Trying to learn by myself how to shave with a straight razor at 26 is a pretty bad idea

Trying to learn by myself how to shave with a straight razor at 26 is a pretty bad idea.

I got one of those cheap ones with replaceable blades and i butchered my face, seems to me i either under-angle and it just slides without the blade touching or i over-angle it and it sinks right in cutting like a bitch. It's my second time and i got like 10 different cuts all bleedin.

What's the secret here? Got any tips?

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Give up and use a safety razor, faggot

Get a proper fucking razor unless you wanna look like an emo face-cutter.

maintain the blade faggot.

step one: apply razor to throat
step two: kys user

Noy sure how you fucked up and why age is relevant
But for the sake of your stupid ass thread
I got mine at 25 amd it was intuitive how it works, you're probably retarded.
I would tell you to sharpen your razor and strop before each use but you have the shitty disposable ones
After a while you start to notice the direction the hairs point at on the different parts of your face. You go with the grain and against it last to get that baby ass smooth feel

buy a dovo, get some good saving soap, not that canned shit and strop regularly, the blades go dull real quick and it starts to pull which fucking hurts.

I've used one since the beginning, the one with the replaceable blade. I have a proper straight razor but I can't get it sharp enough to not hurt when shaving.

It's actually easier for me to shave with a straight razor, safety razors perform very poorly in comparison and feel weird

don't shave.

shaving is for cucks.

you have hair for a reason.

Its 2016 just use a normal razor dumbass. This isn't the 19th century.

this is what I got, fucking waste of money tbh, but hey you'll look like a sick cunt if anyone ever watches you shave which will likely be never.

Why do you keep spamming your shitty chat link everywhere? Noone wants to talk to you faggot

Get a real razor you faggot. Pic related. Mine. Also horse hair strop and badger hair brush

I got myself one of these about a year ago; too cheap to keep spending money on disposable Gillette shit. Cut myself a fuckton, still do fairly often, but i love the smooth feeling. After i run out of disposables, im thinking of getting the real thing.

>look how cool and underground i am using razors designed in the 1800s
just use a fucking normal razor like a normal person and stop worrying about slicing up your face op

You don't need all this fancy dick jacking bullshit. I use the disposables and I don't have any trouble. Change your blade out, if it's dull, you're just fucking yourself up. Use a nice cream or soap, cream will help soften the hairs. Sounds like you're pushing into your face. Let the blade do the work. It's sharp af, it'll do the trick.

Tie a balloon down, hold it up still with two or more books so wind won't move it then practice on that balloon.

Never cut myself. 1 blade lasts for a lifetime. Plus I can give it to my son and teach him to shave like a man... With cold high carbon steel.

men used to ride around in horse drawn carriages too
using obsolete products does not make a man

>Buying shitty disposables or refills for my electric pube shaver


>electric razors are all that exists
What's it like being an inbred dunce?

pay at least 10 bucks for it first
then u gotta cut about 25/30 degrees
with the grain first, then against
lrn2shave faggot

You are cunts who shave with razors designed to shave pussies. The straight razor is the ultimate hair removal tool

You gotta learn sharpening tho

This has to be bait

Use a razor you hipster

Mine is getting dull. I got the dovo red medium paste. Going to try on my strop. Should be sharp as fuck after.

Strop is not enough, you'll eventually need a hone to restore the edge.

I have one

I've used one with the replaceable blades before OP and they can actually be sharper than a normal straight razor so they take a bit more getting used to. Just make sure you aren't putting any weight on the blade, just let it sit against your skin and also keep it moving, do long strokes in one direction, if you keep stopping or doing smaller strokes it tends to cut more.

>the closest shave is only possible using it
>when getting a professional shave, it is done with a straight razor

>Comparing an experienced barber to a hipster who wants to be more hipster than others but can't learn to shave properly

But no, don't shave only women shave real men have beards no baby stubble. Full on lumberjack "I wrestle bears for fun" beard.

Do you have black rimmed glasses with the lenses missing, by chance?