Best weapons thread

Best weapons thread

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ok, someone explain me why this would not work?

for the same reason throwing a bullet at someone doesn't work.

Main problem. Inaccuracy and the first time you fuck up and hit anything close to you youre dead. And anyone with you is dead.

Also. If you can find a grenade round. You can probably find the launcher too.


step it up fam

because physics
The force of impact is calculated by speed * mass

a bullet has low mass, and must therefore have high speed to do harm
catapults don't get enough speed to do harm with a low-mass projectile.

a small rock (or similar object) has a much higher mass, and therefore will do far more damage at a relatively low speed than a bullet would. That's why a small rock would work on a catapult, but a bullet wouldn't.

CQB sniper. I like it

Not to mention the round would not work if thrown at it operates under the same principles as a bullet.

Its not an impact grenade.

Because a bullet fired out of a gun does not have the casing still attached to it, and launching a bullet from a slingshot will not have anywhere NEAR the velocity as if it were fired from a gun. Jesus Christ, what are you, 12? learn some basic physics.

>not knowing how ammunition works

When you fire a gun the entire canister doesn't get shot out of the barrel



Why the

Virtually impossible to defend against

That's also a factor. However, that's not the main reason, as a bullet with canister and all would still do damage if thrown hard enough (theoretically that is).



Also virtually impossible to use w/out hurting yourself


because american, I think.

Obviously completely disregarding the fact that one of the most successful assault rifles in the world - the AK-47 - was designed by a communist.



No one said it were a bullet could be a Grenade from a launcher
So that would work
> suck it


you'd need a BIG catapult to shoot that far away enough to not get yourself killed.

That's actually pretty close to what some people bring to the range.

No, it would not work. a grenade of such design only explodes at high speed, thus making it only slightly more effective than a rock.

>one of the most successful assault rifles in the world - the AK-47
>most successful
>pick one

Considering how it's still being used to great effect, and it's a LOT sturdier than the M16 the Americans built, I'd say it's quite effective.

The armies and leaders using it tho? Not so much. But that's not due to the weapon.

The AK-47 has made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the most widely spread weapon in the world, with 100 million Kalashnikov rifles currently in use. Military and special forces in 106 countries around the globe from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe are now armed with AK-47s.


>was waiting for this image
>A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

AK is far inferior to the M16 in my opinion. I was in the Marine Corps

I'd take a gun that has issues hitting a bullseye at 500 yards, but hits like a brick shithouse, and NEVER jams, over the M16. but once again, this is an opinion.

>In the Marine Corps
So your opinion doesn't matter because it's the result of devil dog brainwashing oorah?

This nigga used a nunchaku.

Maybe I'm blind... Where's the trigger?


the m16 is not a really good weapon anymore.
the US has a lot of better rifles.

>mass measured in pounds

1. Slingshot cannot deliver the same velocity as a gun in any case, especially not since the projectile weighs more because of the casing.

2. Even if you wanted, you could get just the bullet to fire somewhere. There's no firing pin or anything to strike the bottom of the bullet, so that's a no go.

3. Even if you managed to put a firing pin that would somehow work with a slingshot, the bullet would simply explode and not go much of anywhere because it's in open air, as opposed to in a gun's barrel, the expanding gas from the explosion can only go out the barrel for the most part, expelling the item/bullet.

Jesus Christ. a launcher fired grenade only arms after a certain number of rotations in the air, imparted by the rifling. this prevents it from killing you and anyone nearby if you shoot it into a fucking wall in front of you. the slingshot wouldn't work simply because the grenade would never arm, not because of its velocity. a grenade launcher doesn't fire a grenade at high speeds, one of those two person slingshots would be able to achieve the same as a a launcher.

Pick one.

>Shit sarge the launcher is broken
Don't worry billy
>I'll use my catapult
>there closing bully you better run I can't fire it far enough
>rember me billy
Fires she'll at incoming sandniggers kills them
>effective weapon

Throw it like a football

now that might work. I want to try this now

Ok smart ass Willy Pete Grenades would work
>or maybe there's a enemy coming at you in a Bugatti veron pushing 200mph and then you pult the grenade
>would still work


Yeah because murican guns don't jam or get clogged up to shit then malfunction .
Ak less moving parts better built
Sweet 16 looks better tho

>I was in marine corps

That's one of those "prove it or fuck off" kinda statements. Also I've seen u.s. soldiers admit that ak is a superior weapon mostly due to reliability.

Non-stem fags dont know about pound mass vs pound force

>get clogged up
>ak better built

you sure know about guns buddy

My fucking sides, screencap someone


Here you go fam

You are the trigger

this is my weapon of choice

and also bump this

That would kill me before i hit my target

>pink guy

Kill yourself.


You are so smart about guns

Ex uk soldier here
I used the SA 80 not too bad lacked the power
Used a AK on a range hits like bitch a little bouncy due to recoil
Never shot M16 but we used to joke about how shit they are

looks like some sort of Klingon with autism designed this shit

Am a bit surprised that no one ITT came up with bestest of weapons.
Pic verily related.

FOOLS, this weapon fires 70% more bullet than a conventional gun. And is therefore more efficient.


I'm Shure I detect a little sarcasm in your post
Ak just better
>also the drakon sniper is better

Autism detected


>but Ivan you have no lazer sight

I feel you're missing the point of this thread user

Thunx fam, I relly appreciate that.
Don't act like this isn't perfect in it's simplicity, effectiveness and availability. Easy to use too!