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Was Kai a vampire?

no, he was a reanimated corpse who reabsorbed his own memory from the divine predecessor who killed him

>The wheel, it turns. It rolls around

>It makes an ancient RUM-BLING sound!

they should really reboot this show

cast a reboot?

he was the last brunnen g. he also was an o g.

>they should really reboot this show

No, they shouldn't. It's perfect as is.

Besides, it'd never have the same charm without Gigeroff.

if it's perfect the way it is, a reboot with a bigger budget wouldn't detract from the perfection of the original

also it wasn't perfect, it was awful a lot of the time


Security Guard 4th Class (and NOT the arch-traitor) reporting in


But I don't wanna!

original show, was cool

this is probably the hardest part to cast

also you just KNOW they'd make Kai black or something

here's my choice.

new zev?

But user.. he's a shitty actor.

And too jewish.

I think it'd be better to cast Kai with someone who has some semblance of a martial arts background.

Kai never does martial arts and doesn't move in a fluid way so that's not relevant. The original Kai was also an extremely shitty actor (he was literally never in anything else). I don't think he's that bad, but can you make another suggestion? Tom Hiddleston or something?

new 790 for diversity

>Kai never does martial arts and doesn't move in a fluid way so that's not relevant.

I know. Yet never the less, the Burnnen G were supposed to be a warrior people. And Kai supposedly had a well regarded reputation among the living in the Divine Order. I think it'd help to show a better degree of badassery that he was supposed to have had.

>The original Kai was also an extremely shitty actor

I disagree. I think the roll just didn't allow him to be very diverse/express range.

>he was literally never in anything else

Mcmanus was in a few things. It's just that he didn't do anything after Lexx.

> but can you make another suggestion?

Maybe an asian actor? I always got that kind of vibe. Maybe it's just the name.

It just got progressively worse, I don't even remember when I stopped watching

I wouldn't say worse. I enjoyed the series in it's entirety. Though I will say each season just got weirder.

Still think season 3 was the best one. Prince was the shit.

So, it's like Planescape: Torment basically?

Did Prince turn into a god?

Keanu. Keanu would smash it.

Brunnen G were romantic warrior poets who discovered the secret to eternal life and then promptly locked themselves in underground bunkers.
Keanu, no. Too obvious. Also he was bad in The Day the Earth Stood Still. Kai isn't a martial artist, he just points his arm at you and kills you with the retractable claw machine claw.

>Did Prince turn into a god?

Depending on how you want to look at it, he kinda always was one.

>Brunnen G were romantic warrior poets who discovered the secret to eternal life and then promptly locked themselves in underground bunkers.

Still, keyword in there, warrior. They led humanity and triumphed in the insect wars.

>he just points his arm at you and kills you with the retractable claw machine claw.

They call it a Brace.

>Kai isn't a martial artist

You want a reboot. Why not make him one? It'd certainly be more entertaining than him just tanking everything because of his invulnerability.

He's not really invulnerable. You can cut him apart and put the pieces more than a few feet from one another. He's also vulnerable to the divine shadow infesting him. You can freeze him and it's game over. He runs out of protoblood and it's game over.

It's true that Kai and the Lexx are both OP but the Lexx only plays a part in the final act of I Worship His Shadow and Kai is the enemy of the heretics/Stanley/Zev.

One of the good things about Lexx is that it's different. Martial arts is not different.

>it's a space whorehouse episode

i worship his divine shadow

>Zev will never sexually tease you before slitting your throat

original zev > weird lipped redhead xev

who should play his shadow?

emilia clarke for the first xev that gets replaced

lol no

too fat

jesus, no

but in the reboot they could give her some horrible and hilarious death scene

maybe she can play fat, disgusting zev before she gets turned into a loveslave

a perfect role for the caloressi

Have you all paid homage to his Divine Shadow?

May His Merciful Shadow fall upon you, brother.

The Lexx must retain it's penis shape.

A few things are certain if a reboot were to actually work:

1) the lexx must still be a big insectoid cock
2) the captain must still be pathetic, shitty stanley tweedle
3) new zev has to get nude and be in love with kai who
4) has to be dead below the waste

His Divine Shadow is legitimately one of the best villains in all of sci-fi and the property should definitely be rebooted.

below the waist rather, whoops

But Zev / Xev was never nude in the original...

(I was a teenager when I watched it, I'd have definitely fapped to it, and I don't remember fapping to Lexx)

Both Zev and Xev showed tits if I remember correctly.

Are you kidding? Zev shows her tits in the second movie, where they visit Brunnis and Tim Curry tries to impregnate Stan with a syringe full of cum.

I found a 790 robot head prop (one of the real robotic ones from the show) on some prop site a couple years ago.

It went for like $900.

I was outbid.


I wonder how much one of the original Kai costumes would run.

Michael McManus has all of them and none have ever hit the market.


Still better cgi than Game of Thrones

bump because Lexx was fantastic

first girl was better than second by a long shot desu


Lexx has one of my favourite soundtracks.




prolly the best episode