I'm bored, let's get a rekt thread going

I'm bored, let's get a rekt thread going
















fucking hell, my sides.... that name!"

dat filename

And they wonder why we bought and sold them.

Another reason to not have a child.








Nice. Story?




But why was he climbing...?




If this was ylyl i would've lost






But why? The guy was just buying his daughter some candy

Niggers always being Niggers.

Got what he deserved.



And this is why I own a gun.

what the hell is happening here?




Muslim scum.





Niggers. KILL them all.






The big ass pole or whatever he was carrying punched a hole in the escalator exposing the mechanical parts that most likely tore him asunder.





Do these people not know how to look out for power lines?

damn, i hope those animal control people caught the chimps. they should be put down after behaving like that.


Analogue hate machine

Doubtful ,
>fuck the 2 mb downgrade


Do pajeets see people dying daily or what?

gtfo you fedora wearing fuckbag, go play league of legends

ow you brainwashed puppet.
it was love. love for the ppl.
love for the country.
love for life.

truly teutonic plague free radio

Duh, they die of in famines regularly.
They breed uncontrollably like a caner, sometimes it starves it self..

that's just sad


Niggers be Niggers.

Write a letter to congress.

filename kek

the only one that made me sad


Mexican gang execution, cut off his hands and sliced his head until it was only a gargling bloody skull.


fucking subhumans

because niggers


He is that new :D



This is why I'm buying a gun. Can't wait to kill my first nigger.

garbage of society


nerve gas

Seriously, don't niggers have any honor like, hell, like fucking mudslimes?


Jesus you people are fucking sick. One of the most brutal things I have ever seen.

nigger admixture, just a tiny bit