Which game would fit into a cinematic release to prove that vidyakino is superior to capeshit?

Which game would fit into a cinematic release to prove that vidyakino is superior to capeshit?

Bioshock Infinite would be a generic action cgifest.
I could see a movie based on the first Deus Ex being a comfy cult classic.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

Planescape and Longest Journey too difficult to adapt. Deus Ex and Bioshock could be your average blockbuster.

Would be better as a tv show.


Bioshock Infinite was shit

Firewatch seems like it could work as a movie.

Torment would be good as a show.

tv show was too cheap

Planescape and Longest Journey definitely not, not even as a series.

Deus Ex would work as would the first Bioshock. Infinite is a pile of shit written by someone who couldn't even understand what he wrote.

Yeah that 90s show was shit, but I'm talking a good budget show with the game's plot made by Netflix or HBO or something.

the low quality, pretentiousness, and sledgehammer politics of the games in OP's picture would be perfect for christopher "tryhard" nolan to adapt

meanwhile, a well told story can work in any setting

Only game that ever pulled it off.
This is what all "cinematic games" should be like

How about Brütal Legend? The story could be split into like a trilogy or something.

>video game playing manchildren thinking they're welcome on a patrician board


You, who watches moving pictures to dazzle your simple mind, dare call yourself a patrician?

Dyin's too good for 'em.

Spaghetti westerns need a comeback anyway.

Bioshock Infinite is there as a joke, right?

Honestly, the warcraft universe has enough material to actually have solid movies. Just cause the movie wasn't great doesn't mean the source material is terrible. A Lich King trilogy would be the easiest thing to write in the world.

>1: Arthas as a child, grows up to be a paladin, ends with him finding Frostmourne.
>2: Arthas as a Death Knight, working his way to the frozen throne, ends with him becoming the Lich King
>3: The rise and fall of the Lich King.

If we're going by the games, then the source material for the third one is absolute shit.

Deus Ex Human Revolution if you include the visual style

I thought it was better than previous two. At least i cared more about the plot and characters than in the previous games.

This would be cool. Entire setting of "Masquarade" world would become popular in no time.

vidyakino already exists and its called stalker you just..arent armed and armored and lugging around vodka but you got some dank ass bolts and those are useful

plus going through the meatmincer is just as dreadful

Mass Effect

But Stalker is based on a book, not a game.

Two epopel whit good taste at least.

Only if Bioware wasn't writing it.

>pretentiousness, and sledgehammer politics
Tell me how any of that is in PS:T

>low quality
Oh right, you're just one of those Sup Forumsermin who never played it because they think it's a book.

Deus Ex could be a cult classic if it released as a movie shortly after the videogame.

Right now, it would be a gemeric conspiracy movie with a female protagonist alongside denton.

>I thought it was better than previous two. At least i cared more about the plot and characters than in the previous games.

Fuck you. FUCK you. It's not often that opinions aggravate me and this is one of those fucking times.

>adding actual story to FPP is bad



>posts terrible games


Watch Dogs
Sleeping Dogs
Gone Home

What would you call a good game?

COD and Halo I guess?

But kanye and lynch was awful.

Source material isn't really relevant: any half decent story can be made into a great movie given with right people at helm. I would love to have a movie that gave out the same vibe as the longest journey but if they announced the adaptation right now i wouldn't really get hyped until I see at the very least director.

>Bioshock Infinite
>not the first Bioshock
b8 or just shit taste?

No, fuck you, I like games with a story and Infinite fucked up everything that was good about the previous Bioshock games.

The characters were dumb and mary sue, the story made no fucking sense whatsoever and was full of plotholes, and it was so fucking pretentious it was actively unpleasant to play.

Kill yourself OP. Video games make for terrible movies. One of the main features of video games is their interactivity. Strip it of that, and it's not the same. Not as good.

>the Infinite is bad meme

I want Sup Forums to leave.

Bioshock (1 or Infinite) is probably the best candidate. Unique setting, plenty of eye candy, compelling story that wouldn't be hurt by the shorter format/cut content, a hamfisted political/philosophical message for normies to identify with, and decent name recognition. It's about as safe a bet as it gets for a solid blockbuster movie.

>liking Infinite

Console trash.

>he still plays video games


>le manchildren meme
wew, epic

This is such an asinine argument. The movie is adapting the *story* or setting of the game; the interactivity makes no difference. Many games don't even let you have any influence on the story.

I think the more grounded to reality is the game the better adaptation you can make. For example Max Payne would be pure kino if it was adapted into a mini series

Seriously. Firewatch. Not much of a game since you just walk around and talk shit on the walkie-talkie. But as a movie, with the actual beauty of the wilderness all over the screen?
It'd be great.

>Which game would fit into a cinematic release to prove that vidyakino is superior to capeshit?

You can say the same about comic book or anime adpatations

complete garbage, 1 movie tops, do you want a new hobbit?

Gone Home

Not him but how are comics and anime interactive?

Either you aren't familiar at all with the source material, or you want an extraordinarily rushed film. There would be no time to explain anything if you tried to shove it all in one film.

maybe if they change a story a bit, the explanation for all the events was very boring

Well I liked it. I could relate to the scared fat man alone inna woods.

infinite isn't even that good. A girl locked in a tower her whole life would be introvert, not dancing around with strangers but instead of creating a realistic and good character, they created a really upbeat and generic character so gamers wouldn't dislike her. The ending doesn't makes any sense either. If there's infinite possibilities, that means that they didn't solve anything.

I am familiar with source material, that's why I know that most of it is complete garbage that won't hold in a non-20yearold-game setting. People are not gonna watch 3 movies about Arthas jerking around, especially the part after he becomes LK

>the Infinite is good meme

I want reddit to leave

The third movie wouldn't have as much focus on him.

>that's why I know that most of it is complete garbage that won't hold in a non-20yearold-game setting

read the fucking book

I'm not a fan and barely remember it, but I'm pretty sure Infinite concluded with every version of the main character dying, thus erasing all timelines in which the core conflict could happen.

it's not as good as the first bioshock game.

the main character didn't die, though. Ken Levine also thinks quantum physics = magic

This. The only good (((video game movie))) was Edge of Tomorrow.

A Shadowrun Movie mite b cool

if you honestly believe warcraft can be more than chink money drain of a movie you're delusional or just don't know many good stories

>social justice """cyberpunk""" garbage
no thanks

there's only one right answer

Puns was also a very happy extrovert girl in Tangled
your argument is shit

Mass Effect

In what universe is a pretentious, convoluted, plain stupid story cut up by mediocre Frankenstein's monster of a shooter, that is literally a step back in every single way from previous Bioshocks, a good game?

Would be the dawn of scifi vidya kino if they followed the book story that is.

Your taste is all right, senpai. I take it back.

Holy samefagging.

>reading Halo books

Deus Ex and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines would both work as a 10 ep (max) miniseries with 44 minute episodes. Elder Scrolls would work best as an animated series with 22 minute episodes and a maximum of 26 episodes per season. It has several games of material to work with or could create its own original plot in the same, already fleshed-out setting of Tamriel. Fallout could also get a show but since the game-plots are either weak or heavily based on player choice in the Beth/Obsidian games they'd have to stick to the first two or make an original plot.

As much as I enjoy games like Shadow Warrior it's hard to imagine a movie of it being anything more than quips and non-stop violence that would only get tiring if it were non-participatory.

>Not reading the Halo books
How does it feel to be a pleb?



Thanks guy who hasn't read a single warcraft book.


If you take the best parts of first Metal Gear Solid you basically have modern Die Hard with romance and a couple of nice twists.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums. Game stories are rife with cliches that we've been seeing in movies for years. Once you take out the interactivity of the game the simplistic story falls flat on its face. There is no point in adapting any kind of interactive media into film. So take your shitty thread back where it belongs you stupid fucking faggot.

Nope, neither of those require you to interact with them in any way but reading. And in the case of comics tou're taking still pictures and adding motion/sound to possibly enhance the source material. Anime adaptations are fucking pointless though, just go watch the cartoon.

I see you haven't played the second game.
You also have seem bad taste in games in general so please stick to CoD and the like they are as fun as marvel movies and satisfying for the bigger part of people.

>reading video game books
The Arch-Pleb, the Pleb Prince, the Pleb Commander

the Witcher obviously

>retard thinks K&L is a good game
>thinks others have bad taste

Directed by Guillermo Del Toro

right cause there has never been a movie with a simplistic story