It's my birthday cunt's wish me happy birthday

It's my birthday cunt's wish me happy birthday

Don't call us cunt you cunt, happy "you didnt get aborted and were born" day

Happy birthday dude!

Way to not die last year, dipshit.

Happy birthday to you and the other 0.3% of the population you share your Birthday with!


here's your gift

Happy birthday user!

Happy birthday, faggot

Thanks Sup Forumsfags :) Appreciated ! And fuck you, to you all

How old are you now?

Happy Halloween!
fuck your birthday no one gives a fuck, nigger

19, 97 master race

Happy fucking birthday super cunt! We love you cunt ass and hope you have a great B-day. Now we also hope tomorrow is totally fucked up for you.

If wish you a happy birthday but my sister just told me she's pregnant finally so I'm more excited about people who actually matter. Why haven't you blown your head off yet?

Go fuck yourself cunt.

No god at the end, gotta live the fuck outta the one I have

Been through that shit too bro! Got my sister knocked up and shit. DNA is a motherfucker.

>my sister just told me she's pregnant finally

Fucking niggers.

Happy birthday

White as could be my friend. Though my brother in law is a ginger so...

Anyway could be worse. Best night in a long time

Happy birthday Sup Forumsrother, share some nuggers with me why don't you.

Here you go :)

You must be new around these parts son, always remember the 1st rule of Sup Forums


it's my wife's 10th anniversary fuck you you beta cuck i hope you die tonight


happy bday fag

she died the 31'st lmao


Don't tell me what to do faggot. But happy birthday

Happy birthday friend how old are you now?

Have fun OP.

I'm drinking a beer for you!