Sup Forums I think youre losing it

Sup Forums I think youre losing it.

Prove to me you have what it takes to live up to the legendary standards we once had






newfag detected



I fucking knew banana meme would be here.
Fuck this site.
Fuck all of you newfags.
Op is a faggot

i actually participated

Legendary? Thanks for the laugh op. This place has and always will be a cesspool of shit.

>legendary standards

all Sup Forums ever did was take credit for reddit's work


this is bait

Kek, this is legendary

>reddit's work


Other than CP, Sup Forums never did anything except harass tumblr

I'll show you lost

Sup Forums has always been good as an imageboard and a place to find interesting memes.

It's you faggots who want this to be Stormfag 2.0






Seriously, what the fuck man? We took credit for everything from SomethingAwful when it wasn't to Reddit to [DEEPWEBFILTER].

Get your facts straight.

wow you are new

the fuck
is that his dick?
inb4 newfriend


Here you go

How about those murders huh?


Well aint that somthing? Checked too.

oldfag here

it's true, Sup Forums is a legend in its own mind

raiding faggots is cringing bullshit



people always say Sup Forums has never been any good, trust me, Sup Forums's been way better than the shit stain it is now, I've been lurking for years, I felt this thread was gonna pop up anytime

Sup Forums is actually dead now, all you fags and horny teens do is rub the bone all day, the last thing Sup Forums did for the lulz was cutforbieber and bikini bridge, both those weak attempts were the best Sup Forums could do.

It's dead. all this is is a porn site, shit even the GIRLS in my class take pride in saying they browse Sup Forums with their friends.

I'd say sorry for the ramble, but the time you spent reading this atleast you didn't spend bumping another furry/trap/roll/ylyl shit thread.



that had better be a chick car


fucking kill yourself pussy


Not only is dead, it will never be the same,too.
All the old fags that were here (no, not beta fags, those are something else that everybody thinks are the same) moved on with their lives and left Sup Forums for good. Now, only the lurkers keep clicking this fucking thing hoping to find some OC or funny shit will never happen...not again


>Sup Forums is actually dead now, all you fags and horny teens do is rub the bone all day
i still dont know why they dont go to /gif/
thats the most hardcore board on the site.


You and me both