Why are white girls so attracted to blacks?

Why are white girls so attracted to blacks?

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They hope to dillute the stupidty of the black race by adding some decent white genes to it. You mad black girl? Dem white bitches breedin you out of existence?


because you touch yourself at night. But seriously, they really aren't because many of them are duped into thinking they are hung like a mule when in fact they are as normal as any nerd autist.

>tfw I'll never have a qt white gf

Why do I feel like you're not looking for a real answer, just trying to start some faggot cuck thread?

White girls are not especially attracted to blacks for any reason other than the thrill of the taboo

lonely fuggit

howdy doody

Just like you?

They tend to be taller and have a higher muscle to fat ratio on average compared to whites. Also big dongers and less cucked/more dangerous culture (well actually, an uncucked culture. Slavery cucked em bad.)

they're not

because daddy said not to (for good reason) and it's an act of rebellion and taboo.

Blacks are nasty. Blacks are stupid. The only reason I can think of is that they do stupid things 24/7 and girls find that kind of shallow, unintelligent humor funny.

shut the fuck up and look at statistics. Liberal buzzfeed even did a thing on snapchat and the stats were that the average black guy's dick is only a tenth of an inch longer on average.

Because they are athletic football players and you're a racist nerd on Sup Forums.

because you're a bitch

same reason they fuck dogs


Why aren't you on pol? You're on the wrong board. Or did you lose over there and were run off?

We need more threads about why white girls are so attracted to dogs.

Oh look, this shit again.

They aren't. It's just niggers being niggers, nothing new.

why arent you on tumblr?

worthless race of animals. but it is the white mans fault. we fucking brought them here. the rest live in huts made of cow shit.


Why would I be? He's just throwing his shit bait on the wrong board. He'd get much more of a rise out of Sup Forums than here.

Why are people so insecure they actually care?


Because niggers made aids and hic from having sex with monkeys. their own women dont want them

Because blacks are taught to act like men and whites are taught to act like women.
It's all a zionist plot to destroy the west and take over the world.

lonely faggot is lonley.
seems he hit a nerve with that image, made you go so far out of your way to produce that bullshit response


>tfw black and hung but no white girls to pipe

My GF and I have been together since we were both virgins, (in our 30s now).
She knows I have an asian fetish.
I know she finds black men attractive.
Mfw the day we talked about this subject, I realized I was racist based on culture. I hate the nigger culture, but I respect black people who act like normal people and contribute to society.

No, you should be mad, redneck - no one wants your lame ass. Black guys equally go for sistas and white women. But you lame, pencil-dick manlets are only suitable for being sissy cucks.

Nice photoshop, bitch!

My sides. Straight white couples seem rare where I live though, its really demotivating because I wouldn't want to be with a girl thats been with a nigger. Have had black girls want my dick but wasn't interested. Im starting to wish I had taken one of those opportunities.

White Men are the most cucked race out there, DEAL WITH IT.

Admitting your inferiority... nice one, White boy!

chick looks hot. Id smash her after monkey boy and leave her layed out with nut dripping out of her

but to answer your question -- daddy issues. The damaged ones normally go that way. Most are ugly too.. .but some cute ones slip through that have major daddy issues

not enough nigger women? oh wait they're hood rats and smell bad. please lynch yourself

Fuck off

LOL, your white-run government has all the records to prove otherwise, cuck!

LOL, believing buzzfeed as a credible source. Nice try, Redneck. Keep being a sissy cuck, faggot!

He's right. All niggers stink like shit.

──────▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▌▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐ LIAR
─────▌▌▒▐▒▐░▌▐░░░▌▒▄▀▐▒▌▌▒ GAY
───────█░░░░░░░░▌░▐░░░░░░▐ LAZY
▒▒▒▒▒▒▌░░░░░░░▀▀▀▀▀░░▐▒▒▀▄ UGLY

It's going to be a bad future for you, once your S.O cucks you out, bitch!

Not sure why you all heavily imply that they're exclusively looking to hook up with black guys. You see a few interracial couples and now every white chick wants to fuck black guys?
Be real, they can fuck anyone they want to. I pray none of you live in NYC. It's interracial city over there.

You are fucking retarded. I hope your local clan leader finds you and curb stomps you.

STFU, WHITE BOY. Just for that, I'm going to let all the CHADS in this thread pound your sissy, worthless ass.


I know that feel bro... Indians are taking over!

>niggers have achieved absolutely nothing
>success because of the whites who dragged them here
>they still act like animals from Africa
go back to your shitty continent chink nigger

Alright bud.

> Chink
> Nigger

Pick one, you fucking dumb-ass, Redneck.

this is so weird. lol

Too many are still alive.

Keep CRYING, Ameri-fag. Even if the Alpha Blacks stop breeding your women, Muslims/Arabs will take everything from you White trash! HAHAHA!

You need to act like a thug. White people will claim to have disdain for it but we secretly resent the people that it works for. We don't want you to act thuggishly so that we won't have to go toe to toe with you. We need to establish a norm that involves very docile behavior so that we can deviate just slightly from it and seem "bad" and "fun" and like a "maverick" without having to go to extremes and push our limits. We know that if the law of the jungle prevailed, we white people can't keep up. The goal is to make you inhibited and frustrated. Just laugh and be defiant and go after the white pussy. White propriety is not actually embodied by whites, it's just espoused by whites in hopes that others will be obedient so that we whites can more profitably violate our own supposed principles.
We'll back down from any challenge. We're pussies. We'll bring up some scholarly sounding ideas in hopes that you're completely ignorant and will drop out of the competition from embarrassment. Just ignore that and fuck our women. And fuck yours and all the rest. You're qualified.

>golfclap. hats off

These threads crack me up.

"Hurr durr, I'm better than you because of the color of my hurr durr."

Fuckin retards.

HAHAHA, and what? So many other videos where White Women are cucking their white boyfriends or whatever. What you posted represents less than 5% of the porn out there, BITCH!


Dafuq? They're not.

I will fuck you up

Dam, what a sick fucking country. Your country was built on... I don't even want to talk about American history. Seriously a fucked up 400 years of history.

Welcome back to reality

Who do you think you're even talking to?

Redneck with a capital R, that's right you inferior nigger. My people DOMINATE YOU

Statistically speaking there arnt nearly enough black guys for it to be an actual excuse for beta white men

As a white boy that knows his place, I honestly just hope they let me suck their superior cocks clean afterwards. That's more than what we deserve

How CUTE - hope you get cucked by a nigger, you sissy, bitch!


Bad bait is Bad

This will be you in the near future. Keep trying to resist, cuck! If you do, my boyz will get you and your whole family, HAHAHA!

Statistics show that, on average, it's ugly, poor, and insecure girls who don't think they could do better

Women who value themselves shoot for attractive whites

Know respectable woman I know likes the shit dick apes. They smell, cant keep a job, beat you, will put there dick in anything. We all know the monkeys are an inferior species.

Am I missing the point of this thread? Cause from what I'm gathering it seems like the point is that you guys are all faggots and don't deserve to be cucked, let alone even allowed near a pussy at all.

They are looking to be single mothers that no real white man will touch.

White men landed on the moon. You fucked up and accepted an inferior race. We win. You lose!

Yeah, so while you white boys are crying about Black guys, it doesn't really matter in the end. White women love to try everything. Indians and Muslims/Arabs are now trending. It will be that way for the next several decades. GET USED TO IT!

9 times out of 10 it's because of daddy issues

To piss off daddy

You're going to get bred out of existence, white boy. LEARN TO ACCEPT, Superior Alphas getting your women.

Who gives a fuck?

None of these people are building spaceships or doing anything notable with their lives. Just more human animals, will be left behind and wiped out with the rest of you.

>tfw when you've watched guns germs and steel and you're not racist anymore and this doesn't trigger you anymore


Check em

I'm actually white, tard. From NZ but spent a nice chunk of time in the US. Still the history behind the country is a long and disgusting history. Currently it's getting better since sjw's are influencing a lot but still... Can't imagine what it was like since the beginning when the pilgrims began pushing westward.


Niggers are like the plague. The weak links are all weeded out. So yeah, you do what you gotta do and it's a marker for which pussy to avoid

By what? What the fuck are you even on about?

Such defeatist, losers. You bore me.
Off to impregnate as many White Women as possible, while you jokers debate fake stats and cry "muh rights".

I can't see anything happening but the nazi dream of eugenics ala "the time machine"

The lower classes will interbreed with niggers and spics, to create a disposable race of laborers and soldiers

The upper classes of chinks and indo-iranian bloodlines (incl. most of europe) will merge to form their own race - a ruling race. What you see of the jews today is merely this on a smaller scale. They are a people born from selective race mixing, wherein only scholars and businessmen were admitted to an already high quality stock. They represent our future.

The brazilian represents yours.

Top middle "negro" is actually a native from Papua New Guinea.

White, American Men are pure trash. They have a hard time pulling away from the 16th century time loop in their warped minds. For God sakes, they still think the "Gov-ment" is trying to "steal their property".

It literally is, thanks to the english invention of "copyright" taken to ridiculous extremes by the corporate class.

>But this is my DVD, I can do what I want with it.
>No it's fucking not, we made the contents, so they are ours for the lifetime of our company plus an additional seventy years. You can profit us or get nothing.

>From NZ but spent a nice chunk of time in the US.
You cannot own guns. Your government can kill you quicker than you can kill them. Thus, you are a subject. That national healthcare is use a way to keep the slaves healthy tilt hey are not productive and then they kill you. Loser!

neato mosquito

Zoophilia. Ever heard of it?

You're a human. You are literally a human. To this date, we as humans still don't fully understand ourselves. Why we do the things we do and act the way we act. A lot of philosophers tried to make light of why the fuck so we do certain things and some don't.

lol can you imaging centuries from now, humans finally figure it all out?

They aren't. Blacks are statistically the least attractive group to white women.

If only this were pol so we could see what shit country you were from