Hey there Sup Forums how many campaign signs are there between your house and where you work...

Hey there Sup Forums how many campaign signs are there between your house and where you work? And what state are you from?
Trump: at least 20
Clinton: 0
Johnson: 1
Stein: 0
Ms. 6 mile drive.

theres about 15 trump on various houses/businesses on the way to my college which is ~3 miles
no other signs

Trump: 0
Hillary: 201
Johnson: 1
Stein: 0

15 mile.

Also like this dude you can choose between where you live in your college or any other place you frequent if you don't have a job.

Im sorry bros but i think trump is going to lose.


20 mile drive

Trump: ~15
Clinton: 0
Johnson: ~5
Stein: 0
McMullin: 2

Seriously? Dude do you live in a hell?

very high end neighborhood. No crime, races live in harmony. Highest income country in the US. Very nice.

For more info: There were triple the Bernie signs than Hillary during primary.

county not country*

i don't work
no signs are allowed in this area (private community)

kys race traitor

Live in Mass.

I've seen about a total of 2 Trump signs, and hundreds of Hillary ones.

kys faggot

KYS. I never specified my race, you assumed because you're racist.

Fucking kek no you don't. Get out of my thread with your gay nigger bullshit.

Washington here, specifically Seattle. I don't see any presidential signs anywhere. Also, no governor signs. Probably because the Dems will win 80% of my city. There are a bunch for our congressional race between a gay Cuban American and an Indian socialist bitch.

That's expected from a Trump supporter.

nonwhite: killed painlessly
white race traitor: tortured to death

literally die now you subhuman scum holy fuck ;aowdifnap;wf[0e9fja[we9trja'wepofaew YEAH I"m MAD you millennial piece of shit numale scum

Texas, near a city
Trump: 5
Clinton: 3
Johnson: 0
Stein: 1
McMullin: 1

nonwhite: killed painlessly
white race traitor: tortured to death

literally die now you subhuman scum holy fuck ;aowdifnap;wf[0e9fja[we9trja'wepofaew YEAH I"m MAD you millennial piece of shit numale scum

what i couwlnfaw['newfa'piojnhawe[foinawe'flkwe/ HOLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK i hate you

New York. 5 trump...1 hillary4PRISON. there was 1 clinton/kaine but I kicked it down.

can't wait until the muslims behead you and enslave your women you impotent idealist cucks

there is nothing worse than white race traitors

Dems calling anyone else a racist is the most hypocritical shit ever.

Yard signs don't vote.

George Soros's voting machines vote. And they say Trump loses.


>races live in harmony
Unless you count blonde and brunette white people as different races, you're bullshiting.

New York:
Trump: 9
Clinton: 1
Johnson: 0
Stein: 1


Holy shit I started an actual thread, with other people, posting things, here, in my thread I started. One step closer to not being a newfag.

>there was 1 clinton/kaine but I kicked it down.


Get the fuck out of here with your conspiracy bullshit

Kek doing gods work lad

Are you serious? So because someone isn't a pathetic race hating basement dweller, they are worse than scum? Your telling me that anyone who doesn't share your exact ideals is worse than scum? Well, it doesn't matter anyway, seeing as though your too fat and nonathletic to lug yourself out of your mothers basement and actually do something.

7 miles drive to college
About 50 trump
No other ones
>tfw super republican town in Arizona

Isn't basement dwelling a sore subject for burn outs?

You dun good, kid
You aight
For your accomplishment I present you with Vern Troyer in a briefcase holding a lit up dildo

AZ fag here

Which town are you in?

Trumptards are a fervent bunch

GA here. Hundreds of trump signs in my area. All of them in front of houses that look like they got their shit together. Only ever seen two Hillary stickers. One on a Prius from New York and one on a Subaru with a dance team sticker right next to it and a man(kinda) driving. Only H sign I've seen in my area was out in the boonies on a driveway too long to see the house. Probably well off. Also there's a trump billboard 5 miles up the interstate from me.


I drove 85 miles from norfolk to the outer banks of nc last week and saw a trump sign, bill board, flag,banner, poster, etc every quarter mile as well add rednecks worth flags on their pickups. I saw 2 smaller Hilary yard signs in a median at a major intersection.

I drive about the same distance today, but north from norfolk up the eastern shore of VA and see the reverse, except they were about a mile apart and mostly yard signs.

Both routes were along state highways in mostly rural areas.

It highlights what we already know: in va the signs were on people, white trash, who enjoy welfare. In NC they were hard working blue collar rednecks.
The only difference is that temp supporters LOVE trump. With hillary voters they think she's better of two awful choices, or they hate trump. Very few if any love hillary.

L.H.C. (Lake Havasu), why

Southern Rhode Island:
Trump: 6 and one extra large custom sign
Clinton: 0
Johnson: 0
Stein: 0

It's about 6 miles away

How do you know if someone is a Trump supporter?

Don't worry, they'll tell you.

no he probably got aids from touching anything Trump.


The actual literal route from my home to my job is mostly freeway, but it's mostly Hillary with a few Johnson and Stein. I'm in Seattle and there is still to this day more shit for Bernie than anyone else. I have yet to see a Trump yard side anywhere within city limits. Only on the fringes.

Just curious. I'm only curious since I drive to and from ASU West in Glendale every day.


0 for all of them.
I'm a britbong. We only have to worry about how much more hatred in the middle east you fucktards are going to do under another president.

That being said, the muslim problem you keep telling us we have isn't really coming to much on our little island of perceived insignificance.

You guys, with your muslim non-problem, have had more terrorist atttacks by them in your country this year than we've had in over twenty.

Enjoy being great, Murrica. We certainly get a lot of entertainment watching you kids playing at it.


I live in a sophisticated town in CA. A stinking rich state run be Democrats. The closest Trump sign is in Arizona.


Trump: 0
Hillary: Too many to count (on houses and cars)


Do you enjoy being second best or is it juse something you have to learn to accept?

Only the coast is Hillary. Mojave desert is full of Trumples.

>I live in this small town
>first thing you see when your driving on the highway up here

The mill and the Car dealership own the land when your driving into town, I love to hear people birch about it.
>And I only see Trump.

Washington state
15 mile drive

I also live in Mass. Boston doesn't have many signs, sometimes bumper stickers. Then this one sad empty campaign HQ or something?

Forgot the flags. In this guy We have the rednecks with nice trucks and flags too. Only seen 3 flags on trucks so far. Two flags on houses. The rednecks with shitty trucks still have their rebel flags hanging up from that whole fiasco. I only fly the American flag on mine. I don't share in the southern heritage and I'm not going to buy a trump flag when at this point it's a real toss up and I don't need a shitty flag like that if Hillary wins. Just a few guns to tuck away and just enough ammo to load all the mags.




Didn't know there were so many racists on Sup Forums





northern virginia? everyone up here is democrat as fuck.

Race has no bearing on the value of the individual, it could be argued that unstable elements like race-war mongering or religious extremists (of any race) are impediments to the advancement of the species.


So you saw alot of Trump signs in Currituck.


No signs between work, home, or school.



>tfw 2 deadly attacks in Great Britain 2016
>1 deadly attack on U.S. soil 2016
>tfw population 5-6 times greater
Congrats, you played yourself



This is bait


Trump: around 15
Clinton: 3
Johnson: 0
Stein: 0
ms. 1 mile


Clinton is loosing support from her own backers. I doubt she will win at this point.

5 Trump
1 Hillary
1 Johnson

where is that?

West Palm Beach. Maybe slightly more Hillary but its a blue county. Surprised the amount of Trump stickers on cars.

In Florida it's all Trump signs. But Clinton will take the state. It's just the dumb fuck rednecks who are loud and proud for Trump. More signs is not an indication of who will win-- just who feels the need to campaign harder in a region.


trump supporters are the only ones retarded enough to actually put a sign on their lawn

Trump: 4
Clinton: 1
Johnson: 0
Stein: 0
MA, 2 mile drive.

Trump: 1 if hasn't been destroyed again
Clinton: 4
Johnson: 0
Stein: 0
Sanders: 2
5 miles

Another guy from Mass and have seen mostly Trump. Though i'm western MA

There are a lot of Haitians in Florida and they are supportive of Trump over Clinton.

Michigan to Ohio

That's 12 mi to work.

1, making fun of this election.

Lol I work and see a bunch of them. Haven't met a Trump supporter amongst them yet.

LOL you got him good!! XD