Why do white guys like Asian girls so much?

Why do white guys like Asian girls so much?

Something different.


Because it takes the bitchiness out of white women and replaces it with subservience

I like asian guys.
But generally Asian guys i meet who are non Americanized are really nice and sweet. They have a certain feminine facial structure usually that i take a liking too. Some a slim figure and i take a liking to tan skin after iv'e meet enough Asian guys.

>Instinctive need to spread the gene pool
>Nicer skin tone
>Not as many over entitle cuntish whores
>take care of themselves
>Good fashion sense

They tend to be smaller. Poorer countries (or not wealthy as long as European countries) mean better chance of being traditionally feminine and not fat.
I don't think this is a case of most white guys though.

What would you do to this asian teen?

The call of the black forest.

Tighter pussy.

because they are weebs and kfags

Tighter pussies and more wanting to please you.

Buy her an ice cream.

not white, but personally its not so much all asians as a whole, but more Korean and Japanese girls. Their skin tone, look great petite or slightly chubby. cute smiles. also like the other reply; something different, all i see is white/black/hispanic its nice change of pace with asian

Nicer skin tone? The fuck have you been smoking bruh

I grew up in a pretty racist and conservative area, got sick of all the "country girllls" who have a lot of southern pride despite being born north of the mason Dixon line. Interracial dating is like a one-two combo; piss off racists and supremacists, and I typically have more in common politically with WoC

they aren't white

I think he means "not brown" when he means nice skin tone.

Because you can buy them

South east Asians have a really pretty skin tone too though. Then again I'm a sucker for pretty and cute dark skinned girls


I don't know about you but I don't like asian women. I prefer latin or dare I say arabic women

'asian girls' is very broad. Obviously most Chinks have horrible skintone. Japs are pretty pale, but ussually quite nice. Gooks vary alot from super dark indian looking gooks to pale sickly looking gooks.


I hate you faggots. Yes I'm triggered. Fucking cucks are polluting the white race. Keep it white !!

Because why not faggot

Petite, submissive and exotic looking.


Plus they look young, just how white creeps & pedos like it

Hello friend.

A man being attracted to an adult woman isn't a pedophile. How old she looks doesn't matter, psycho.


its the horizontal pussy

That's exactly what a pedophile would say.

Because they are easier to fill since they are used to asian small dicks.
They're also on average slimmer and age gracefully.
They usually look 5-10 years younger than a same year model white skank.

>Why do white guys like Asian girls so much?

Ever fuck one? Have one swallow your load?

that would answer your question for you, faggot.

So a 25 year old woman who could pass for 15 is supposed to assume that anyone who is attracted to her is a pedo? How fucked up is that?

It's called the mouth-pussy
Read more hentai doujins

Exactly. Being attracted to this 23-year-old is perfectly normal.

>fat middle aged tumblrina detected

Found the kike



Because mainstream media has fed them a generous dose of propaganda featuring the Eastern Asian woman as a docile, sexually subservient doormat that won't argue back and will generally accept the most mediocre of white men

Tl;dr:: weak ass beta males are understandably enticed by the fantasy of even weaker women who will settle for the first white man to wash upon their shores

Arab women are probably the most beautiful women on the planet

I don't know if that's a child or not. But if it isn't, then being attracted to her doesn't make you a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to children, not adults.

t. pedo

Dude, I'm from the Philippines, and most white people who come here finding 20-40 aged brides are in their 50's-60's

That actually makes a lot of sense.

How is that possible? Surely they are 2s or 3s

I find nothing wrong with interracial dating or any race/ethnicity but holy shit I hate the terms POC/WOC.

"not so much all asians as a whole, but more Korean and Japanese girls"


Nice strawman Gook

Why whites always doxxing asian girlfriends/wifes?

20-40 year olds aren't kids.

>Tl;dr:: weak ass beta males are understandably enticed

And most of them are in for a big fuckin surprise.

maybe he means after you dry and tan it for a coat

>Arab women are probably the most beautiful women on the planet
It's all just speculation though

Not our fault white girls are total bitches who wont even give the average guy a decent chance. 'western media' advocates that women have all the power.. Well that's true, up until they hit about 30 - then the tables turn to men.

Also asian dudes have smaller dicks on average than white guys - the asian girls love that white guys are taller, fitter, more manly and powerful than asian guys. Also have a bigger dick.



Latinas are superior. Prove me wrong

The hell with Asian girls. Give me a redhead where a fistfight is foreplay.

But the wihte guys always go for Asians who are 20 years younger than them, its pathetic


they don't have blue eyes

I really like Asians with pale skin who don't wear too much makeup or get too dolled up. Just average and sorta nerdy looking really appeals to me.

If they have a choice, why the fuck would the opt for a 50-year-old?

what do you mean?

I thought people went there to have sex with your chicks, not marry them

I said most, not all, and most white people in their 20's-30's who go here are only on vacation, not wife-hunting

sand niggers? you're fucked in the head

the 50 yo won't want to have sex over 9000 times a day
>assuming the 50 yo can even still get it up

I'm fapping to those burkas right now!

Yeah given a choice between a wrinkly, saggy 50 year old and a 20 year old which do you think ASIAN guys are going to choose. What a retard

A lot of old fat white people I encounter & met here are either war vets(assigned in Vietnam/Iraqi/Afghan), some even have army tattoos, and our women force themselves for the whites because they can get an American visa if they marry whites, they do this to support their poor families. Take note: Only poor Asians marry old ugly white guys

You're assuming the 50-year-old gives a shit if she wants it "9000 times a day."

Practicality. Asian girls are more desperate.
American and American-ethnics are filled misandrist feminism and Entitlement, and each have been brainwashed that they should not settle for anything less than [insert handsome male celebrity here].
Foreign girls subject to the domination of their home culture find U.S.A. to be full of freedoms that they would never have experienced elsewhere. They can treat their man badly by their home culture rules, which is far better treatment than an American woman would give him.
So even a man that no American woman would touch is a godly gentleman compared to what many of these foreign women experience.
I can right now put a call to a white friend who would give his Chinese wife the "go ahead" and I can get hooked up with a Chinese women within a week. And she will be desperate to get out of China.

The Asian girl is to the white man what the white girl is to the nigger

There were US military bases there like Subic Bay and Clark Field, some married locals and stayed others probably went back to visit. Sounds like you're jelly or something.

And that, is how white people will get extinct

because its easy, since asian girls love white dick

I'm a white Aussie, always had an Asian fetish. I work with this Chinese girl that is average looking but in a kinda cute way. Never thought anything of her until I got to know her personality. I think about how much I want to fuck her all the time. When I fuck my fiance I picture her face just smiling at me, makes me cum so hard. It sucks coz she doesn't even have Facebook so I can even see a pic of her, she is shy and reserved, lives with her parents with little no friends. I get the feeling she has an attraction to me sometimes and fantasize about her at home alone masturbating and thinking about me lol

Oh I know some of those couples. The guys are often assholes, too. And they *really* don't like it when their wives meet other Asian woman who have healthy relationships with white guys (like me).

Ask if they have battletoads
Do a full 360 degree turn and walk away

It's a habit developed from when midget porn was rarer and Asians were the next best thing.

if you'd rather inbreed until we all have the IQ of an average hick, be my guest

Everyone you now will be dust long before that happens.

My ex wife is asian. Been with loads of chinese grils.AMA

>if she wants it "9000 times a day."
i didn't say she was the one that wanted it...

is your ex wife asian?

Good question.


Well, you're writing could be a little more clear.


Sometimes they prefer Mexican guys

She kinda looks like she's being held captive, though.

Lol never imagined it like that

Jap user here. I don't understand the asian fetish. Japanese women are just as big of cunts as white women, and sometimes even more. Americanized ones of course, but the chances of dating a non-Americanized Japanese chick are pretty slim considering how uncommon it is to socialize outside of the race.


