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good album

stop caring about that pretentious hack's opinions

you took her

>stop caring about that pretentious hack's opinions


>good album

great, even


AOTY desu

>yfw Scaruffi 8.5

Best album I've heard this year bar none


HELLO! It is-a ME, PEDRO DANDRUFFI and welcome to the review of an album Tetralolicon by mysterious and enigmatic Infinite Nothing. Unquestionably, a masterpiece of cyclopean proportions, this 4-hour piece combines in it's eclectic glory elements of hip-hop, raggae, pop, techno, breakbeat, hip-hop, metal, jazz, rock (which is not really music btw), opera, country, funk and hip-hop. Together they create a psychotastic metastatic experience that breaks new ground in it's magniloquent dizzying and superhuman glory. It is a sublime masterwork and one of the best albums of 21 century, unlike Blackstar by that FUCKWIT Bowie, who died of cancer in january 2016.


someone link me the fantano review


>this guys album came out mid 2016
>no one really cared
>Scaruffi out of nowhere gives it an 8
>suddenly there's threads everywhere and it's considered AOTY 2016
>second album comes out and everyone on Sup Forums is jacking it's dick
Is this the power of meme critics?

it is a scaruffi 7/10
because it is less variety
and more old fashion rock deconstructions unlike the smorgasbord of hip-hop, soul, r&b and many more of the last
but it is still nice for the listening because the intricate dynamics even though they tend to the over embelllished

it's because it's a genuinely good album with an interesting concept that's amazing how it was pulled-off, and it's even more amazing how the guy managed to make a second one without watering anything down in the slightest

but also meme critics yeah

bro tell me the concept because it is just 10 minute tracks called letters of the alphabet.
also how do you know how it was pulled off?
it could have been just tons of time on FL studio.

>it could have been just tons of time on FL studio

I'm pretty sure you can't put together compositions of the level of complexity and quality that Impossible Nothing have in FL Studio.

the quality of sounds on impossible nothing's tracks are p fucking lackluster honestly
sound like stock samples

>Says a track could contain a racist rant for all he knows
>Track Ee ends with a racist rant
This has to be intentional

>stock samples

Ee is not racist at all and is clever as a reply to that stupid comment.

He didn't say the track itself was racist, just the rant. I agree, it's funny.

The rant isn't racist it's anti-racist.

Whatever, you know what I mean.

OK yeah, I get that, but Phonenomicon came out last May, and even Fantano touched it and no one cared.

Suddenly within the last month Scaruffi says something and it's AOTY. Regardless of whether it's deserved of it or not, it just amazes me how fast Sup Forums was to start sucking this album's dick once just one person said it was good.

Right, it's an obscure Bandcamp release so no one even hears these things without proper exposure. That's what folks like Scaruffi are good for.