Thoughts on Jill Stein?

Thoughts on Jill Stein?

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Probably the most reasonable, human, not in the pocket of special interest groups candidate.

She is cute.

I agree with her on most things it seems like, but isn't she pro-life? That's kind of a deal breaker in my opinion.


Shes antivax thats kind of a dealbreaker

> thinks wifi causes cancer
> "nuclear power plants = weapons of mass destruction"

she's fucking retarded

this is what I must have been thinking of

Got my vote

She's ok

It pisses me off that there is so much hate surrounding nuclear power. It's one of the cleanest and most efficient power sources available, but retards keep spreading the idea that they are dangerous.
The only time they're dangerous is when something goes wrong, but with the regulation required to keep the plants running it almost never happens. But of course the media likes to blow up any incidence where something does go wrong.

I'm a pretty liberal person myself but she's way too liberal for me.

Also she has zero chance of winning.

Yep. She's certified crazy. Which is even more horrifying because she's apparently an md.

Also inb4 people say she's not technically anti-vax: I have a dogwhistle to sell you.

Sometimes I feel like Zoltan Istvan is the only candidate that actually understands how tech is going to consume everything

Yeah she needs more reasonable opinions like that Obama is an African, or that unwavering support of Israel is justified, amirite senpai?

She literally said we need to get the mercury out of vaccines. That is blatant pandering to the anti-vax crowd.

So the fact that she's come right out and said she isn't an anti-vaxxer isn't enough for you?

Hillary has come right out and said she's pro-science and anti-war several times. Doesn't mean shit.


Okay, so the evidence for her being anti-vax is that she said some stuff that is sometimes echoed by that community, and the evidence against is that she made public statements clarifying her position and asserting that she values vaccinations as a medical tool and your reaction is to go "CLEARLY ANTI-VAX"


While this user has a point, I do feel the need to point out that "pandering" is a far cry from straight up lying.


> tinfoil because I judge someone by their actions instead of their words

Literally read the green party platform sometime. She's running as the candidate for a party that is openly pushing homeopathy as 'medicine'. The party that is trying to dismantle nuclear energy. She said wifi fries brains at a small event before she got popular and the media spotlight fell on her. We're playing fringe-left, pseudo-science bingo here. Her behavior indicates a trend - her claim to be anti-vax indicates trying to deflect the heat

Doesn't have enough experience to be a politician. Good issues tho

I met her in Maine and shook her hand. I thanked her for speaking out again mass surveilance and mentioning the names Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. She thanked me for my work in anti-surveilance activism. I agree with her on everything except gun control so I'm voting for her.

She's not anti-vax because she is against giving vaccines, she's antivax because she parrots clearly false information about vaccines, such as there being mercury in vaccines which is false and low doses haven't been proven to be deadly but have been taken out anyway.

She's also on the GMOs=bad organic=good.

Her fucking VP pick is full of bullshit too.

>Thoughts on Jill Stein?
The Honey without the money. She got my vote

what about waste? Theres no waste with solar or wind, nuclear power is tight, but should the whole world run off of it? no. oh and people think they're dangerous because of radioactive material being thrown to the bottom of the ocean killing the oceans you fuck.

>solid GILF

idk why any liberal would vote for shillary over Stein. liberals are fucking stupid

>yes because I just want to keep infanticide legal

If you take into account deaths per kw/hr, nuclear beats solar and wind, pretty soundly too.

That comment is taken entirely out of context; it's a larger comment on the effect of mass media availability at all times. You're one of them who don't understand colorful language, aren't you?

All crops are GMOs and preservatives are the only way to end world hunger. Too many liberals shopping at wholefoods paying 10 bucks for a pound of ground beef. If you told them salt was a preservative, they'd boycott it and die.