Is this a good size anons?

Is this a good size anons?


yes very nice

The heads disappointing but girth wise you're over average.


Without a scale, no idea. You could be a midget and that's a 3 inch cock

HOMO THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You got me, I'm 4'.

Just why?

Yep, it's a good size if you like mediocrity.You probably fuck like a boy, may as well be hung like one.

more angles?

more angles??

Is this a good one?

It's pretty girthy some girls prefer this. How long is it?

How's mine?


timestamp or ur actual weewee size is less than 3 in


Mine is 6.5 inches lengh and 5.5 inches girth, is it small?

You're 6.5" or is that what you've rated mine?

What do you guys think of veiny penises?

How tall are you?

That's one good looking penis, i would sit on it, no homo

Help me Sup Forums

I'm fifteen, six inches long and 5.5 in girth.

Too small?

Ok great


wtf are you doing here



How's this one look?

Your dick is probably about 6.5"

So tiny
I'd love to play with your dick though.



>So tiny
That's not good for my self esteem user

That's cute

6.5 inches length
5.5 inches girth
Is it a good size?