Join Me to create a 25 album list of the most psycadellic albums from any genre ill start. ;)



Safe as Milk isn't really psychedelic compared to the following Beefheart albums

Les Baxter: Space Escapade x10
Primitive Man: Scorn x20
what did he/she mean by this

3/10 put some effort into it, weakass faggot troll-wannabe



this one is a personal fav

ugh, white men

this is the official "LSD-core" chart






mfw in law school and smoke weed nightly




mfw do it daily 18 credit mechanical engineer

>start smoking weed nightly
>go from 4.0 to 3.5

plot twist:
i took dissociatives daily when I had a 4.0 and after quitting them and only using weed instead im doing worse

There are more stoners than quentins in Sup Forums being honest

erryday 17 credit recording engineer

do 3-meo-pcp