So what the fuck are they gonna do now that Chekov went and got himself killed? This gonna be the final Star Trek movie...

So what the fuck are they gonna do now that Chekov went and got himself killed? This gonna be the final Star Trek movie?

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is it legit?


I liked his portrayal too. RIP

Oh wow that's pretty strange.


Star Trek 13 is gonna make 1.5 billion

Holy shit. 27 years old, get crushed and killed getting your mail because you left your car in neutral.

And they put this fucking guy in charge of a Federation Starship?

shit. i really liked him as kyle reese. that's fucking sad.

Furious 7-style reshoots when?

Yes. There's a bunch of threads up about it.

Oh no. I've been a huge fan of his since Charlie Bartlett. This fucking sucks.


Bring in Welshie.

>Dem pointy ass titties

Yeah boi.

They'll probably just reboot that shit again, desu

Or they'll replace him with another Ruskie actor

He's dead Jim

Pretty certain that's just the outfit m8

I think this is the last one. Why?

>No starship
>Set on a planet
>Chris Pine going elsewhere
>generally shit

> It's real

Whelp, fucking F

Tasteful thing would to be just omitting the character from the sequels with the implication that he fell in battle. Recasting would be weak.

>transporter malfunction caused Chekov to age rapidly and Walter Koenig takes over

how the fuck do you get pinned between your own running car and your own inanimate mailbox?
sure the driveway may have been built on an incline but was his car straightup point right at the fucking mailbox when he was at it?
this is something so fucking strange that not even hollywood's garbage writers could have thought it up.

>put this fucking guy in charge of a Federation Starship?
Do you think he felt in charge?

>found him pinned between his car and a brick mailbox
>the engine was running when his body was discovered, and the car was in neutral. The driveway was on a fairly steep incline
>Cops do not suspect foul play
Oh, sureeeeee. This was totally an accident and it was not setup to look like an accident at all. He just forgot to put his car in neutral while checking his mail.

>moonie times
It figures this would be the go-to news source of all the racists and other assorted Sup Forumstard scum infecting this site

CG Lt. Arex as a replacement.

It was a brick wall.

>Walter Koenig isn't dead

What? How?

He was probably off his head on drugs. Fuck him, he deserved it.

Clean living Psi-corps takes care of its own.

The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.

The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father

Didn't they do a joke about taking off the parking brake in the first movie?

Yeah, they did, though it involved Pike and Sulu.