Doctor Who General - /who/

Time-flight Edition

Last time:

I'm just setting up events now. It'll be ready soon.

Just been confirmed on twitter that Capaldi's leaving in the 2017 xmas special

Quiiiick I have to sleep soon m8

How you liking Torchwood Audios so far? Twice as non-canon as regular Big Finish.

gr8 b8 m8

shit its actually true

according to some fans the worst story arc of the whole series. Is that title justified? Never watched it. I only know that the Master is disguised as Fu Manchu for the most part

Here's the list of fighters. Who will survive?

>no john wiles
>no mire beast

not canon

I am sure it will be quality stuff m8...


its hart-THA



watching 127 - Enlightenment right now

Can you explain this fucking shite mate for non-autists?

Going by the usual results, Mongo user will win it all



Non non-autists allowed. Get out.

Oh shit almost missed it

>Stalker capaldi
>not properly named Campaldi

plz desu... he'll win anyway

OK, Mongo, calm down. I'll get a pint and just watch.

I hear this is Monglia's favorite game.



go away FNA bad podtert fa maeks bad post am ir frright cant post stop ost fna now no bad trip zsd alooed here on sahs who slash best gerneral and epeopel like fna arent even godde enoguh to post here like seriosuyl what the fuck are youev en doing herer its offensive to us real psteres becasue we put effort into our shit and yu dont even make enogyh godd shit egen the wiki im btter than you at that because im bettet at evetything than you atre

Basically, it's a game where you have a set of characters, represented by pictures, who fight in an online simulation of Hunger Games. We've been doing this for a while.

Clara doesn't like Neon's credits.

Patates dies quickly.


Mongo-user is brutal!

I haven't been checking here much during the semi-hiatus, but I just found out that that dumb fuck who got decapitated in the last episode is becoming a main character?

What the fuck? Why? What was /who/'s reaction?

Stalker Capaldi lives up to her name.

Even Mongo user is scared of Rose.

Daddy no like Clara.

Mixed, mostly bad or apathetic

The reaction ranged from "okay..." to "WHATHESHITFUCK?"

But apparenmtly, he'll only be a recurring character, like Ashildr was in Series 9.


Fuck that quasimodo motherfucker.

>my memes are all still alive

>I haven't been checking here much
Hi trollanon!

These are our fallen. This may be a quick one.

Don't be talking smack at immortal Vikingfu.


>TARDIS killed by its own driver




Just FUCKING stop.


That's Not Gareth!

Harriet Jones is awesome.

Everyone was so disgusted by Rose, that they killed her.

The two mixed-color companions battle it out.

Poor Toddlercakes. Will she find rest now?




In what way is Gareth Roberts a Nazi?
You're just jealous of his masterful scripts.

The Capaldi thing is not true, you fuckplums.

Fuck off Connor.

Filming begins tomorrow. Do you think we'll get any pics or the title of the episode?

Still seems like a bizarre choice to me. What could Moffat be thinking with that?

I don't get how that was trolling? I really haven't been checking here much.

nice meme,

>Retweets are mainly informational and are often motivated by irony.
What did she mean by this?

Muh Rose

The episode title is "Piano". I posted it earlier and got accused of baiting. But they'll reveal it on twitter tomorrow alongside a pic of Capaldi, Bill and Nardole next to the TARDIS.
Bill's wearing the same costume as in the reveal, Capaldi's in his usual red velvet and Nardole is in a wool cardigan with a bowler hat.

Toddlercakes decides to taker her turmoil out on the world. The results are fatal.

Gareth dies next to Marth-1, an interracial companion. Pottery.

Why didn't you keep JUST Moffat? ;_;

gr8 b8




Nah the episode is called, spoilers ahead FUCK OFF CONNOR WITH THIS LAME SHIT

I'm sorry. He just got lost in the shuffle. Maybe in the tournament after the next one?

Nice fake.
That's Gareth! can't die. He's our immortal overlord.


I hope Daddy Fady, Going to Hurt Ya, Could Have Been Companion, Stalker Capaldi or Swiggity Swooty Booty wins.

All the pent up aggression from never winning is coming out. The better question is, how does a cat set off an explosive?

If Mongo user wins I'll commit seppuku.

>yfw none of them win

You know what I meant.

Think positive, user.


Nadine will come back. Trust me.


Twelve attaches a sword to his car, and rips the kitty a new one. The kitty meows happily, for now it can rest.

Harriet Jones gets in some lesbo cuddlin'.

riveting stuff

This isn't your blog m8

I know my blog is riveting stuff m8, thanks.



>the new companion and the one rumoured to have been holding hands
This isn't gonna end well for Bill.

Swiggety Swooty is vicious.

Couda Been Companion does the very not-companion thing of mot investigating. See, this is why you're not Asbill.

Who user tries to do the right thing, but Mongo user survives. Mongo won't win, r-right?

Harriet and the Stalker do some post coital hunting.

why have you changed your trip cats?

i think bored games user hates me actually

they didn't add either of my memes

You got your wish.

Let us all.


one of my hard drives died yesterday and I lost a 2tb Doctor Who folder with no backup. I feel dead inside.

bored games user is actually mong user

I certainly don't hate you. You may be a little meme-my, but you're not offensive. Except for when you messed up the general.

Actually, I added Marth-ha.

Capaldi confirmed for master baiter

What was on it?

How to fix:

Go outside.
Find a girl.
Or a boy.


Where are all the events I added? Did it reset when I changed Marth-ha's name? CATZ!

Asbill does not like Fady's smile.

Severely underrated desu.

you should be on the tv with this gem

Name a single good episode of Doctor Who.


Years of memes, /who/ OC, episodes, books, comics, audios, behind the scenes pictures with a ton of rare stuff, a sub folder for every major character and villian with a ton of info and pictures of them. A bunch of autistic stuff like that. I know there are anons with more stuff but I spent a stupid amount of time getting all of that stuff. I suppose it's a lesson for not backing things up.

>Fady dies

The Shakespeare Code
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Planet of the Dead
The Lodger
Closing Time
The Caretaker

Inferno is kino