I need to make a perfectly timed jump off an 18 foot high balcony in about an hour from now...

I need to make a perfectly timed jump off an 18 foot high balcony in about an hour from now. How can I do that without seriously injuring or killing myself? I've jumped about 13 feet before and gotten away unscathed, but that was a long time ago, and this is starting to feel like it's a bit much.

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Here's a picture off the balcony just as evidence that I'm not fucking around. I do not want to die.

Tuck and roll

Plese tell me you got someone filming

Fall standing up and land right in the bottom of your feet. You will be uninjured if you do that.

Can't you break your back that way? That seems like more of a moving vehicle thing than a tall building thing.

Also this is my last meal if I die xD


18 feet high is't so much isn't it?

Original joke acquired. Activating laugh sequence.

Feet together and lock your knees.

You are going to need some speed to spread out the landing impact at that height, I hope you have experience rolling or really strong legs, preferably both. When you hit the group keep your legs shoulder width apart and land on the balls of your feet exhaling on impact. This tutorial is how I learned: youtube.com/watch?v=0JoBLxFKkbM

Thank you. Really, unless some miracle happens that advice might save my pelvis, and I value my pelvis greatly.

Rolling requires practice, it's a lot different with impact forces as well and needs to be done at the correct angles to make sure your head/shoulder/hip are okay.

Why do you want to jup OP?

This, a few moments too early, or too late, and your back is dust

Why do you "need" to jump?

because i am a faggot & attention whore like all the other OPs

fbi is coming for me.

I pray for your slow demise

Kill your self

There's a bus coming and a truck coming. When the truck gets here I need to hide, and when the bus gets here I need to look like I just got off of it or my friends are going to hate me forever.

Hey OP, random user here. When I was five I jumped out of a second story window and got away perfectly fine, although I did knock the wind out of myself

If five year old me can do it, so can you

I'm gonna guess it's the fbi one, knowing this fucking site

Kek. You faggot. The fbi lie was better than this horse shit. Also, enjoy dying. Which will certainly happen. Natural selection.

I'm practicing this tucking and rolling thing. Way harder than it looks, and hurts just a bit more too.

Wow, I'm starting to realize my body really does not want to do what I want it to do here. Every muscle in my body thinks this is straight up dickery.

I'm hitting my shoulder really hard on the roll. Is there a simple way to adjust for that, or is practicing the only remedy here?

Lower yourself from the balcony and hang by your hands before jumping. That turns your 18 foot drop into a 10 foot drop. No sweat. Also, your landing will be a lot less noticeable. Even if you weren't injured, the 18 foot landing would cause a lot more commotion.

Fbi will notice tho

damn I wish I could witness this whole thing going down irl.

I thought he needed speed to roll correctly ?

Do not collapse your elbows when your hands hit the ground to start the roll, if you do you will hit your shoulder into the ground instead of the force passing across it. Also don't be afraid to hop forward into the roll a bit, the more space you roll over the more area you have to disperse the impact.

Haha wow time to rethink your whole fucking life right now. Because you're about incur what will probably amount to lifelong pain at best over what boils down to social anxiety.

How the fuck do you get yourself in a situation where you HAVE to complete this jump? If you don't feel like you can do it without dying don't do it.

For some reason I’m still trying to help you OP, watch this for fixing common roll problems. youtube.com/watch?v=y6I1J0zmE7U

Friends just called. Said they're going to be pretty late on account of a nameless individual doing something unthinkably stupid with his new car.

are you a chick or some faggot dude with long fingernails?

Since I already got my jeans stained and my elbows scuffed though I'm gonna drop to the window beneath it and forget about the bus. I want to prove to myself that I'm not entirely incapable at this point for some reason, probably because every other time I try this my muscles lock up and don't want to leave my rock.

I was going to cut them a few days ago, but I lost my thickest Scizzors.


So.... did OP die from the fall or what?

keep us posted

He will get all the speed he needs when he starts falling

>How can I do that without seriously injuring or killing myself?

Not jumping off of 18 foot high balconies has been known to significantly reduce the chance of injury/death.

well shit, friends car is back up and I'm feeling less and less confident about this.. I'd hate to say I've failed you, but at least for today I think I've failed you. I'll try this every day from now on, and when I get it I'll be back, same time same place. So long for now, and sorry to the user who posted@0"" the parkour videos. Those were really helpful and I probably wouldn't have thought of that on my own.

Also here's a picture of some barrels and a road near where I am. If you can use it to find me feel free to come watch, or complain that I'm a faggot or whatever. Whatever floats your boat. Also you can narrow things down to the southern two thirds of Ohio, without that I doubt you'll get it.

Hey guys, UC Campus by morgens hall.
