Goat hip hop album ???

What's your GOAT hip-hop album Sup Forums



Their last album is now their best

Literally wrong. Congrats dumbass.


switches between this and madvillainy often for me, but this is probably my favorite
im a madlib fanboy i know


Brown bless the mic like gesundheit


Bud bout the size of a bonsai

gay. you should feel ashamed.


tetsuo and youth for me. most multilayered and multifaceted album ive ever heard.





No album comes close to it.

>hurr if the critical class canonised it, it can't possibly be topped!
Nope. Enjoy your dated nostalgiafest tho you buttmad dadrapper

...in being horrible.

You're correct.

the only true answer

Salty that nothing comes close to Memphis rap I see.



these two

I really do...


illegal bizness controls ameriCAH


illmatic and everyone in this thread is white except

that is an awful conclusion that you came to


this is a relatively close 2nd for me

36 Chambers easily

Either yours or pic related


who wouldn't let this man have anal sex with you

Nice choice, one of the best 80s groups.

love this album so much

>Everyone in this thread is white

Is that why they have better taste than you?

Obv only answe

prove me wrong

since all eyez on me isnt hip hop its this or 2pacalypse now

not white here. why does it matter if their white? I bet most of Sup Forums is some sort of white or asian.

Moment of Truth for me, or ATLiens
Guru is slept on

Because they probably didn't grow up listening to hip hop and probably can't really relate to the culture or the artists

oh yes my bad i forgot that they turn on wu-tang at the hospital every time a black baby is born and we all live in the ghetto

It's okay just remember next time