Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

I want to start a thread where you talk directly to me. Whatever you feel like talking about.

For one second I want to pretend that I connected with you on some level just above the anonymous.

Pic related, it's me. I'm aware I look like a total cunt.

Other urls found in this thread:



Are you aware that you are, in fact, a total cunt?

Have you ever thought about letting a horse fuck you?

Did I not just say that I'm aware that I am a cunt?

You want to talk about anything or what?

No, but I have thought about fucking a horse.

Just The Right Height No Bucket Required.

It's not 2008

What made you think the small goatee would make you look better?

are you a virgin? if no how did u lose it if yes when were u the closest

Favorite band?

Nope, but that's about from when this picture was. If I give you something recent, you will be able to find it.

I went with all black hair and lost most of the piercings, working in the private sector.

I thought this picture was a better representation of who I wanted to talk to people as. We all make compromises.


do you know that you look like a total cunt?

how much can i drink befoe taking 200mg of vicodn and not die? im alreafy few shots deep.

I would split you skull and tread over your spilled brains

That was a terrible mistake. I have since fixed it.

I lost it at 17 to a girl I dated for 8 years. My current sexual preference is hetero, but I feel comfortable exploring.

Favorite band of all time? Fuck, that's harder than the last two. If I had to give a top 3 it would be Porcupine Tree, CKY, and Silversun Pickups, in no particular order.

That was a phase.

I'm kind of over metal. Still, love Whitechapel.

Lets talk about your look. Change it. First of go back to your natural hair color for a start. That red is not your color. Neither is that hair style. Reminds me of a bootleg Joker costume. Secondly, remove the piercings. The emos called, they want their look back. I'd say get rid of the collar, but it's the only thing that fits a bitch like you.

lol faggot

Yep. I look a little different now. No eyeliner, no hair dye. But still a cunt.

I have no idea, but I'm willing to bet your tolerance is lower than mine. Hit me up if you are interested in a shot-for shot.

I would do the same now. This is the correct response. I was a total faggot that just wanted to stand out to get pussy.

Would you like an up-to-date picture?

half a 750 botle of jeagrmeister. save for a bit i spilled on myself trying to open it. i also took those before drinking.

Wait, no, I want to go back to this. If you take 200mg of Vicodin you will probably die. If your tolerance is that high, don't mix it with other shit.

You are an addict. I am too, but don't start mixing, at that level it is dangerous.

Are you still conscious?


yeh. i feel p fucked up though. stomach fine, not feeling like im going to throw up.

Hey, dude. I'm bored and sad, and had a shitty Halloween. How was yours?

im not an adict, i broke some ribs, and the dr gae them to me

Go to your bathroom and use your fingers to touch the back of your throat. Touch it until it makes you throw up.

I know it really sucks, but it's better than going to the hospital. It sounds like you've had too much. Throw up, get some water, and try to rest.

but ifeel fine?

I spent Saturday and Sunday partying with people that I gave no shits about so I wouldn't feel alone. Don't feel bad, half of me wishes I had just stayed at home.

200mg is still combined with even half that alcohol is still too much. Make yourself throw up to avoid going to the ER.

if i throw it up cna i keep drnking?

Okay, if you are still coherent enough to type, don't get any more fuck up.

200mg is like, $30 street value, I can'e believe that you are prescribed that. You should probably take a few benadryl so you can have a goofy night and not be hung over.

Sup Forums is a anonymous image board, you fucking faggot. If you want to post your ugly ass face go to facebook or any other shit social media.

Can I get some fresh questions?

So far this has been depressing.

broke ribs man, shit hurts bad. kindf why i don want the puke it at all

I'm okay with you not liking it. It was just to give the thread a little personality.

inetrnet agreess you guys are probly right. illbe back witha ina you abit

I'm gonna be honest with you, and thank you for talking with me...

You might be dealing with opioid dependence complimented with alcohol abuse. If you're taking 200mg a day, I really want to think that's more than what you were prescribed.

You are definitely going to need help. I've encountered those things separately, and I still struggle with alcohol abuse. If you don't get help it only gets worse. I know you are just another anonymous douche, but I've been there too. At least plan on getting help before the prescriptions run out.

I have a question? Why is it that if things just got on the right track life just says : I'm gonna fuck your life up again?
Cause im really getting depressed of this shit.
Btw you look like a very kind person to me

Both those guys are OP.

Someone please talk to me like we are both people. No judgement, just want to have a real conversation.

so my gf has history with an ex, he even took her virginity, he was her best friend at some point.

am i being really paranoid that i keep thinking she'll cheat on me with him?

This, now go fuck yourself

Last line first, thank you, I try to be.

This is just my own life experience, so take it with a grain of salt.

Life constantly does this. Life is a constant challenge. I've gone from having everything exactly the way I want to having to try and rebuild from nothing, and often failing.

My best explanation is that it is a exhausting, miserable fight, but for every time we fail, it makes the times we do manage to have some small victory that much more satisfying.

All that bullshit aside though, after failure after failure, it's all we've got. It's this or nothing. Sometimes nothing seems okay, but there are probably a few times when you felt happy. Hang on for those, they will always outweigh the nothing.

No, I think that getting over him would be a sign of maturity.
If you are having to ask yourself this question though, there's probably a reason why.
I'd like to know more, but you should feel confident that she is committed to you.

It is a random board.

If I want to try to relate to the people here for no reason other than I love this board, I don't see the issue.

Thank you so much!
I really needed someone who could put things in perspective for me, cause in the last 2 days so much happend that i lost it a few times.
Now i can accept a bit more what happend: so i can get to enjoy the nice things that are happend before

Thank you OP

>into scenecore
>left scenecore

not surprised

No problem, you are the reason why I wanted to talk to people. Live for the good days. They will be few and far between, but they give you a reason not to accept nothing.

Kill yourself, post results

Yeah, you're right, it's kind of pathetic. I caught on to it in early Nu-Metal, and rode it out for about eight years.

Like I said, if you want an update picture, I can provide one.

That's right,
I just couldn't see the good things for a wile cause there were so many bad things happening in such a short time
But now i think i can appreciate what happend to me and accept how it happend to me so i can be more joyfull when the next good thing happens

Do you want to elaborate on anything? What are some good experiences you reflect on?

Well i feel super gross now, and hurt everywhere. take my time to ttpe this better. still had chunks of pill so that probably good.

its not that. they are 350 ones. i took 4. have 9 broken ribs, some more than one place. i start drinking with a friend earler toniht. i take 1 every 6-8 hrs. but hurt bad today and having a bad day.
ok. real talk? why my girlfriend leave me when i got hurt? i haveto wear a chest cast for 6 month or longe. is that easy to just leave if im not 100%? She gave no reson. She just tell me she does not know if she can stay with me if i am like this.

Hate your necklace, but you seem okay, OP. Bonus points for liking Silversun Pickups. What's your take on the current political landscape in the U.S.?

Can you tell me what to do to cure the worst hangover of my life?

I want Trump to win. I feel like he will take a hands-off approach to government and it will probably run very close to how it has. It's not great, but it hasn't ruined us.

I think Hillary exceeds the boundaries of political corruption. She embodies what people want to hear, but what corporations actually want. I respect the democratic party and would probably normally vote for it, but not in her case.

I hate my necklace too, I threw it away.

You're getting too fucked up. You should go to bed. Do not take benadryl now, just lay in bed and watch videos on your phone.

She left because she couldn't deal with the injury. She wanted you for who you were before. She probably didn't love you psychologically. This is just a guess, but I bet you were probably in good shape before you broke your ribs?

That was a major selling point to her. Please don't try to mask that pain with painkillers and alcohol, it leads you down a road that is absurdly hard to come back from. You are still a good person, it's her fault. I wish I could help you more, but this is just Sup Forums. Please look after yourself.

This depends on what you are drinking. Please elaborate.

I've drank a lot of vodka, it is 9:30 am here and I'm feeling like total shit

Okay, let me ask a different question.

Why are you taking extra painkillers? Why are you drinking with them? Is it just because of the breakup? Was any of this happening before?

>look like

Lol the 350 ones? You're mistaking acetaminophen for vicodin. You can't die from popping vicodin pills. They are all chopped with acetaminophen (essentially Tylenol) and you will most certainly puke from an excess of that chemical before you can even get close to barely ODing on the vicodin. You're fine. You can drink on norcs / dotted vicodins, but too much of either and you're gonna start hurting. It's not the smartest idea either due to the amount of stress you are putting on your liver.

Yeah, sorry, those mean the same things to me.

I'm comfortable being a worthless cunt, but at least you can say anything to me without me judging.

You want to talk or just point out that I look like and am a cunt?

btw, I had to highlight an airplane for this, so give me something.

i played football in highschool. i am a big dude, but have always eat well, and stayd sortof fit. i was only drinking becaus i had a friend over. he didnt know about my meds. i honestly didnt thnk about it. more or less thought id just passout for the night. ive got water now and im just tryin to relax. jaeger and rebull makes sleep a bit hard tho

What did you major in and where

They are both depressants, and I don't think either of us are doctors. 200mg is a lot. I don't know his tolerance. I just don't want him to die.

You still look very lonely brah. Should focus on talking with people on Facebook you might actually hang out with and texting / snapchatting friends instead of looking for companionship on a chan full of losers. All encounters here are fleeting, I suggest you take a break from this website for a while op.

Pretty sure 350 is 300 acetominophen and 50 hydrocodone.

Okay, just don't take it too hard. I know you're dealing with some shit, but you can't die. You have to hang for when things get better.

That i finnaly live in a normal appartment after 4 years of constantly moving from one instancy to another and that i live together with my friend now and i put strenght out of my goofy cat and we have an 3 months old doughter that does always make me smile while i look at her

You can't be that gay
also are you fucking attentionwhoring ?
seems like you put an awful pic you're proud off only to make us answer

this ones for you, turbofag


I majored in mathematics at a liberal arts college. As fucked as it sounds, the curriculum was difficult.

Normal encounters are fleeting too. Most of my relationships are farces. I don't know why I maintain them, but I feel like I should.

You are so stupid. That is not correct at all. Use Google before you spill bullshit out of your mouth my God

Medfag here, don't take anything with acetaminophen in it while drinking. Acetaminophen is hepatoxic. Mixing that with the vodka will increase the risk of liver damage.

Im not going to cry about it, just nott o sure if its my ribs that hurt the most anymore you know? at the least i come here for lols. ive got paid leave since not my fault. trying to find ways to pass time. ive going to have alot
i think thts what they are

That sounds incredible. I have no responsibilities or obligations, and sometimes I love that, but you make them sound like reasons to keep going. I wish I had more of those.

I used to be. I still want to come off as alternative, but not such a faggot. I posted another more recent pic.

That's fine. I'm a bit different now, but I like the humor.

Affirmative, never mix acetaminophen and alcohol.

chill dude. its an easy mistake to make. not everyone knows about pills.

It is indeed wonderfull to have and i can put strenth out of it but sometimes its very hard to manage altogether. In a few days I'm going back to work again to and that puts another responsibility back on my shoulders. And because many things went wrong when my doughter was born, in still weak and recovering but no one seems to care anymore. I do as much as i can in the house, i take care for our doughter, we are still busy with moving into our home and i have exams this week and it my birthday today. So there are a lot of things going on right now and cause its a lot and new things i just can't handle it al.
I'm trying but there are more things shoved up my way every day and i already at my max so yesterday i yelled at my doughter for crying but she didn't do anything wrong! She is a wonderfull child and i am so stressed out with everything that i yelled at her.


I gotta say, I fucked a peacock once....
I think you're my son.

Link to where to get others to help you out. Good luck, Guardian. bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/83582046?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0

This, it's a nice change OP.

Op if your are here. thanks. Please dont think im upset with you i am just unable to exprsss myself propely via typed words. im going to have to find somehing that can keep my mind at ease. ive got to lay down, my chair os killing me. you stay a cool guy. best pic i have.

Well that's a nice try dude. Consider yourself encouraged.

Good luck to you.