Judge each other by facial hair

Judge each other by facial hair

> pic related

I want to be you

Looks like most of it is coming out of your neck/10

Muslim: grown beard, trimmed moustache

Looks like you're single.



You look like you're ginger

Jewish Canadian





actually i had not that long ago, until i fucking shaved because of gf


why the fuck would a newfriend had a ratchet tie in his room?

Trimmed recently but still neckbeardy as fuck


>judge each other by facial hair
>talks about background shit
stick to the thread, newbie

You'd probably look a lot better clean cut tbh. Lose the beard and trim the hair shorter. I tried the messy thing at one point too and it didn't work for me either.

So bascially the same. Gotya

Is your name name earl?


douche hipster

douche hipster

douche hipster

douche hipster

douche hipster

At work ragged as fuck right now so i look like shit. but I have the babiest of baby faces without the beard. Like a deformed manchild.

douche hipster

Dylan get the fuck off Sup Forums.


>how to trigger people

r8 me


Fuck me.

When a mustache is that thin, you're better off not even trying. Keep the beard if you like, it's fine, but shave the silly stache.


You're either an alpha or a total sperg. Nowhere in between. I kinda like it honestly but you may be a fag.

the "mustache" have a week growing
>thk you for your rate, i was thinking in shave it down


hahahahahaha i´m european, atheist

Tell me where I live


You got me Sup Forumsro I have no idea.

good for you but it didn't fit with your stache. change it, or keep it short.

>tfw shitty beard genes

What's you're secret my beard looks like pubes

I feel you dude, my dad has a full one ear to ear but I don't have shit on my chops. Just chin and stache.

take your time

He already said he's a Jew. Jews have god tier beards. Add that to the shekels and it's like the rest of us just got cheated.


ty m8 , i want it to grow more , btw i have short hair( 1 cm )



Nah, just weak mustache gains

I need to trim it, but I'm on vacation, so fuck it


I have an extremely patchy beard. I thought I'd be able to have a nice even beard but I'm 23 and I'm certain this is as good as it gets for me

not bad 7/10


A man who shaves his faces probably shaves his vagina too.

listens to heavy metal
only has half a soul
runs an anime facebook page
plays COD


the best

r u in space?


Such an amazing beard, m8

oh wow.

do you still remember how your teeth look like? lol
that a glorious beard btw

Gg mate

Checked + won the thread

douche hipster


how do you eat without looking like a creampie?

Godking of Sup Forums

Lost and checked

Don't have anything on

im a douche but not a hipster.


Get on my level, boys.


But it's a good beard.

This is sort of what I'd like to shoot for. I just don't know if I could pull of a mustache that full.
is me currently.

Fellow pipe smoker. Hell yeah.


Come off it, you know I look good in a fedora. One of very few who does.

Yeah, that's a Brigham Voyageur, a full-bent apple, one of my favourite smokers. People like to yammer about their Petersons, but a Brigham is just as nice and a fifth the price. And the rock maple filter system Brigham uses is a lot cheaper than the Peterson System.


Give it time. My moustache didn't get that full until I was in my 40s.

I'm only 21 so I'm hoping it gets a little more broad by late 20s. My dad said it took him till 40 to get a good level beard so I might be waiting a while.

I'm 32 currently. Not much farther to go!

Do you have any tips on promoting growth? I've been using beard oil now for about 6 months and I can tell a difference in fullness, but not really a difference in the patchy areas on my cheeks.

>Yeah, that's a Brigham Voyageur, a full-bent apple, one of my favourite smokers. People like to yammer about their Petersons, but a Brigham is just as nice and a fifth the price. And the rock maple filter system Brigham uses is a lot cheaper than the Peterson System.

Yeah a lot of pipe snobs rant and rave about Perterson. Me personally? I am in love with Savinelli. My favorite smoker is my Savinelli 320 rusticated. (It's black). I love it. I have always loved the author shape. I will say though, yours is awesome. Bent apples are great.

The trips beard is god among peasants

Peterson, Savinelli, and Dumhill are all overpriced. Don't get me wrong, they're excellent pipes, but 75% of the price you're paying is for the name. I have an estate Savinelli, and while it's a nice pipe, it's not any better than my Vauens or my Brighams. In fact, some of my best smokers are vintage no-name briars which would originally have been sold in a barber shop or an army canteen for a buck.

No, I think it's all down to genetics and time. I wouldn't waste my money on beard oil. It'll come in or it won't.

Well, the oil is mostly to help get rid of the pube-like feel of the beard. Fullness is a pleasant side effect.

All you're doing is gluing the split ends together. You'll get the same effect with any conditioner at a fraction of the price.

beard does not make one manly, vaginas can grow hair too

>effete girly-man pantywaist detected

I do agree that they are highly over priced. You do buy the name, there is no denying that. But I would HIGHLY suggest the Savinelli 320, it's a wonderful smoker. By far my over all favorite pipe. I'm not like a savinelli fan boy, but I do love their pipes. I own two of them. My 320 and my 616. Both are black and rusticated. I love that look.



Bummer dude

Are you my lost twin ?

I used to like rusticated pipes when I only had a few cheap pipes; the rustication hides the poor quality of the wood. But when you're paying extra for flame-pattern briar, all you want is a few coats of carnauba wax to bring out the shine. Rustication is the equivalent of us fat guys wearing our shirts untucked to hide the rolls of flab.