What is the smallest calibre you would trust to defend yourself with?

What is the smallest calibre you would trust to defend yourself with?

Personally I wouldn't use anything smaller than a .45 or maybe a 9mm, at least i know whatever i hit twice in the chest isn't getting back up. I wouldn't trust a .22 or anything else to be honest.

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Same size as a 9mm but shorter in length. Definately gets the job done.


.40 S&W

>Same size
>Shorter in length


.22 Magnum. At close range.
Anything else? 45. or 38. or 32.

I'd trust anything that can get atleast 8 shots past their skin, it doesn't really matter the damage more so how much pain their in. That's my thoughts on it though.

>not the same as round fucker

This... /thread

.380 has been known to bounce off heavy clothing
He meant to say it's the same diameter

Nearly the same capacity in magizines as a .45, with less stopping power, there is a reason why they call it Short&Wimpy

The smallest I would carry for defense is 9mm or 38 special.

My daily carry.

As long as your shooting dumdum rounds, it's all the Same.

>Nearly the same capacity in magizines as a .45, with less stopping power

How much less?

Ten 22LR rounds ought to immobilize any nigger, have almost no recoil and be relatively quiet. Do you need to blow chunks out of a perp? Then by all means get yourself a 10mm or .45 and have at it.

I figure one round each per knee and elbow leaves me six rounds if I want to do it Black Knight style. Then figure that after that two rounds per eye socket and one round per nostil Agent Cooper style ought to wrap things up.

How's the weather in Fantasyland?

> Trips
> Checked

You actually shoot 357s out of that?

.32 ACP.

hopefully practices with light loaded reloads

I shot high-grain 357 out of a tiny revolver like that at a range and damn near lost it. Have to use both hands and cringe through the powder burns if you're serious about carrying it.

l would empty empty my clip of .22 magnum inside your cranium before you had time to do a follow up shot after your effete limp dicked self fires his 45 towards the ceiling
lt's a shame kids these days get their knowledge of guns from videogames and internet memes instead of real life combat situations.


anyway, the smallest I'd go with is whatever I actually have some range time with. Not to beat /k/'s dead fucking horse corpse, but if you don't hit target, it doesn't matter what size the bullet is.

Yeah, I practice with full power .357 loads.
Anything less isn't really practice.
A few times a year is all I really need.
20 RDS at a time. Once shot 50 RDS and had a bruise on my hand for 2 weeks.
It is brutal. Feels like someone hit your hand with a hammer. But when I NEED to fire it, I doubt I'll feel the recoil at all.

my fist is enough, i don't live in constant fear that i need to carry a gun

Shot placement is the most important thing but I wouldn't recommend anything smaller than a .380. I wouldn't even recommend a .380 in our current era of slim 9mm handguns.

Agree /thread

Proud of your weakness?
You have even admitted a general need for self defense with "my fist is enough". Yet you bask in the warm glow of your weakness?
Admit it.......you think crying and running will solve all your problems. You will never fight...ever.

never use anything under a .50 and then only raufoss

honestly this is the dumbest thing ive read in a long time. if you are shooting someone, you are trying to kill them not make them cry. shooting them 8 times in the arm isnt going to usually effectively stop the threat.

Plz show me .380 bouncing off thick clothing. I smell fuddlore

Cool i'll never have to fight. What a peaceful world we live in

.177 caliber

Seriously, it may not be something life threatening unless you shoot someone in the temple or the eye or something, but who wants to get shot by even a pellet gun?

Kek something tells me you're not old enough to buy a pistol

Yes because the 22mag is such a popular round for "real life combat situations"

it's gotta good spread


Real life combat situations you say? So I'm guessing standard issue for most of our military and police force are those amazing .22 you're so keen on?

Give me a fucking break.

agreed. .380 is a very niche market that greatly compromises lethal effectiveness, with under-powered caliber and low ammo capacity, for small size.

Canadafag here

The range plinker i would never ever dream of carrying for self defense ;) is 22lr because i can have an unlimited amount of it in a magazine, but other calibers i can only have 10 rounds per mag. 15 rounds per person + no mag changes > ammo conservation because i don't want to stop shooting to change mags.

any airsoft w/ the tip black

if that doesn't bluff them then I bring out the other hand w/ flamethrower and napalm them

if they set any personal belongings alight while they thrash around, then it's aluminum baseball bat time. Blood puts out the fire, don't you know.

9mm HST

I just moved to a rough area. I started carrying my Jennings .22 daily, it's easy to conceal and had virtually no recoil. Figure it's enough to stop an attacker. Maybe not the best in a shootout, but it'll stop a mugger

The sad thing is that you actually think you're being cool.
You aren't.
You're a proud victim.

maybe. pepper spray would stop the mugger just as if not better

*just as good

Buy coach gun.

Defeat Evil.

Maybe it's true... I own larger handguns but they are harder to conceal. I've had the thought that the .22 is feeble, but again if I hit a vital part of the body I should be ok. Im counting on being close to my attacker

This is what happens when you live in a place full of niggers

That's an awful lot of if's user. Carry whatever you're comfortable with, but at the end of the day concealment

Most people can't shoot for shit both .22 and .38 are popular with assassins in most situations they usually use bullets that have been modified to explode so if you do not know how to make them they would be a poor choice for leathal force unless you are a great shot remember it is about internal damage .22 and .38 will not leave the body so less collateral damage.

depends on the casing of the bullet too

>be unarmed robber
>person points semi automatic co2 BB gun at you

What do? BB's hurt too

i value my life enough that i dont compromise when it comes to something that may save my life someday. 22 is better than nothing but there are so many other objectively better options

Valid argument. I have to be 90 days resident to apply for my CCW. My weapons aren't registered to me, they were inherited. I guess I'd feel less sketchy if everything was legit, wouldn't feel like concealment would be as big of an issue.

>be unarmed robber

The same reason stun guns and pepper spray only sometimes stop rapists. Pain isn't why guns are used. Guns neutralize people, stop them from functioning.

Probably this is the lowest caliber I'd use to defend what's mine from some nigs

Well if it's just to get you through a short period...the only thing I have to ask is why you need to carry. Is it really worth the risk? Can't you hold out for the 90 days? Just questions.

.22lr is sufficient for self defense.

9mm/.38 and up if you're it in a shoot out situation & need to pen walls, car doors and the like.

if someone comes at you and you put 2 or 3 rounds center mass, a .45 or .22 will do the same shit.


The area I moved to has gang activity and specifically where I work there's a lot of that bad element. My co worker was assaulted on the job last week. I'm not absolutely terrified, but the pistol definitely calms the nerves

>explosive bullets
how many confirmed kills do u have?

No. No they won't. If you're assuming it will dissuade the attacker, you're counting on behavior to save you. The .45 center mass doesn't rely on that. It puts them down, whether they want it to or not.

Plus, you have to count on center mass with the .22 to really have the deterrent effect. Put a .45 into a shoulder and that's a whole lot different than the .22.

Not saying the .22 is worthless...but trying to pimp it up as if it's equivalent to larger cal rounds is misleading.

If you have impeccable aim and hit them in the eye that's a weapon right there

Take two or three BBs before I start beating the shit out of you.

> B...BBs hurt too!

So do words, user-chan, but they aren't going to stop me robbing you. And once I've punched you in the throat I'll shoot you in the nuts with your fucking BB gun, you soft cunt.

12.7mm hehehehehehe

Pic related is who he thinks he is
Video related is who he really is

I have 9mm Beretta that I've thought about taking to register. I have this fear that it will be confiscated because I inherited it from my father and it's a police issue. I remember my dad mentioning it has the capacity to hold more rounds than the standard. It holds 15

my edc is p9hst2, 147gr. also have p9hst1's,124gr, that i would be fine with. +p is useless for my needs. I run p40hst1 in my XD-40

where you live?

don't pretend self defense and a "shoot out situation" are separate? do you pick one of two weapons depending on how lucky you feel when you wake up in the morning?

Why take a chance with your life? just get a real fucking sidearm and remove the variables that the lackluster .22 throws into the equation.

This guy gets it

I wouldn't take anything I wasn't sure was 100 percent legal. There are plenty of resources out there to find out what is and isn't legal in your area. Do the research first, don't just go in assuming anything.

Tacoma WA

hand cannon

this. the choice of using, or not using, deadly force is to prevent said shootout.

I tend to do that, I imagine a scenario where I'm forced to use it... For some reason I never put a larger weapon in the perps hand. I haven't been carrying long but maybe an upgrade is in order

Are you a marine, dude lol

I took a self defense course run by a guy who used to do hostage rescue. He was the guy you sent in as a last resort.

I learned a lot from him.
One guy asked "What's the best gun to carry?" and I'll always remember his answer.

"Any functional gun and 2 seconds warning will do more for you than being surprised with a submachinegun".
1) The best gun is the one you have with you.
2) Keep your head out of your ass.


Makes sense

Is this bait? This has to be bait.

Femanon here who wants a gun to carry in my purse and stuff what do you all recommend?

Have you ever been shot by a BB? It just doesn't hurt that much. Not enough to stop me from robbing you.

meant for ?

Walther ppk

Yea, just figuring this shit out

Need more info. Have you shot before? What's your comfort level? Price range? Things like that.

No I haven't ever shot before
Comfortable around all guns
No price range

The bad guy will not be able to tell the difference. I carry the 147 +p in a Walther PPS and a Glock 19 but have some of the standard pressure too.

you dont have to register or do anything. you having the gun is 100% legit.

The first rule of gun-fighting is "have a gun."

you do know a .45 may not even go through the windshield of a car right?
a "bullet" can be too big thus slowing it down after it travels more than a few meters.

.38 or .357 is largest i'd go for an overall "self defense" round.

sure a 40S&W and .45 have more "stopping power" but there are far too many "what-ifs" and I choose to trust my life to my LCR 38+P

I'd recommend trying a few if you can. Find a range that you can rent different handguns. Start with something like a 9mm, and work your way up from there. If you're comfortable all the way up to .45, I'd say stay at the upper limit. But the most important thing about the gun is whether you are comfortable shooting it. If you are worried about recoil of a specific gun...that's not the one for you. Just play around with different calibers (and makes if you can) to get a sense of them.

If I were to give you specific advice, something like the glock 26 wouldn't be a bad starting place. It's 9mm, with a decent mag size. It's a little on the pricey side...but easy as hell to shoot too.

All that's needed is a .22. There's a reason why it's the choice gun for assassins. To be honest, anything bigger shows the person's insecurity so they want a big looking gun to scare someone or make a lot noise.

honestly i dont think you should have any gun until you get professional training, for everyone's sake.

What's your source? If I'm open carrying and a cop stops me, how do I prove its legit?

Whatever calibre a howitzer is.
>are you faggots even trying to defend your home

A Smith & Wesson J-frame like the Model 442. It is .38 special with concealed hammer. Wouldn't be for a small purse but there aren't many guns that would be. Walther PPK is a great gun too but there are lighter (i.e. not steel) .380 pistols these days. I always hear of women loving the Kimber Solo.