sorts of stuff"
>I ask her if she's ever heard of my bandcamp page
>"no but I'll check it out"
>I talk to her more
>her favorite bands are Radiohead, Grimes, Death Grips, GY!BE, Slint, ect.
>I become physically ill as I realize she's just a top 10 Sup Forums albums pleb
>excuse myself and run in front of the nearest moving bus
Women, am I right?

>implying that all the normies aren't on Sup Forums and /soc/ and that the rest of Sup Forums isn't reserved for losers

90% of women do simple crafts and gossip for hobbies so it isn't really surprising.

>play quite a lot of Currents last summer holiday with my family
>my sister thought it was shit and kept telling me to turn it off
>the boy she likes at school showed her Let It Happen and now she want stop listening to it

>talking to qt female classmate
>ask her what music she's into
>she mentions classical
>oh shit
>tell her I'm pretty influential on classical music forums
>she asks me what composers I like
>I mention the obvious: Stravinsky, Schoenberg, John Cage, Faure, Ligeti
>she says "oh that's cool" but she obviously hasn't heard of any of them
>ask her who she likes
>she says pro-COUGH-iev, duh-vor-szchahck, Erin Copeland(lol!) and I couldn't make out the last one, but it sounded like Modest fucking Mouse

>Sup Forums complains that women mix up Marvel and DC characters
>perfectly legitimate response, carry on

>Sup Forums complains women only watch Pokemon and My Neighbor Totoro
>perfectly legitimate response, carry on

>Sup Forums complains women only watch Twilight and Pride & Prejudice remakes
>perfectly legitimate response, carry on

>Sup Forums complains that women only use Apple
>perfectly valid response, carry on

>/tg/ complains that women don't even know RPGs exist
>perfectly legitimate response, carry on

>Sup Forums complains that women only play mobile games
>perfectly legitimate response, carry on

>Sup Forums complains that women don't listen to anything that isn't popular enough to play on the radio

>start at uni
>talking to a girl in my halls while drunk
>asks what music I like
>mention AnCo because it's p normie
>"omg me too I love them"
>ask which of their albums she likes best
>"well I've only listened to MPP"
>grit my teeth and continue chatting but stop paying attention
For the rest of the year she kept saying that we were similar and different to the rest of my people on our floor, but I knew she was just as much of a pleb.

It's egocentric af

Have we ever had one of these threads without it descending into exaggerated shitposting?

this holy shit

>be me, epic poster on Sup Forums
>sharing fave musics gemz nobuddy ever heard of b4 liek JOHN LENNON and JIM MORRISON
>Suddenly, a wild WOMANZ apperd!!!1ยก!
>she mumbles some fucking gay pleb band liek JOOST EMBIBER or ARYAN GRANDY
>she runzz away, cryen an promising 2 git gud at moozikkks
Champion 4 Sup Forums here 2 claym viktry over da wimmenz

Bro you pop that new Chainsmokers

Women have no incentive to be interesting. There are zero social consequences for them if they make total fools of themselves.

You never invited her over to get drunk and listen to music? You could have expanded her music taste and formed some sort of bond from it. Now you are just some guy who liked a song she liked.

Haha NO I'm not a gay HOMO


>girl listens to Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande

already this shitpost is more subtle than half the shitposts in this thread, lol


She said I should come to her room sometime to show her what other music I liked but I dunno why I would have done that when I can talk to anons that know their stuff.

why indeed

If a girl actually liked those bands I'd still date her, because it means she is willing to hear more new music :)

>muh superior music taste

How is discussing musical tastes with someone bad social skills? I remember during one of my first shifts a female coworker came up to me and asked what music I'm into.

I'm convinced this is bait.

Well, if she asked you, it's fine. But if you ask her, then you've put her in an uncomfortable, defensive position, which, you FUCKING WHITE MALE, is



OP here

When will you Beatles fanboy retards realize i was making fun of the fact that she didnt know who paul mccartney was and not that she likes the eagles and beatles?

coulda got laid, but didnt. but hey, its all good. it aint always about getting "laid" to make yourself feel better

oh, you know about rape huh?

alright, name your 5 favorite rape victims

tell me about your state's rape statutes

bruh. she wanted your peepee

When will you realise she was barely paying attention to you and your creepy chatup technique

>having a technique to have small talk with girls

Holy shit please contain your autism

My favorite rape victim would have to be you.

>state's rape statutes
I live in Uganda and we can rape as we please.


which jeff buckley music video is that from

this is what vagina envy looks like

Well he's right

>Ex says music is her life
>links me her last.fm page
>Bon Iver
>Nothing else
>Literally all she listened to was Bon Iver


he's not wrong

>>perfectly legitimate response, carry on
what do you mean by this?
every board spergs out with this kinda shit

You know OP, the vast majority of people aren't as obsessive about movies or music, like you are. The vast majority of people use these mediums in the way in which they were intended: for entertainment. A little recognition and cognisance of the fact that you are the minority in most social situations off of this board is required.

That way, you won't look like an absolute cunt.

you're not wrong, either

>thinks that live makes it bad