Hey Sup Forums, yes it's me SinkChan, tho this time I finally fixed my sink, tho my wc went retarded...

Hey Sup Forums, yes it's me SinkChan, tho this time I finally fixed my sink, tho my wc went retarded, I tried to fix it by myself it just got fubared, any cheap like life hack solution?

Open your window and shit outside, drink piss for nutrients.

what's wrong? looks fine to me.

I can't open window no handle... you dip

Well it depends whats wrong if theres a cheap solution. You can buy a whole new set of guts for the tank for 30 bucks at any hardware store.

it just overflows and water goes everywhere

pour dishwashing liquid ( like Fairy or smt) into it and make some nice foam.

M(8) I have like 20 buks for this week, spent all my money on oil and potatos

Last time I tried that it went full retard on me, i did it in my sink, I fixed it my self
pic related

Try to figure out exactly what you broke. If its over flowing from the tank you probably broke the ball float and arm.

it overflows from pipes

You mean from the bowl? If so it has nothing to do with the tank up top.

color the water inside that container somehow. I don't know if you have food coloring, just do it somehow and post pics, don't be a fag

ok gonna do it if it will help to fiix it, brb guiz

SinkGuy does it again. I am starting to believe in Sup Forums again.

hey guiz I just noticed there is nuffin in the tank, so tried fixing in bowl

also no as said no water in tank

clean your fuckin toilet

i have no water in the toilet, you dipshit

That's a blockage, nothing to do with the inside tank parts, faggot.

>Wears socks in sandals
>Kissless virgin approved

I need help, have no money, and need to quick fix it, all i have is oil, tho last time almost burned my house

If there is no water in the tank then there is a problem with your incoming water feed. Which probably means the ball float is broken and stopping the valve from opening, allowing water in. Either that or there is a problem with the water coming in to your property - have the water company turned the water off to your building for any reason?

Also. Clean your toilet.

they called few times to say they won't send any plumbers anymore but other than that all cool

>wears sandles
>probably wears fedora
>definitely atheist
>doesn't believe in God
>doesn't believe in paying water bill
>water turned off by water company

How did you know mang

Shit in a bucket

i just took a dump in the bowl and now again, i don't think that's gonna fix it

Well op, the thing is, you can flush a toilet by just pouring a bucket of water in to the bowl. That's how a toilet works, the tank acts as the "bucket" and pushes the waste water out.

If you get desperate you can just do that

As i said before have no bucket to do that

What about using the bin next to it?

I like where this is going.

The sink thread was epic

tried to put on the top this shit happenz what gives, have bad luck with water

what kind of shithole do you live in brah?

quick, get the ducktape!

ok m8 for dubz and tripz, not a bucket but close