How is Jessy Lanza not qt electronic Sup Forums waifu yet?

how is Jessy Lanza not qt electronic Sup Forums waifu yet?

ugly lesbian. her music is pretty good tho
inga, holly and laurel halo are better

qt is a pretty big stretch for one thing

Bc laurel halo and Kaitlyn Aurelia smith.

she looks old enough to be my mom wtf

shes 45?

31 m8

is granma synth a thing


Oh No is a nice album, even though It Means I Love You makes me uncomfortable for some reason (I hate Valentine's day btw).
Like other anons said though, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith's last album is way more interesting, and Laurel Halo, Herndon, Inga, are all more or less better.
But she isn't ugly, I would be happy if she were my gf.


Nina Kraviz >>>>>>>>>>>> the rest

Because she's no better than Grimes. In every way, even the appearance and personality.

>less better.
laurel halo is less better than jessy lanza.

i think so. if anyone like laurel halo better they are dumb. halo is a hack its just short of a leftfield electronica thing but with sometimes cringe vocals

Laurel Halo's biggest problems are 2: her insufferable voice and the poor songwriting. All the experimentations in the world can't hide those 2 major flaws.


neither of things stopped grimes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I love her desu, she got me into Teklife too. I wonder if she still teaches piano..

grimes went the baby voice route and tbf her lyrics aren't that bad
laurel halo is just fucking awful

You're actually wrong. Uno: Grimes' voice is actually beautiful, emotive and pleasant (I'm not even counting the amazing vocal harmonies, just listen to Symphonia IX). Secundo: Grimes' songwriting is top notch. She wrote tons of memorable songs. It would be really tough to make a Best Of from her discography so far. You know that.

>grimes went the baby voice route and tbf her lyrics aren't that bad
That's her voice, though. She sounds more normal on Art Angels (except Kill V. Maim).

yeah tahts why i didn't like AA as much. prefer her baby voice.

But the songs are still great....

Laurel is really good. I suggest you see her live if you don't think so. She had one of the coolest and most intricate sets ive ever seen.

Because footwork is trash