My dog was killed by a car today Sup Forums

My dog was killed by a car today Sup Forums
happy halloween...

Rip bro

thanks man

Sorry man. But how neat is this theme, wish it'd stay, it's easy on the eyes.

RIP little friend,
Are you fine?

It's pretty ok, I prefer the default one tho.

I'll be ok, just need time to come to terms with it

Heres the CSS for it, just press F12 - Style editor - import. (Firefox)

It should work after halloween but idk if it will
Put a . between puu and sh

wew lad, praise be.

Rip, sorry to hear about your dog op, what kind of dog was he?

She got scared by our neighbours setting off fireworks on sunday evening
I went out looking for her in the dark but I didn't have a torch so I didn't achieve anything.
I printed off a bunch of leaflets and went out looking for her from 6:00am - 8:30pm but found nothing.
I got a call that she had been seen during the day but she had ran away when I got there.
She was hit some time this morning running across a road from more fireworks going off.

thanks, she was a Border Collie. I've had her since she was a puppy.

Well there goes my day.. Sorry OP that's so sad.

I couldn't bring myself to take a photo of her body before she was cremated. I hate myself for not taking more photos of her.

Yeah I know right?

That's horrible man. sorry to hear that.
It's your fault that it is dead.

Torch your neighbours house, you'll feel better

Condolences OP, looks like he was a sweet doggo.

Kill the fuckers who did this

I feel for you bro

Fuck I'm sorry to hear that... wish you the best! :(

you're right user, I should have kept her on the lead leaving the park (my house is 3 meters from the entrance)

I just might, their dog would always start barking and Maisy would bark back at 1 in the morning

Thanks anons

RIP cutedog.

It's Halloween. Nothing wrong with some mischief. If any of your panda's turds are still around you should whip one at their living room window as hard as you can. So hard that it scares them and then they get butthurt when they find shit splattered on their window. Or put shit under the door handle of their car.

I'm so so so sorry to hear that OP

That would be funny, she would never "go" in the garden though, I always had to take her to the park. (and I don't feel like looking through the park picking up dog shit)

thanks user

[Presses F for the pupper]

So sorry, OP

Thanks user