Stoner thread

Stoner thread.

So today I decided to try and get really high. More than I ever have before. How high can I really get? Is there a limit to it?

falling asleep?

The limit is either falling asleep or throwing up I guess. I've never passed out from being so high - but I've gotten so high that I become deliriously paranoid. It must be different for everyone.

it makes you too paranoid so i only do max of 3 hits and the is good ro 2 3 hours

Fucking degenerate stoners.

OP here. I have so far smoked 4 bowls and planning on doing more.

On Saturday I did 4 good-sized bowls of some high quality weed and watched that new Independence Day movie, It was such an awful movie, but I was high enough that it became a really great comedy. Get high enough to turn Independence Day: Resurgence into a tolerable movie

If you are doing weed you should use a bong and hold as much as you can for as long as you can. When I want to get really high on weed, I stay clean for the prior month and smoke smoke all at once.

4 bowls? Kekd so hard. I do that for breakfast twice over...


if you're smoking on a daily basis - u can't get too high

take some 100 grams in 15 minutes

waterfall bong hits usually do the trick

Good thing we've got all the upstanding citizens who frequent Sup Forums to tell us how we should live our lives.

For someone that has a very tolerance level, the first smoke they do is probably the most strongest smoke they'll have until the next one.

I hadn't smoked in 2 years and I smoked a cone at my friends house about a month ago, I was paralysed at the bottom of his stairs because I kept flipping between reality and existence.

Since then, I've started smoking a shit load now. I'll have about 4 - 8 cones on average and I'm pretty high, but if I switch over to my vaporizer and smoke 2 bags, I'll become a cripple. I did that about 2 weeks ago and I went straight to my bed and had the best wank of my life, I can now understand why down syndrome people look like that, its because they had a wank like my wank on weed but they got stuck there because the wind changed or some shit.

Anyways, I'm high right now, in this moment in time. I smoked about 5 cones, ama.

Try wax if you can get your hands on it. Edibles are super easy to make if you're trying to throw up and pass out


The holding it in thing for longer is bullshit, the damage it causes versus the minute difference it makes is not worth it

>tfw your Dad is known as Walter Green

You have no idea how much free weed there is in my house, I share it all with my mates for free. The highest quality organic shit you can get, and in many different strands.

For me I just get to a point where I don't get any higher I just rough up lungs more. Like most things with weed though it's probably different for everyone.

Bro make a Gravity bong and thank me later.

How's the Volcano? I went for the VapeXhale concentrate starter kit with the hose to hook up to my dab rig, but I almost bought a Volcano

Different high, they get you fucked up nonetheless though.

You can breathe THC just like its oxygen, so just think how fucked up you can get.

trip quads of truth
